
Should we ban the blacks and Muslims who have invaded this forum recently?

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Author Topic: Should we ban the blacks and Muslims who have invaded this forum recently?  (Read 32513 times)

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Should we ban the blacks and Muslims who have invaded this forum recently?


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Those who debate logically and back up their arguments should be allowed to stay, wait, do any of them do that?


  • Guest
Muslims yes, blacks no.

Can you put an option in for that?

Only about 15% of all blacks are as intelligent as the average white person.  So my opinion is that there all these people are Muslims.

Yochanan Zev

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The same rules should apply to everyone, regardless of their race or religion.

Yochanan Zev

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Muslims yes, blacks no.

Can you put an option in for that?

Only about 15% of all blacks are as intelligent as the average white person.  So my opinion is that there all these people are Muslims.

Then you should be banned, just because I'm way smarter than you!


  • Guest
The same rules should apply to everyone, regardless of their race or religion.

Muslims should be MARKED so that we know they are Muslims; as for blacks, their own lack of brainpower will show forth their real identity.

G-d loves all creatures, but that doesn't mean he made them all the same.  Blacks were put on this Earth to be servants and entertainers for whites.  :)


  • Guest
Muslims yes, blacks no.

Can you put an option in for that?

Only about 15% of all blacks are as intelligent as the average white person.  So my opinion is that there all these people are Muslims.

Then you should be banned, just because I'm way smarter than you!

You are a Jewish man pretending to be black.

Why?  Oh, let me guess - you're after some hot blondes?   ???


  • Guest
This post was stupid and unnecessary.
« Last Edit: October 11, 2006, 06:56:27 PM by Rhuan »


  • Guest
I personally think that "Get thee hence Satan" is one of the most immature members of these boards.

And now you have to go and turn this into a personal flame!  What did I do to deserve that?

Well I won't take the bait!  Go your way in peace!


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I'm sorry for insulting you. I shouldn't have done.

Offline GerryCurled Jerome

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Great stuff, Gentlemen.

At least Hence Satan is aware of the problem.

There can be no cure without awareness.


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I'm sorry for insulting you. I shouldn't have done.

You are very gracious.   :)


  • Guest
I think all of this is kind of my fault for introducing that poll in 'Affirmative Action' forum.

Please all, forgive me for unleashing such a wave of filth on this forum.

If it please you, you can delete/ban me - as I think I must bear responsibility for starting all this which has distracted from the real message and purpose of this forum.

El Cabong!

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Anyone who comes on to just insult and agitate and disrupt this forum should have their post instantly deleted off and banned. And i didn't use profanity so the word deleted is what I actually used. We need a few people who are always around and are good members to be given some admin or mod privileges so we can instantly get these morons off our pages so as not to waste our time or forum space with their instigating garbage. We do not need to debate brain damaged morons who are just a waste of our intelligence.

Offline GerryCurled Jerome

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So what do you propose in order to keep our precious flower away from the black beast?

Why is our flower susceptible to the Black beast?

Offline Christian Zionist

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Hey Guys, in this forum Christians and Jews are united to fight the satanic religion of islam and the uncivilized black culture.  Our aim is to build a better and civilized world.

Therefore let us not attack each other.  Be gracious and tolerant to each other. Let us unite in our struggle to defeat the demonic religion of islam.

Regarding banning muslim nazis and unrighteous blacks in this forum - Yes, they should be banned.  The messages posted in our forum should shatter the faith of muslims in islam and reform blacks to change their evil behavior.  If we waste our time in arguing with muslim invaders here and fighting with each other we are missing the purpose.

Isaiah 62:1 -  For Zion's sake I am not silent, And for Jerusalem's sake I do not rest, Till her righteousness go out as brightness, And her salvation, as a torch that burns.

Offline jsullivan

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I think that as long as they do not violate the rules, they should not be banned.

The purpose of this forum is to get people to debate. 

If people come on the forum insulting or threatening or using obscenities, then they should be banned.  But if people - even evil people - come here to debate without insults or dirty language, they should be permitted to continue.

