But all the pro-Israel groups are calling it a victory in the "negotiating phase"
http://www.israelnationalnews.com/News/News.aspx/184471#.U_41M2OF7-YIsrael is claiming victory in the 50-day war with Hamas, which temporarily ended in a ceasefire that went into force Tuesday.
"We were victorious in the negotiation phase,” said Liran Dan, Head of the National Information Directorate in the Prime Minister's Office, in an interview with IDF Radio Wednesday. “The military blow that the IDF dealt Hamas – the hardest it has experienced since it was founded – was heavy and meaningful. What we saw is that in a prolonged and well executed campaign, Hamas suffered a harsh military blow and damage to the most heavily constructed arrays it built.”
Idan said that Hamas built up networks of rockets, attack tunnels and terror forces over years with the intent of using them against Israel, and these have been smashed by the IDF.
"We should ask the opposite question,” Dan said. “What has Hamas achieved with this campaign? It set out with a very clear goal and did not achieve it.” Hamas wanted sea and air ports, it wanted funding allowed into Gaza, it wanted the blockade of Gaza lifted, it wanted the terrorists who were released in the Schalit deal and recently rearrested released, it wanted Turkey and Qatar to mediate in the negotiations, and received none of these things, he noted. Hamas thought that the Israeli public's spirit would break after one week's fighting, and was proved wrong, he insisted.
Dan also noted that Hamas's order of battle is larger than that of the entire Islamic State.
Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu did not hold a Cabinet vote on the decision to cease fire. He relied on a legal opinion that allows him to make the decision on his own, without Cabinet approval. Netanyahu preferred not to bring the matter to a vote because he would have faced opposition from four ministers – Naftali Bennett (Jewish Home), Avigdor Liberman and Yitzchak Aharonovich (Yisrael Beytenu) and Gilad Erdan (Likud).
Residents of the Gaza Belt are very unhappy about the cease fire, but Brigadier General Motti Almoz, the IDF Spokesman, promised the residents that IDF forces will not be withdrawn from the Gaza Belt any time soon.
"We are present around the Gaza Belt all of the time and we will not leave it until we see the situation stabilizing,” he assured. “We are doing this with a lot of love and there is no argument or disagreement with the residents of the Gaza Belt. The residents have experienced something. The burden of proof is on us, and we understand this. We will not budge from there until trust is restored.”
The celebrations in Gaza are not surprising but they do not represent the true feelings in the leadership of Hamas in the Gaza Strip, he added. “It will take ten years to repair the damage caused to Gaza in this operation, but it has the potential to create a completely different security reality. The fact that entire strategic arrays of Hamas have collapsed is very clear.
Comment on the page:
These are the main reasons why NothingYahu has become so unpopular:
1) His more than suspicious submission to the Western governments – especially to Washington,
2) His selfish elitist approach to a lavish lifestyle being paid for by the public treasure,
3) His immediate treasonous alliance with extreme Leftist Tzipi Livni and following her policies,
4) His blatant betrayal of the Rightists electoral base which elected him to act as a Rightist PM,
5) His highly unpopular unilateral construction freezes in Jerusalem,
6) His unbelievable handling of the terrorist ship Marmara, endangering our soldiers’ lives,
7) His miserable and indecent apology to the evil Turkish government,

His execrable decision in favor of unilateral prisoner releases,
9) His unnatural insistence in legitimizing through negotiations the always terrorist-at-heart PA.
10) His allowance of the enormous strengthening of Hizballah in Lebanon,
11) His wretched refusal to stop Hamas forcibly when it began building tunnels and bunkers,
12) His pusillanimous foot-dragging at the start this counteroffensive against HamAss,
13) His treasonous willingness to pay the salaries of the terrorists of Hamas,
14) His execrable groveling and continuous begging for a cease-fire since the very start of the war,
15) His firing of true Rightist Danny Danon for telling publicly the truth that all Israel was saying,
16) His cowardly pussyfooting during Operation Protective Edge, thus endangering our soldiers,
17) His refusal to retaliate when HamAss resumed fire against our civilians after the 72-hr. truce,
18) His surrender to most of HamAss conditions in Cairo to conclude Operation Protective Edge,
19) His many threats which only led to an absolute inaction in front of Iran’s nuclear menace,
20) His delayed action upon his knowledge of the tunnels in Aza until almost late,
21) His delayed action upon his knowledge of the whereabouts of HamAss leaders,
22) His retracting from his vow that he does not negotiate under fire,
23) His declaring “victory” a humiliating an ridiculous surrender,
24) His proven dictatorial disdain for the opinions, wishes and needs of the majority of Israelis,
25) His destruction of the public’s trust in the government as an agent of social care and security,
26) And, after all that, then, who knows what else….
By means of all these things, and possibly more still kept secret, Pipi has proven to be as useless to Israel as a fish that has gone rotten and that therefore needs to be dumped as fast as possible.
It is a sad state of affairs when it can be said in all truth that the President of Egypt is leading his nation more in agreement with the popular desire than the Prime Minister of Israel. Why? Because, globalist Pipi, following the evil example of his idol in Washington, Obastard, is slowly establishing upon the Jewish State a Soft Dictatorship. The problem about that is that all dictatorships, hard or soft, then to end in tyrannies, reason why the public, as well as the honest politicians and military have to always be on alert at the first signs of it. At this point in time, it is absolutely necessary for this government to fall and have new elections before it’s too late. But, do nations learn from the history of others that went the same course? Hardly!
At any rate, unplug your noses, because the fact is that Pipi NothingYahu stinks much worse than a rotten fish!