Author Topic: Orim Shimshon / Ayman Shalash commits Lashon Hara against Chaim  (Read 19100 times)

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Offline Spiraling Leopard

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Look at Ayman Shalash / Orim Shimshon committing Lashon Hara by trying to smear Chaim with murder:

Ayman Shalash
The extremists on both left and right are bad. On the left you have yachad who were exposed on Richard millets blog. On the right you have the JTF Headed by Chaim Ben pesach aka Victor vancier. He is openly racist towards blacks and hates gay people. He even calls Jews k*kes and kapos. Low life. He has no dignity either he begged for donations from millionaires on his vlog

Robert Bartholomew
At least Chaim doesn't rat on his friends when bullied by the police like you did ayman.
And Chaim just did an interview with his friend Pastor Manning, a black guy.
Homosexuality is not allowed in Judaism. You can't blame Chaim for being true to Judaism. Apart from that he never injured anyone nor does he preach violence.
Comparing him with the far left who openly support terrorists does not make a point.

Ayman Shalash
Just because he interviewed a black guy doesn't give him the right to use racial slurs against blacks. He calls gays f*gs. He uses the two k word's. He is fringe and thankfully he is shunned by mainstream Jewry. Above all he is banned from entering Israel. I just came back from Israel recently I was there for three weeks.

Ayman Shalash
That is a fringe blog nobody takes seriously, the lies on it are so blatant, not even worth exposing

Robert Bartholomew
You are not refuting any points. Joan Rivers donated money to JTF. Do you really think people don't listen to him?

Mark Dines
How can we overcome our enemies with the level of vitriolic comments that this page has turned into? It is going the way of so many others and just becomimg a page that crackpots seem tpo be attaching themselves. As I dont consider myself to be a crackpot, i feel forced to leave rather than witness the bullying that occurs.

Ayman Shalash
I did. He uses slurs against blacks. Your point about pastor manning is a nonsensical argument. As for Joann rivers donations. I doubt it. Even if it is true. Just a one off. But unlikely

Ayman Shalash
Looool who listens to a Chaim Ben pesach. Nobody is screaming for his ban from Israel to be removed. Because nobody likes him. He has no credibility amongst Jews

Robert Bartholomew
No you didn't. You are just complaining about Chaim who talks to blacks like jesse jackson, louis farakhan and al sharpton, rabid jew-haters, like they talk.
You are not refuting any of his political or religious points is what you should have read. And you didn't.
You know what they say right, there is no such thing as bad publicity. Chaim thanks you for bringing him up here.

As for his credibility. Ask Natan Sharanksy what Chaim has sacrificed for his freedom.

Ayman Shalash
Actually Chaim Ben pesach has advocated of paying black people to leave America to Africa and not allowed back. He was talking about blacks in general. He mocked the new Orleans disaster. There is no evidence of him receiving donations from Joann rivers.

Ayman Shalash
As for him attacking anti Semites. He uses anti Semitic slurs against Jews the k word. That is disgusting

Paul Murphy
Joseph Cohen: “Can someone remind me why Tommy left the EDL? Oh yeah, that's right... because he said it had been taken over by Nazis...”

That's not disputed. And there will be right-wing Zionists on this page who were well aware of that at the time and still today. The Nazi infiltration of the EDL is similar, as I said, to the communist and Trotskyist infiltration of the Labour Party. Are there any communist or Trotskyist Labour Party supporters on this page? I know there are many.

Did Tommy say that the EDL was “taken over by Nazis” or that it had proved impossible to get rid of the Nazi element? (Like the Labour Party's struggles with the Marxist Militant in the 1980s.)

The other thing is that Robinson is thinking of returning to the EDL. Now do you really believe that if the EDL got rid of all its Nazis, then, all of a sudden, Leftists/Marxists would miraculously stop criticising it and accusing it of being 'racist' and 'Nazi'? Of course they wouldn't! To communists and Trotskyists, literally ALL patriots and those against Islam are racists and/or Nazis. It really is that simple.

“.... if the founder of the EDL left because there were too many Nazis - what the hell are Jews doing supporting it?....”

What are left-wing Jews doing supporting left-wing groups who are ceaselessly working towards the annihilation of Israel? Do you point your finger at the Marxist/Leftist tradition of Jew-hatred which pre-dates the creation of modern Israel by some 100 years and which even pre-dates the formation of the German Nazi Party by some 70 years?

Socialist Jew-hatred began with Marx and reached a momentum amongst socialists in the late 19th century – at the same time as modern Zionism. Thus it had nothing to do with Israel and nothing to do with Zionism. It was a racially essentialist position which socialists adopted and which saw irredeemable links between Jews and capitalism.