Of course, we don't want people to distract us from our main issues with fruitless and endless debates.  The way to solve that problem is to lock threads that have exhausted their usefulness. 

But I think banning should only be used when the rules are broken, and the latest black posters - while irritating - have not broken any rules in my opinion. 

We are not afraid of debate and I think we handle ourselves very well.


  • Guest
yes recentley a bunch of fags tried to invade the forum .   they praised hitler. and they thought there was nothing wrong with a man sticking his thing into another mans rectum

El Cabong!

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I think that as long as they do not violate the rules, they should not be banned.

The purpose of this forum is to get people to debate. 

If people come on the forum insulting or threatening or using obscenities, then they should be banned.  But if people - even evil people - come here to debate without insults or dirty language, they should be permitted to continue.

Of course, we don't want people to distract us from our main issues with fruitless and endless debates.  The way to solve that problem is to lock threads that have exhausted their usefulness. 

But I think banning should only be used when the rules are broken, and the latest black posters - while irritating - have not broken any rules in my opinion. 

We are not afraid of debate and I think we handle ourselves very well.

They aren't debating. They're simply coming on to agitate and insult. Debating people who are just trying to make a fool of you is a waste of time and intelligence. They're only using this forum as a way to laugh at us and when we engage in dialogue with them, we are only feeding into their stupid game of ridiculing this forum. We should not waste time on these people.


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yes recentley a bunch of fags tried to invade the forum .   they praised hitler. and they thought there was nothing wrong with a man sticking his thing into another mans rectum

That is very Nazi-esque.

Modern-day Germany (a Nazi nation) is fanatically pro-gay.  All Nazis are.  Nazis like having gerbils inserted up their backsides.  This is because they are all sick in the head and should have taken a shower in their own concentration camps.


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How about we all vote for a new Forum ADMIN, seems to be a Nezi parading around as a JEW, this is a forum !!! So why ban people who have something intresting to being here?? Other than being a NAZI!

El Cabong!

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You and the other a-holes have nothing interesting to say. Your last comment is proof you and the rest need to be banned by your ip.


  • New JTFer
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You and the other a-holes have nothing interesting to say. Your last comment is proof you and the rest need to be banned by your ip.

You really do fear people confronting your ideas and beliefs, don't you?

As I understand I have obliged to all rules and regulations of this forum......I am Muslim and here to discuss (Check my other posts!).....If you want to be a child and name call, then please proceed to do so, you will not get a reaction from me. As for nothing interesting to say, well I think that is a matter and I believe that there are many Jewish people here interested in discussing issue surrounding why Muslims and Jews no longer get a long!
Critics and opponents of JTF should also be permitted to post messages on this forum as long as the criticism does not include threats or personal attacks. It is healthy for JTF supporters to learn how to debate and respond to such critics, and it also makes the forum more interesting.

El Cabong!

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You and the other a-holes have nothing interesting to say. Your last comment is proof you and the rest need to be banned by your ip.

You really do fear people confronting your ideas and beliefs, don't you?

As I understand I have obliged to all rules and regulations of this forum......I am Muslim and here to discuss (Check my other posts!).....If you want to be a child and name call, then please proceed to do so, you will not get a reaction from me. As for nothing interesting to say, well I think that is a matter and I believe that there are many Jewish people here interested in discussing issue surrounding why Muslims and Jews no longer get a long!

I wasn't talking about you, unless you consider yourself an a-hole.

Offline kahaneloyalist

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You and the other a-holes have nothing interesting to say. Your last comment is proof you and the rest need to be banned by your ip.

and I believe that there are many Jewish people here interested in discussing issue surrounding why Muslims and Jews no longer get a long!

In this you are mistaken there has never been a period in time where the Jews and Muslims got along, the closest that ever happened was when Jews were practically a slave class to their Muslims overlords, then their was oppression and pogroms and hatred but it wasnt as intense as today. If you want I will bring you the examples......
"For it is through the mercy of fools that all Justice is lost"