I suspect this user is a troll...
I say this because the users name 'yahtruth' sounds like the name of a xtian missionary. We know they use the name 'yah' as the name of Hashem, and they believe they have the 'truth'.
By attacking the Torah and the Oral tradition, they are trying to prove that Judaism is not the word of Hashem.
I will be the 1st to say this troll should be banned.
There is nothing to argue about here. We know that people are called 'professor' without having any real understanding of the topic they are professing. I read a little about what was written and I thought this is only the opinion of an opinionated, and biased, fool.
We have heard these ridiculous claims before, and they have been repudiated. Amalek tries to cast doubt in the mind of the Heaven fearing Jew, and this user sounds like a clear Amalekian type of individual.