Ayman Shalash
The admins need to rid this group of anyone supporting racists like Chaim Ben pesach.

Robert Bartholomew
You're so tolerant ayman. I thought your general consensus was that no one listens to Chaim anyway and he is nothing but a harmless fool...
Oh well, if you can't win an argument, you can always try to get people to shut up. It's the communist way.
PS Chaim has darkskinned people in his family. He was interviewed by black pastor Manning 5 times now and a lot of his supporters are arab Jews.
Seeing how obama's black followers are ravaging Baltimore really doesn't make Chaim look bad when he addresses these type of peole the way he does.

Joseph Cohen
Paul, Proudhon, Marx, Bakunin were all antisemites... but their antisemitism was incomparable to the antisemitism of the far right.

So what do we learn from this? Antisemitism spans all Western political philosophies and we, Jews, shouldn't attach ourselves to any poltical group whos supporters espouse Jew hatred... be it the EDL or the UAF.

Robert, Victor Vancier is a convicted terrorist - anyone praising him should be removed from this group. Period.

Robert Bartholomew
Ah, another communist. Victor Vancier never injured anyone. How is he a terrorist?

Ayman Shalash
Actually one woman died from the canister Chaim Ben pesach set off. She was the Secretary.

Robert Bartholomew
Chaim did not release that cannister. Where is your proof? You seem to always want proof...

Joseph Cohen
He is a convicted terrorist... there are pretty strong anti-terror laws in the UK. The admins should remove this JDL guy before the ZF finds itself in trouble.

Ayman Shalash
Omg he released tear gas. The poor woman suffocated.

Robert Bartholomew
Lol, you so funny. A terrorist is people who go out and kill people.
How would the zf get into any trouble? You support the anti fascists. These are the real violent people.

Robert Bartholomew
Ayman, stop lying. No person suffocated due to Chaim, if that was true you would post evidence.

Robert Bartholomew
Communists always try to shut people up who are not sharing their believe system. Interesting to see how many 'zionists' revert to the same tactics.
Did you notice how I never used ad hominems or asked for people to be removed? It is easy to argue when you're right.

Ayman Shalash
I Will get it. H
Chaim Ben pesach belongs in the gutter

Paul Murphy
“Joseph Cohen: "Proudhon, Marx, Bakunin were all antisemites... but there antisemitism was incomparable to the antisemitism of the far right."

Why was their anti-Semitism “incomparable to that of the the far right”? Simply because it was in the 19th century and you yourself are a Leftist? Because it didn't lead to a Trotskyist or communist Holocaust of Jews?

Since Marx never led a state, then obviously not. Though many Marxists every since have been anti-Semitic. Indeed in the 1960s there even began a tradition of Leftist Holocaust denial and that's stronger today than it has been since the 1960s.

Then there was Stalin, the Doctors' Plot, the Leftist Jew-hatred in the eastern European socialist regimes, etc.

“So what do we learn from this? Antisemitism spans all Western political philosophies and we, Jews, shouldn't attach ourselves to any political group that espouses Jew hatred... be it the EDL or the UAF.”

True. Though why have you only singled out Unite Against Fascism? Virtually every Marxist party in the 20th century was anti-Israel and also Jew-hating – at least after 1948 and certainly after 1967. The Soviet Union was ambivalent about Israel until the 1960s. And then against it.

The UAF, which is a front of the Socialist Workers Party, is far more anti-Semitic than the EDL because it is doctrinal – written into its beliefs – with that group. With the EDL, it simply had Nazi elements or tangential connections. (I don't know what the situation is today.) The SWP-UAF believes that Israel shouldn't exist. The EDL believed that it should exist and supported it. A big difference, wouldn't you say?

In any case, are you really also against UAF or are you just saying that in order to prove a point? The Labour Party is very much pro-UAF. (Weyman Bennett, a leader of UAF, said: "You Israelis should all go back to New York or wherever it is you come from.")

Ayman Shalash
You said Joann rivers donated to him. You couldn't prove it

Joseph Cohen
He was jailed sentenced to 10 years in jail for terrorism, he served five. You dont do five years unless you've committed a serious crime. He was also arrested for numerous other terror acts.

This group has sure attracted the crackpots... EDL and terrorist sympathisers.

Robert Bartholomew
I don't have to. I'm not the one getting upset with other peoples comments and trying to convince people about how bad someone else is...

