How is it derogatory to call black savages "n!ggers"? Even K word is permitted on the forum.
I am against the use of the K word here on the forum. We have (over the past few years) discussed this issue.
The K word is a derogatory term used by non-Jews against Jews. I have posted the origin of this word. While I know that Jews here use it to refer to 'self-hating' Jews that use only makes sense if you are already a JTF reader. Most non Jews who see us using that word laugh at us because the term doesn't only refer to self-hating Jews but all Jews. So when we use the term we are denigrating ourselves also.
I don't know how you can think that it is not derogatory to use the N word. The origins of the word come from the day of the slave trade. JTF does not benefit from having the racist tag associated with it. I am not a racist and most Jews should not be racists because we believe that ALL human life is sacred, even those which are not Jewish, even those which are not our 'race'.
While I am all for fighting against enemies and destroying them, I do not believe that all colored or black people are our enemies. While it is true there are a great number who are many JTF members here have related stories of righteous black people in their communities who contribute and learn Torah.
It is ok to denigrate all that is evil in black culture so long as we are not doing so in the purpose of making ourselves superior. When we rebuke the black culture it should be with the intention of turning them away from the evil which they do. Evil is evil whether it is perpetrated by blacks, whites, or reds or blues (no matter what color the skin is, evil is evil).