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War Clouds forming over Afrika!
« on: August 09, 2007, 04:50:57 AM »
SA: President Mbeki's Greatest Deception - Destroying the Communist Party
Date Posted: Thursday 09-Aug-2007
Something EXTREMELY IMPORTANT is happening in S.African politics, which I must comment upon.
President Mbeki has launched his boldest attack yet on the Far Left - and what an attack it was. He is knocking out - stone cold - the leader of the South African Communist Party - Dr Blade Nzimande.

The SACP is being ROCKED to its roots by allegations of stolen money. It is flattening Dr Blade Nzimande, its leader. Included in this scandal, is Willie Madisha the leader of COSATU. Mbeki has struck Dr Blade Nzimande and Willie Madisha with a bolt from the blue just like he hit Jacob Zuma.

I must tell you... I am seriously impresse d! Mbeki is getting better at this back-stabbing of his buddies!

It looks as if Mbeki is busy centralising all power and control in his own person now.

It was so impressive - that even Mr Vavi of COSATU was taking steps backwards. And Vavi has never been known to keep his mouth shut. But I've never seen Vavi back-peddalling as fast as he is now. I think Mbeki struck fear into his heart for once!

If Mbeki smashes the far left and successfully cows them, then he will have achieved something pretty impressive. Then he will be in control of what is left of the Tripartite Alliance.

You will recall that I have said many times in the past that the difference between Mbeki (Left) and Zuma (Far Left), is really just a difference in speed. We whites are on the menu - make no mistake - the question is just - HOW FAST? The menu is the same, but the question is how best to destroy us: Fast or Slow? Zuma and the SACP (Communist Party), want to take us NOW! T hey want to contest the 2009 elections and then zip us off s! traight into a Zimbabwe-like situation in one straight move. Mbeki prefers the boiled frog approach.

THE BLACK MASSES WANT THE QUICK MOVE. All these "service delivery protests", and riots in townships all across this country - the average blacks want socialism AND THEY WANT SOCIALISM/COMMUNISM NOW!!!

What we are witnessing is a war between the Left and the Far Left. Its not a war about STRATEGY! The STRATEGY is the SAME. The war is about TACTICS. They want to screw us over... big time... but the question is whether they should attack from the FRONT (SACP style) or sneak up from the REAR (Mbeki's styles).

It looks as if the boiling-frog, rear-based attack is the one that is coming.

So our discussions of outright, open race warfare, may now be dwindling in relevance. The enemy is taking a different approach, and that is to continue the current approach of sneaking up on us and waging their clandestine war - the crime war - the quiet squeez ing us out of our jobs. The war will continue to be "transformation" exactly as we have known it to be, and which we're all used to.

The sudden fight, might never happen. Or if it does, it may now lie 20 or more years away.

I liked the quick fight idea. It opened up so many possibilities for us, including international intervention as the country explodes uncontrollably into violence. In Government by Deception, I stated that its not the all-out war that worries me - it is the slow killing, the crime war and the long term murder of farmers. The slow-motion war worried me because people were so asleep and unaware of it.

But perhaps, now that more people are aware of the boiling-frog approach, maybe that type of style isn't as worrisome as before. We will just continue on with this hideous crime and Affirmative Action.

But its not all good for the ANC either - since, due to AIDS and the collapsing country, time is not fully on their side either.
I would still welcome the all-out attack if it comes. ! But it s eems to be fading into the distance with time. We'll just have to get used to being boiled frogs! Frogs legs anyone?

I have mentioned many times before the role of the CIA in S.Africa. I refer to this: Original Article: How the CIA defeated Apartheid & placed the ANC in power

I am sure that the CIA and Western Intelligence are delighted by Mbeki's moves. I have discussed Mbeki's game before:-
How Loyal is President Mbeki to the CIA and MI6?
S.Africa: Is Mbeki trying to stop a Black Communist Revolution?

I think the Western world and the USA want to get rid of the possibility of a Communist Revolution here. Mbeki seems to me to be "The West's man".

So first he knocked out Zuma - not because he's a Zulu (though Zulus feel miffed), but because Zum a is far left.

But now the SACP is getting bold... and just as they were getting ready to move on to higher ground to go with COSATU to take on the ANC - Mbeki has just fired a bullet through Dr Nzimande's head - and down he goes.