Robert Bartholomew
what was he sentenced for? For injuring people?
Apparently, lying to the police gets you 5 years in prison in the uk.
Ask ayman, he's an expert on these issues.

Ayman Shalash
The only people that follow Chaim Ben pesach are those who laugh at him. The guy is a joke. Who the Hell begs millionaires for donations ,'to get the word out'. He is a fraud

Ayman Shalash
Lying to the police is a serious criminal offence especially if you are questioned about a crime

Robert Bartholomew
I think you should focus on your next silent protest ayman.

Gary Jonathan
Joseph are you aware of the extent of persecution of jews in the old Soviet Union. They were arrested for even going to synagogue ffs. and you cal yourself a Communist

Joseph Cohen
Paul the antisemitism you've heard from the UAF probably came from a website I ran for two years (exposing their anti-Jewish bigotry).

Again you have no idea who I am or where I stand.

Ayman Shalash
Will you condemn anders breivik?

Robert Bartholomew
I don't have to.

Robert Bartholomew
How does that prove your point?

Joseph Cohen
Robert pipe down and do your community service.

Robert Bartholomew
Go smash some property with your anti fascist friends. You're the real criminal.

Gary Jonathan
Joseph are u going to amswer my question abou the Soviet Union?

Robert Bartholomew
Still can't win with arguments can you joseph?

Joseph Cohen
Gary, I'm very aware of Stalinist antisemitism and his views on the "cosmopolitan bourgeoisie".

Paul Murphy
I don't think there are any EDL on this page. I supported the EDL until 2011.... I'm pointing out the double standards towards the far right as compared to the far left... Far Left good: far right bad.

Ayman Shalash
Anders breiviks bombed buildings in Oslo. Who is he to try and take someone else's life?

Gary Jonathan
Jospeh it was evenb after Stalin, it was through the 50s,60s,70s and 80s

Robert Bartholomew
Dont ask me, I dont know the guy ayman. What are you trying to prove? You are terrible at winning arguments ayman. Give it up.

Paul Murphy
I'm against what Anders Breivik did. And I'm right-wing.

Gary Jonathan
Have you heard of Natan Sharansky?

Joseph Cohen
In my mind the distinction is some far left are bad... while ALL far right are bad.

Robert Bartholomew
Can't argue with idiots. Time to walk the dogs.

Gary Jonathan
Jospeh what do you define as far right??????????????/ Anyone whos against mass immigration? Anyone who is against Islamization?

Paul Murphy
"In my mind the distinction is some far left are bad... while ALL far right are bad.".... Why?

Paul Murphy
Joseph Cohen: I hope you're not saying that the far left who support Israel are good and those that don't are bad. I personally don't know any Trotskyists or communists who support Israel.

Paul Murphy
... not even those Leftist academics in Israel itself....
« Last Edit: May 07, 2015, 11:39:46 AM by Spiraling Leopard »

Offline Spiraling Leopard

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And elsewhere in that group he wrote:

Robert Bartholomew
There is Racism and Hate towards Kahanists as well. Because of that I will post the following quotes, with the intend of tarring the libtards with the taste of Kahane.

The Story of the Jewish Defense League:
One week later, the following AP dispatch was sent from Moscow: "Soviet authorities recently ordered medical treatment for labor camp inmate Silva Zalmanson after threats by militant Jews in the United States that 2 Russians would be killed there if she died in the camp..."
In 1973, as I campaigned for the Knesset in Israel, I spoke at a gathering in a private home in Kiron. During the question-and-answer period, an Israeli sharply attacked me and we got into a rather angry debate. A middle-aged woman, who had been sitting quietly, then raised her hand and, apologizing for her inability to speak Hebrew very well, explained in Yiddish that she was a relatively new arrival from the Soviet Union. She then said: " I do not know very much about politics and I only came this evening because I heard that you were here. When I left the Soviet Union, my friends made me promise if I ever saw you to thank you in their name for all that you have done for us."
There was a very long silence in the room. I could not say a word, but that said more to me than all the foolish words of the Jewish groups and leaders and made up for some of the moments of frustration and disillusion. It did not even matter that, as I campaigned, Soviet immigrants seized my hand, wept, kissed me-and then, in the election, voted for the other parties. It really was not so terrible. In the end, it only proved that the immigrants from the Soviet Union really were Jews.

"Rabbi Kahane's death does not mean that activists should only come together once a year to remember him", said Norman Krug, a Russian-Jewish activist. "When I was a 15 year-old boy in the former Soviet Union, I read in the Pravda newspaper that there was a group of ‘fascist hooligans’ called the JDL who were fighting for our freedom, and I could not have been prouder. When I arrived in the United States I pledged my heart to Rabbi Kahane and joined him in his crucial work. I urge everyone here today to remember Rabbi Kahane's legacy by becoming involved in Jewish causes.”

