It seems that you are preoccupied with that single issue. The vast majority of non-Jews that came from Russia are integrating well in the Israeli society, have a Jewish father, many undergo giur, most of them serve in the army, contribute to Israel's high-tech economy and consider Israel their homeland. You should focus your hatred on Sub-Saharan interloppers and "Israeli" ayrabs dreaming of wiping Israel off the map.
I am not preoccupied at all their fathers or mot Jews ipso facto they are NOT Jews.
See before you make such statements.
These people are every much as bit of a problem as the Arabs & the Africans.
No African ever called my relatives Zhid or made pogroms against them.
Shame on you & anybody else who says I am obessesed.
I was in the JDL in the old days I sacraficed what the hell did you ever do.
I did not put myself on the line so these Goyim can come here.
I did not come here to be in New Africa or in New Russia I came to be in a Jewish state that welcomes Jews NOT one that disallows bonafide Jews like Chaim but welcomes thes [censored] infested uncircumised Non-Jews.
Non Jewish mother means Non Jew period get it.
Lack of a halachic conversion means Non Jew also do you get that?
Apparently you don't!!!!!!
Very few do giyur & of those that did quite a few were pasuled by the rabbanut & for good reason.