Netanyahu seems more grieved about the dead Arab boy than the three murdered Jewish boys..
I think they should burn down the entire PA and Gaza.. Forget about one future Jihadist. Now, the media is on a witchhunt against the Juden again for beating up an innocent young cousin of the Arab boy who just happened to be masked with other youths, throwing petrol bombs and wielding a knife. But that is no excuse for the Israeli soldiers to become aggressive and beat an American citizen! Don't I feel sorry for the poor innocent American kid named Mohammad that those bad Israelis beat up.
Anyhow, Netanyahu doesn't give a s**t about the dead Israeli boys, as usual, he is here to serve his European and American Democrat Masters and the media. He just wants his office to look nice and shiny.
Viva La Revolution! That is what Israel needs! A Freakin' Major Overhaul.
Israel has a lot to learn from Egypt. Currently, Egypt just sentence 10 more of the Islamic Brotherhood members they overthrew last year to death. Why cannot Israel execute the traitors in its government the way the Egyptians are doing? Egypt manages to subdue all its Islamic uprisings, but Israel, a Jewish country, doesn't seem to be able to do the same . How pathetic is that??