Ayman Shalash
Well Gary I believe we must be balanced. Yes Islam is a global problem no doubt. But we must also marginalise people like Chaim Ben pesach. See my comment on the other post

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Orim Shimshon exposed as a coward.

Ayman shalash AKA Orim Shimshon has proven himself to be a coward.
As he was being pushed and pulled in his latest video a woman went to help him. She was dragged to the ground and grabbed by the throat and had to spray 100% legal Farb Gel in 2 of the Assailants faces (Andy Simons, Simon Assaf) as an identifying mark for the police. The police, after having seen footage of the incident, went to arrest the woman along with Orim Shimshon, and not the Aggressors. Orim was eventually released without his phone, but the woman was kept without food, water and medical attention only to be released on bail after 8 hours.
The coward Orim Shimshon is now unwilling to produce a written statement of what happened on the event to help the woman coming to physically protect him.
As of now he is actually kicking down at the woman who came to his aid, claiming that she did not use the Farbgel in self-defence.

He also snitched one of the people who on several occasions provided security for him, because the police threatened to arrest him for 'trespassing'.

Read the whole story here:

Offline Mein Koran

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Two Questions:

1) Did Joan Rivers actually donate to JTF???

2) Why is he called "Orim Shimshon"? Is he a jew?
Islam is retarded - Geert Wilders, peace be upon him

Offline Spiraling Leopard

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Two Questions:

1) Did Joan Rivers actually donate to JTF???

2) Why is he called "Orim Shimshon"? Is he a jew?


That's the name he picked for himself. His real name is ayman shalash.

Offline muman613

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This guy is certifiably a loon. Caught up in his misinformation and attempting to poison others against a righteous Jew. Shame on this guy. Can't believe someone is so hateful as to spend so much time belittling such a righteous person. Chaim towers over this malignant puke and in my opinion it is a waste of time to even read anything this lost soul has written.

Sorry Charlie, your attempt to defame has fallen on deaf ears.
You shall make yourself the Festival of Sukkoth for seven days, when you gather in [the produce] from your threshing floor and your vat.And you shall rejoice in your Festival-you, and your son, and your daughter, and your manservant, and your maidservant, and the Levite, and the stranger, and the orphan, and the widow, who are within your cities
Duet 16:13-14

Offline Spiraling Leopard

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More comments. He cannot produce anything he accuses Chaim of and has pathetically lost the 'debate'.

Gary Jonathan
Joseph Cohen I imigine you are quite a supporter of South Africa's ANC Did you know the ANC hates Israel and want to expel the Israel ambassador and demonizes Israel and supports BDS The leader of the ANC's student wing says he loves Adolf Hitler-so its not only whitwe power nuts thsat love Hitler

Paul Murphy

Joe Pierce

Ray Kay Joe
Remeber! You may not agree with everything we say, but at the end of the day we are all here to support Israel. That should be good enough for you.

Ayman Shalash
Joe Pierce the jtf is a terrorist organization. Most Jews hate the jtf

Mark Dines
Can people not show some Jewish Values on this page? I only joined the page to get a clearer picture of the how to combat antis semitism and anti-zionism, nit to be subjected to wacky extremist views from either wing. I am critical of Israel but care ...See More

Joe Pierce
JTF?? When did I mention them?

Joe Pierce
Ray being on the side of jihadists and attacking anti jihadists put you firmly in the enemies of Israel and every other democracy!

Robert Bartholomew
Ayman, I am still waiting for your 'PROOF' that a woman suffocated because of teargas used by Chaim.
You have only proven yourself to be a cheap liar because people don't suffocate from teargas.

You keep trying to score cheap points hopping from one issue to the next, ignoring every failed point you tried to bring up.

JTF is a 100% law-abiding organization. Please prove that it is a terrorist organization. If you can't do that you are nothing but a cheap liar.
In fact, you are so cheap that you took pictures of patients in Northwick Park hospital in order to sell them for money.

Tell us ayman, who paid for your 3 week trip to Israel? Did you pay for it yourself?

Please answer these question and provide proof where requested or go hide in shame for trying to smear people you disagree with.

Offline Zelhar

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Then he is a liar and a snitch, not sure in what order.

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These "Jews" look just like Arabs.

Offline Spiraling Leopard

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These "Jews" look just like Arabs.

