Author Topic: From Where won't the Deliverance come (R' Binyamin Zev Kahane,ZT"L,HY"D)  (Read 1008 times)

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Offline ChabadKahanist

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From Where won't the Deliverance come
January 30, 2015 at 12:48am
(Rabbi Binyamin Zev Kahane HY"D)
A retired Israeli politician "confessed" that members of Knesset live in a world all their own, entirely isolated from all that happens beyond the perimeter fence of the Knesset. To illustrate his point, he related that the air conditioner in the Knesset works throughout the year, even when the weather outside is mild. Thus, MK's inhale artificial air, without having to stoop to breathe the air of the peasants.
This, unfortunately, is only too true- and applies equally to those MK's who wear kippot. He who joins the system absorbs that system and he is absorbed into it very quickly, and hence becomes a different person.
It would appear that the reason for this is that in the existing corrupt reality, the moment that a person enters politics, he perforce enters a world of petty accounting ("cheshbonot). The greenest rookie considers himself a seasoned politician. Thus, slowly but surely- well in fact, fairly rapidly- he begins to justify the trap of honor into which he falls; "political savvy" justifies his blurring of ideological principles.
And now the conclusion: we have to understand that deliverance cannot come from the Kneset, Shas, NRP, Meretz, portfolios, early elections, etc. All this is utterly irrelevant to the world of the Divine. The weather and the score of the Met games are important by comparison. Therefore, we must decide, already at this early stage, that we will not bother to participate in the next elections (whenever they may be). The election results will not tip any scales. The real decisions will be made outside of the perimeter fence that isolates that infectious building called the Knesset.
Response to Our Readers
Many disagreed with what we wrote above about the need to decide, already at this stage, not to take part in the next elections. "One must not despair", "One must keep trying, no matter how hopeless the situation may seem" were some of the arguments used against what we wrote. Our answer, in brief, is the following:
1) We sincerely are of the opinion that no change can come anymore from the present political system.
2) The existing system is ruled in such a way, and built in such a way, that it cannot digest a party that aspires to bring the necessary change.
3) This does not mean that we have lost hope, G-d forbid. On the contrary. We are convinced that the true change can come- but outside the existing system.
4) When and how will this change come about? It is still not known. Why? Because most people are still psychologically attached to the present system, retaining the hope that through the existing system, the change can come.
5) The pre-condition for bringing the change is by letting go of the illusion, already at this stage, that the salvation can sprout from the present system. The moment a large number of people give up the hope that deliverance can come from the present system, the establishment of an alternative way will arise naturally.
6) But if we choose to have our cake and eat it- that is, to vote for the party which is "the lesser of all evils", and at the same time, to hope that "somehow", an alternative will arise- we are gravely mistaken. Such a change does not come about "accidentally", but only through serious psychological preparation which must begin with the rejection of the present political system.

Offline Kahane-Was-Right BT

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Re: From Where won't the Deliverance come (R' Binyamin Zev Kahane,ZT"L,HY"D)
« Reply #1 on: January 30, 2015, 09:58:51 AM »
Truly revolutionary.  No wonder the arabs were deathly afraid of him.

Offline muman613

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Re: From Where won't the Deliverance come (R' Binyamin Zev Kahane,ZT"L,HY"D)
« Reply #2 on: January 30, 2015, 05:02:03 PM »
Very true words indeed...

But I subscribe to the belief that 'Deliverance' or 'Redemption' will come from an entirely unexpected source (Sanhedrin 97a) (although other sages disagree).


 Indeed, regarding the future redemption it is written (Malachi 3:1), "And suddenly - He will enter his Sanctuary!" The Gemara states, "Three things come be-hesach ha-daas/without any warning; Mashiach, a found object, and a scorpion."

In a different Gemara, however, we find the exact opposite. "Rabbi Chiya Rabbah said to Rabbi Shimon ben Chalafta: Such will be the redemption of Israel: Bit by bit it will sprout and grow... like the rising of the sun." [Talmud Yerushalmi, Berachos 1:1] So which one is it - A gradual process or an abrupt surprise?


    (a) (Beraisa - R. Nehurai): Ben David will come in a generation in which youths shame elders, and elders stand in front of youths. A daughter reviles and shames her mother, a daughter-in-law shames her mother-in-law, people's faces resemble that of dogs, a son feels no shame in front of his father.
    (b) (Beraisa - R. Nechemyah): Ben David will come in a generation of great brazenness, people will not honor each other (alternatively - even the most honorable people are crooked), even though many grapes grow, wine is expensive (because grapes do not yield much wine; alternatively, because everyone drinks a lot), the entire kingdom will be heretics, there is no rebuke.

        1. This supports R. Yitzchak, who says that Ben David will not come until the entire kingdom will be heretics.
        2. (Rava): He learns from "Kulo Hafach Lavan Tahor Hu".

    (c) (Beraisa): "Ki Azlas Yad v'Efes Atzur v'Azuv" - Ben David will not come until there are many informers; alternatively, until Talmidim diminish; alternatively, until people lack money; alternatively, until they despair of redemption.
    (d) When R. Zeira would see people speculating when Mashi'ach will come, he would say 'Please do not delay him';

        1. (Beraisa): Three things only come when people are not thinking about them - Mashi'ach, a Metzi'ah (found object), and a scorpion (bite).

    (e) (Rav Ketina): The world will be 6000 years, it will be desolate for 1000 years - "V'Nisgav Hash-m Levado ba'Yom ha'Hu".
    (f) (Abaye): It will be desolate for 2000 years - "Yechayenu mi'Yomayim ba'Yom ha'Shelishi Yekimenu v'Nichyeh".
    (g) Support (for Rav Ketina - Beraisa): Just as one year out of seven the land is left fallow (Shemitah), also the world is empty for 1000 out of 7000 years - "V'Nisgav Hash-m Levado ba'Yom ha'Hu";

        1. "Yom she'Kulo Shabbos" - "Elef Shanim b'Einecha k'Yom".

    (h) (Tana d'vei Eliyahu): Six thousand years were decreed upon the world: 2000 years of emptiness (without Torah), 2000 years of Torah, and 2000 years for Mashi'ach;

You shall make yourself the Festival of Sukkoth for seven days, when you gather in [the produce] from your threshing floor and your vat.And you shall rejoice in your Festival-you, and your son, and your daughter, and your manservant, and your maidservant, and the Levite, and the stranger, and the orphan, and the widow, who are within your cities
Duet 16:13-14

Offline Yerusha

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Re: From Where won't the Deliverance come (R' Binyamin Zev Kahane,ZT"L,HY"D)
« Reply #3 on: January 31, 2015, 12:08:01 PM »
The Israeli TPTB were also deathly afraid of a Kahane resurgent, and ensured that 62 bullets pierced Binyomin Zeev and his wife Talia's bodies.