At Dr Chris Jordaan's funeral I chatted to one of his geostrategic friends. We discussed Mbeki and Zuma. His feeling was that the whole issue of Zuma and Mbeki is irrelevant. In the end, the outcome will be the same. His focus was on S.Africa's collapsing infrastructure which he said was accelerating.

He said the British Conservative Party had sent a team here to investigate this country. When they left they had concluded that S.Africa is going to be another Zimbabwe.

He told me of high-ranking British CEO's of Companies in SA. Previously, they had believed in co-operating with the ANC Govt. But they were now saying that its a waste of time.

I think the Western world and CIA and MI6 will be happy to see COSATU a nd the SACP thrown into disarray by Mbeki's attacks. They ma! y even h ave assisted in this.

So it looks good - to them - because a major revolution in 2009/10 has been averted.

But... in many ways, Mbeki is already our Mugabe. Mugabe was courted by the west for 20 years and he only split with them when he faced a Liberal-induced revolution of the left in the form of the MDC.

Mugabe was not a fiend who just made stupid moves. He also slowly "transformed" and drove whites out for years before he was threatened with BLACK OVERTHROW and then had to do crazy things to come out on top again.

The SACP and COSATU was talking about "collective decisions", etc. They wanted to take the country - but with the Masses involved - i.e. the dunces all get together, agree on a mass strategy to steal everything. Mbeki is more sophisticated and does not believe it can work (neither did I - hence I was hoping to God they'd try to do the dumb-assed thing!).

I think Mbeki has abandoned the whole "collective decision" conc ept because as President he has access to all sorts of sensitive information which these collectives do not have. So like Mugabe, he is centralising all control in himself.

I think Mbeki wants to pull the strings as much as possible. If he could manage a 3rd term he'd love it. Could it be possible that Mbeki can go forward to do the unthinkable and try for a 3rd term? If he can't then he'll install a like-minded thinker, whom Western intelligence may like (e.g. Cyril Ramaphosa). Ramphosa, like Mbeki, is a commie who has taken on a Capitalist style.

This whole concept of "the people's power" and "democracy" was junk all along anyway. The blacks need a centralised leader to drive their strategy.

Centralised power is a very valid concept to strive for especially when dealing with difficult strategies. When Napoleon was a young General, at one point the French Government wanted to appoint Napoleon and another old General to have joint command of the French A rmy in Italy. Napoleon wrote a letter to the French govt say! ing that he did not want joint command and that he would rather step down than accept joint command. He said: "One Bad General is better than two good ones".

And so it is with the blacks. All this "collective decision-making" which the SACP and COSATU wanted is probably outmoded and outdated in this modern world where information flows instantly.

So Mbeki is forced along the same path as Putin and Mugabe, where they abandon all their old communist and Trade Union structures, while retaining their beliefs and aims, and march on to centralised control. They will still implement their old socialist beliefs and ideals - but it will be done CENTRALLY, by ONE DICTATOR.

So today, the CIA, MI6, Western Intelligence and the Western Govts may be congratulating themselves on having prevented an overt Communist Revolution in S.Africa in 2010, but President Mbeki and his successor will sneak the Communist Revolution in, through the backdoor anyway.

President Mbeki wi ll have pulled off the greatest deception of his career - and we whites will end up just as screwed as the whites of Zimbabwe. And the country will still end up, in the end, just as destroyed as Zimbabwe is.

What does this mean for us? Well, it BUYS US TIME! Which is not bad. We must not sneer at it. It means that our coming Demise has been postponed somewhat. It denies us the change for fully blown war and really turning the tables. But, it postpones the day of reckoning.

Mbeki is coming to get us for sure. Don't be fooled. The Mass Media kept saying Affirmative Action is going away - but ignore them. Recently Mbeki said that ALL THE POLICIES ARE IN PLACE - ALL THAT REMAINS IS FOR THEM TO BE PROPERLY APPLIED! That means that: "Land Reform", "Affirmative Action", "Black Economic Empowerment", etc - are the weapons one Mbeki's hip.

Zuma's machinegun isn't going to take us down, but Mbeki's laws will be biting us ever more as time goes by. Of all of them, the one that worries me the most is Affirmative Act! ion. Too many whites still have jobs, and I fear more job losses will be coming.

This is proof once more of how much Mbeki learned from Mugabe. A Black Zimbabwean once pointed out to me that Mugabe has NEVER BROKEN THE LAW! Correct! Mugabe just changed the laws and then got the Police and the courts to implement them. He's been doing it for the last 8 years with great success. Mbeki is going to nail us in the same way. To date, nobody has worked out a counter-measure to this approach.

