I think it would be good for everyone to listen to this weeks Temple Talk by Rabbi Chaim Richman and his co-host Yitzak Rueven. These truth seekers explore the Jewish insights into current events and help us understand what we, as religious Jews, must do to bring the Tikkun (rectification) which is needed today.'s Elul, repentance is in the air, the King is in the field, and it's Temple Talk's favorite time of year. It's a time to get down, get real, and slam on the brakes of lives that at times seem to be running out of control. Yitzchak Reuven and Rabbi Richman continue to wax eloquent on the special qualities and spiritual propensities of this month, shedding new light and sharing their innovative thoughts. At the same time, our hosts present a global reality check on Islamic terror vs. the world's preoccupation with Israel, and deliver a blistering critique of the world's apathy in the face of the growing horrors of the Islamic State. After all, who's really destroying the world? Is it the Islamic monsters of ISIS, or the Jews who are building houses for their children in the Land of Israel, who dare to 'expropriate' land in Eretz Yisrael?