Baloney. Whatever Qatar gives Hamas is only a fraction of what Bennett's own Israeli government supplies them - free electricity, free water, free food, free medicine, free housing, free education and billions of dollars in aid.
Bennett is a perfect example of the phony right. He is begging Hamas for a ceasefire and says that we have given up Gaza - which is a part of the land of Israel.
Bennett brags that Israel sends leaflets to warn the Arab terrorists in advance and states correctly that no other nation does this in a war. Bennett further states correctly that Israel loses the military advantage by warning her enemies in advance of an impending strike. Thus Bennett is proud that Jewish soldiers are murdered because of this insane policy which he himself says no other country ever does.
This is "right-wing"?! Even Obama doesn't send leaflets to the civilians in Taliban areas in Afghanistan or Pakistan before striking Al Qaeda. So Bennett the "right-winger" is to the left of Obama and every other nation on earth.
When will we learn? Bennett wants to keep millions of hostile Arab Muslims throughout the land of Israel. Meanwhile he and Bibi sit back and allow Iran to build nuclear bombs - which is a threat a thousand times worse than Hamas.