
Should Max Blumenthal be executed?

Yes, absolutely.
4 (80%)
No, but he should get life sentence.
0 (0%)
No, he's innocent.
1 (20%)

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Author Topic: Should Max Blumenthal get the death penalty for inciting violence in Kansas?  (Read 975 times)

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Offline Rational Jew

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Considering the fact that Faisal Glenn Miller (ys) often posted his articles and quoted him on vnnforum, should there be any legal action against this evil self-hating judenrat kapo kike?
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Offline mord

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He was always ranting about Breivik mentioning Pamela Gellar.What he failed to mebtion was that breivik mentioned the N.Y.Times, Newsweek,CNN,BBC leftist publications and neo nazi publications.Now for Maxie boy Jew Blumenthal the fried chicken is coming home to roost
Thy destroyers and they that make thee waste shall go forth of thee.  Isaiah 49:17

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Examining Extremism in the Wake of the Kansas JCC Violence
When Anti-Zionism Bleeds into Anti-Semitism - In the Wake of the Deadly Kansas City Shootings

    It was revealed that the Neo-Nazi killer in Kansas had praised Max Blumenthal on the neo-nazi forum that he frequented

        Israel Forming Super PAC to Attack Paul & Obama
        This is some big dookee, yaw'll. http://runronpaul.com/interviews/isr...on-paul-obama/ Jew journalist Max Blumenthal exposes and explains this attempt by a foreign government Israel, to buy the presidential election for the neo-con, war-mongering republican establishment. Like I've been saying, the kikes simply do not trust a lame-duck black president with the name Hussein.

    A few weeks prior, Max had re-tweeted a neo-nazi's rant about "Jewish Supremacism in the 20th Century," the same 20th century which saw the Holocaust, the worst genocide of the Jews in history.
    However that same user, whose rant about "Jewish Supremacism in the 20th century" Max Blumenthal retweeted, had also tweeted this shocking anti-Semitic abuse at a Jewish twitter user
    It was revealed that the Neo-Nazi JCC shooter had wanted to publicize what he described as the hateful anti-gentilism of the Talmud:
    One of Max Blumenthal's collaborators, David Sheen, is an avowed Judeophobe who in a series of shocking tweets revealed his hatred of Judaism and the Torah and the Talmud, believing them to be anti-gentile. David Sheen features prominently in Max Blumenthal's new book, Goliath, as well as Blumenthal's videos. David Sheen also has a penchant for ranting against what he calls, "Jewish supremacists." Previously, such hateful language and Judeophobia had been seen mostly on the far-right neo-nazi forums where the JCC killer became radicalized.

    In the wake of the deadly shooting, Max wrote an article on Mondoweiss attempting to link the gunman's Nazi ideology to Zionism. The post quickly garnered over 100 comments. Almost all the commentators at Mondoweiss used the Nazi targeting of the JCC as an occasion to lash out at Zionism and Israel. An official editor at Mondoweiss with thousands of posts, Annie Robbins, sought to portray the anti-semitic shooting as an Israeli Mossad conspiracy acted out through the Israeli Foreign Ministry. This was in response to another regular Mondoweiss commentator, bilal a, who has had thousands of comments on Mondoweiss. "Bilal a" implied that the shooting may have been carried out by the Zionists since only Christians died, and it was on Passover eve, and the blood libel teaches that Jews use Passover as a time to sacrifice non-Jews.  from elder of ziyon 

max blumenthal jewnazi boy    https://storify.com/StopHate/the-deadly-nexus
Thy destroyers and they that make thee waste shall go forth of thee.  Isaiah 49:17

Shot at 2010-01-03

Offline kyel

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This German Neo-Nazi also wants to kill Copts in Egypt. Have his balls dropped? He still sounds like a sarcastic ass teenager

Offline Dan193

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Here is Annie Robbins of MoronWeiss saying that foreign workers murdered the Fogels in Itamar and not the Palestinians. Annie cant believe that Palestinians would massacre Israeli civilians.

Itamar video says settlement had night-and-day perimeter surveillance
Annie Robbins
April 5, 2011

As Caroline Glick said, The fact that the Palestinians from Fatah and Hamas alike are Jew-hating racists should surprise no one who has been paying a modicum of attention to the Palestinian media and general culture. Since the PA was established in 1994 in the framework of the peace process between Israel and the PLO, it has used the media organs, schools and mosques it controls to spew out a constant flow of anti-Semitic propaganda. Much of the Jew-hating bile is indistinguishable from anti-Jewish propaganda published by the Nazis.

Offline Dan193

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Here are 2 writers for MoronWeiss who claim Jews were behind 9/11 and the Holocaust didn't happen.
I'm surprised the NY Times hasn't hired them.

Alan Sabrosky, wrote at Mondoweiss that “an awful lot of American Jews” are “agents of a foreign government” and called for “excising” the cancer. Elsewhere he wrote that, “I don’t care if we’re called anti-Semites or not,” claimed that most American Jews are “traitors” and accused Israel of being behind the September 11 attacks.

Jeffrey Blankfort is another writer for Moronweiss who says Jews Behind 9/11 and the Holocaust didn't happen.
One of the speakers at Occupy AIPAC has a long history of anti-Semitic statements, and was a backer of former Ku Klux Klan leader David Duke. From 5:30-7:30 on Saturday, Occupy AIPAC presented “AIPAC: What it is, who its allies are, why it’s dangerous and how to stop it.” One of the speakers as Jeffrey Blankfort. Blankfort is a program director with KZYX in Mendocino, and considers “Zionism to be a mental illness which makes otherwise decent folks behave like Nazis or Afrikaners.”

But wait, there’s more: Blankfort appeared on Hesham Tillawi’s radio show five years ago – and on that show, he defended David Duke, challenged the historicity of the Holocaust, and suggested that Mossad was responsible for 9/11.

Here’s what he had to say about David Duke:
When it comes to talking about Israel-Palestine -- David Duke and Pat Buchanan are more informative than Noam Chomsky or people on the left.
And on the Holocaust:

To challenge the official Holocaust narrative is to challenge the lobby's strength ... I think the revisionists have opened a number of avenues in Holocaust studies and you see how defensive the other side is in terms of putting people in jail for doubting the official narrative. This has become like a religion. It's like some ancient religion in which you are a heretic if you don't subscribe to it. And this is what the Holocaust religion has become. Unfortunately, we are not in a situation where it can be discussed historically like any other historical event.
And on 9/11:

There was much more to it than the official government narrative ... There is evidence that the Mossad knew about this in advance.
Is Occupy loaded with anti-Semitism? Only if you consider Ku Klux Klan identification, Holocaust denial, and 9/11 conspiracy theories anti-Semitic.

« Last Edit: April 21, 2014, 02:52:29 PM by Dan193 »

Offline NoMosqueHere

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Is max blumenthal really jewish, or is he a jino (jew in name only), or a so-called half jew? 

Offline Dan193

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Antisemite Max Blumenthal Inspired the Nazi-Klan Leader’s Jewish Massacre in Kansas
April 14, 2014