I've actually had this happen to me......it started slowly with my tongue sticking out a little bit and progressd to the point where my head was trying to spin COMPLETELY around, I couldn't talk, and I couldn;t get my tongue back into my mouth. Needless to say it was a VERY scary thing to have happen, I was thinking #1 I hope I don't die, and #2 I was praying to G-d that it would not be permanent. They gave me an injection of something at the hospiital, and in 6 or 7 minutes I was fine. To this day I have no clue what might have caused it to happen, but it kind of scares me because my uncle has dystonia, which is kind of similar but not as severe.......and he didn't develop it until he was about 40...so I hope it was just a one time thing.....maybe an allergic reaction to something ?? I don't know but thank G-d it wasn't more serious!