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http://www.myjewishlearning.com/life/Sex_and_Sexuality/Jewish_Approaches/Prohibited_Sexual_Relationships/Adultery.shtmlAdultery (sexual intercourse between a married woman and a man other than her husband [the biblical prohibition does not include sex between a married man and an unmarried woman]) is the only sexual offense recorded in the Ten Commandments. It is again recorded in the "Holiness Code" of Leviticus 20. The Book of Genesis (20:9) calls adultery "the great sin" and the Talmud calls adultery ha'averah (the sin par excellence).
http://www.jewishencyclopedia.com/articles/865-adulterySexual intercourse of a married woman with any man other than her husband. The crime can be committed only by and with a married woman; for the unlawful intercourse of a married man with an unmarried woman is not technically Adultery in the Jewish law.
Although the common opinion of mankind is more inclined to condone the Adultery of the husband than that of the wife, modern law has ignored the distinction between the two crimes, and technically they are alike. But the ancient Jewish law, as well as other systems of law which grew out of a patriarchal state of society, does not recognize the husband's infidelity to his marriage vows as a crime, and it was not until comparatively recent times that the woman was legally entitled to enforce her husband's faithfulness, and was given the right to demand a bill of divorce for his sexual immorality (Isserles on "Eben ha-'Ezer," § 154, 1). The sin of concubinage is, however, already severely condemned in Leviticus Rabbah, xxv.
Chaim, I'm not trying to imply that you make everything up, but this is what the traditional biblical law regarding adultery says:http://biblehub.com/leviticus/20-10.htmHere are some more links to the sources that deal with adultery in Judaism:
Pre-martial sex is against Halacha but it is not Gilui Arayot. Babies from such relationships will not be mamzerim. A married man and a single woman is just as bad as a single man and a single woman and not worse. Gilui Arayot is only relationships from forbidden unions (People prohibited from marrying each other.). We read it in Leviticus 18 last Shabbat.