When the dust has settled, the ANC will be ready to rule S.Africa FOREVER - just as I said in Chapter 2 of my book, Government by Deception (2001).

The good news is... we have more time to think up counter-strategies, since this is going to be a long game! Jan.

Categories: Jan.; CIA; US; italy; Zim; murder; SA;

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Offline Ehud

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Re: War Clouds forming over Afrika!
« Reply #1 on: August 09, 2007, 08:22:39 AM »
Very interesting article, thanks for sharing that.  It makes me realize how little I know about current South African politics.
"The Jews will eventually have to face up to what you're dealing with here.  The arabs will never love you for what good you've brought them.  They don't know how to really love.  But hate!  Oh, G-d, can they hate!  And they have a deep, deep, deep resentment because you have jolted them from their delusions of grandeur and shown them for what they are-a decadent, savage people controlled by a religion that has stripped them of all human ambition . . . except for the few cruel enough and arrogant enough to command them as one commands a mob of sheep.  You are dealing with a mad society and you'd better learn how to control it."

-Excerpt from The Haj by Leon Uris


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Re: War Clouds forming over Afrika!
« Reply #2 on: August 09, 2007, 08:59:53 AM »
This is some big reason why Apartheid was used, to keep blacks apart from each other, so they would not kill each other! And yet, the good are now the bad.

Offline Wayne Jude

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Re: War Clouds forming over Afrika!
« Reply #3 on: August 14, 2007, 08:16:03 PM »


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Re: War Clouds forming over Afrika!
« Reply #4 on: August 14, 2007, 08:38:35 PM »
This is some big reason why Apartheid was used, to keep blacks apart from each other, so they would not kill each other! And yet, the good are now the bad.

There is an anthropological reason to it. Blacks traditionally lived in small groups only. When they get in large groups.....they kill each other.

Offline AdrianaStuijt

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Re: War Clouds forming over Afrika!
« Reply #5 on: August 17, 2007, 01:38:17 PM »
Dafour gets South African troops but militants won't be disarmed
August 17 2007 -- UN Watch, a civil rights organsiation in Geneva, Switserland, warns that the huge UN peacekeeping force approved for the Darfur region is heading for another fiasco:

Hillel Neuel of UN Watch said on Canadian TV this week that "the troops will not be allowed to disarm any of the militants of this region -- and that moreover, this force is being made up of African troups without the training of Western troops."

"It's the oil, stupid":

He also noted that China has 'extensive oil-interests in Dafour' and that it only voted for the UN resolution to send troops to Dafour after the requirement that the UN-troops had to disarm the militants, had been dropped altogether.

"That resolution thus no longer authorises the seizure of illegal arms, so these UN troops will just be monitoring 'the rearming' of these militants," Neuer warned, adding: "China would not want its extensive oil-interests in Dafour challenged'...

Anti-Western propaganda expected to dominate anti-racism conference - again

UN-Watch also warns this week that "anti-Western propaganda is expected to dominate the August 27-31 UN gathering in Geneva that will chart the agenda for a major world conference against racism in 2009".

Although the forthcoming conference's official mandate is supposed to be merely limited to 'reviewing follow-up' from the discredited 2001 anti-racism conference in Durban, South Africa, observers expect the Islamic bloc to introduce new accusations against the U.S., Europe, and other Western nations, under the charge of "religious defamation."

With Colonel Khadaffi's of Libya's envoy as conference chair, this is another fiasco in the making, UN-watch is warning.

Neuer of UN Watch points out that the Libya-funded Gadhafi Prize was awarded in 2002 to a Frenchman, Roger Garaudy, who had been convicted as a Holocaust denier.

'It is obscene that the same racist government (Libya) now in charge of fighting racism,' [said Mr. Neuer]
LINK to his TV interview with Canadian TV:

LINk to his site:
Retired medical journalist, Sunday Times of Johannesburg, South Africa. Archivist at logging atrocities against Christians and Jews under Marxist regime in South Africa

Offline serbian army

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Re: War Clouds forming over Afrika!
« Reply #6 on: September 19, 2007, 05:25:24 PM »
Good help white people in the South Afrika
Serbia will never surrender Kosovo to the breakaway province's ethnic Albanian majority or trade its territory for European Union or NATO membership,