He is an ex-musim arab.
You can get an arab out of islam, but you cannot get islam out of the arab.

Offline Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks

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He is an ex-musim arab.
You can get an arab out of islam, but you cannot get islam out of the arab.
Translation, he is a Muslim Arab doing taqqiyah.

Offline Ephraim Ben Noach

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I can't believe this little snitch! is attacking JTF...after he sold out his friends for something so minor? If this was a war, he would be sucking off the enemy! Good riddance!
Snitches get stitches! Just a saying, I'm not promoting something bad happens to him.
Ezekiel 33:6 But if the watchman see the sword come, and blow not the horn, and the people be not warned, and the sword do come, and take any person from among them, he is taken away in his iniquity, but his blood will I require at the watchman's hand.

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This coward got the thread removed from the zionist federation fb group and is now asking for me to be removed.
I have everything in screenshots though.

Offline Ephraim Ben Noach

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This coward got the thread removed from the zionist federation fb group and is now asking for me to be removed.
I have everything in screenshots though.
The post was removed... Did you happen to see what happened before it was removed?
Ezekiel 33:6 But if the watchman see the sword come, and blow not the horn, and the people be not warned, and the sword do come, and take any person from among them, he is taken away in his iniquity, but his blood will I require at the watchman's hand.

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I will post the screenshots later.

Ayman Shalash / Orim Shimshon is so dumb that he thinks that the Jews in London trust him and care about him. The Jews don't care about him, they just use him as a token arab for what they perceive to be hasbara. And some even worship him as their next golden calf because they are too wimpy to do anything themselves. London Jews only care about their own image in their little 'Jewish' community and will never go against what this collective entity decides is right.
These Jews are also racist, because they would never worship a white goy in this manner, but then again, what white goy would want to be worshipped by libtard zionists.

Last year, Ayman Shalash / Orim Shimshon was beaten, spit at and kicked out of his place to stay (I think he was staying with relatives) by his father, because of the videos he has on his youtube channel. A London Jew then offered him a place to stay and he stayed there for some days.
Then one day, without saying a word, he and his belongings were gone without saying a word, just like that, and he moved back in with his relatives.
There were rumours amongst the Jews that it is possible that he was forced to inform on [jews, jewish groups, jewish events, or whatever] in order for him to move back into his old place where he lived with his relatives.

It is not very likely that Ayman Shalash / Orim Shimshon is going to continue with 'silent protests' because he is so scared of the police that he thinks they will put him in jail for 'trespassing'.
So now that that game of his is up, he now resorts to posting pictures of himself on twitter holding some signs to keep his image alive.

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« Last Edit: May 05, 2015, 06:08:52 PM by Spiraling Leopard »

Offline Spiraling Leopard

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« Last Edit: May 05, 2015, 06:11:23 PM by Spiraling Leopard »

Online Chaim Ben Pesach

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Re: Orim Shimshon / Ayman Shalash commits Lashon Hara against Chaim
« Reply #17 on: May 03, 2015, 05:20:22 PM »

Unfortunately, I didn't see this before I answered Spiraling Leopard on Ask JTF. I did the program before looking at the forum.

Spiraling Leopard, thank you so much for your courageous and brilliant answers. May Hashem bless you and your loved ones for the great work that you do.

Offline White Israelite

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Re: Orim Shimshon / Ayman Shalash commits Lashon Hara against Chaim
« Reply #18 on: May 03, 2015, 06:39:09 PM »
I heard about this from another Kahanist member on facebook, very disturbing.

Offline Spiraling Leopard

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Re: Orim Shimshon / Ayman Shalash commits Lashon Hara against Chaim
« Reply #19 on: May 04, 2015, 12:01:45 PM »
See here how the brave Orim Shimshom / Ayman Shalash tries to get a post removed that exposes what a coward he is:

Offline Spiraling Leopard

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Re: Orim Shimshon / Ayman Shalash commits Lashon Hara against Chaim
« Reply #20 on: May 04, 2015, 12:19:02 PM »
Here you can see Orim Shimshon / Ayman Shalash try to get me removed from the Zionist Federation facebook group.
The Zionist Federation now has removed all posts where Orim Shimshon / Ayman Shalash has exposed himself as a sick liar who tries to smear people with MURDER. They also removed at least 2 articles I posted, proving that Zionism in Britain is a complete farce.

You can see how he is now backtracking on his despicable SMEAR, thinking that since the original thread had been removed, no one would be able to see it anymore. Eventhough I warned him people might have taken screenshots, he still chose to continue.

Notice how all the little Brit-Yids come to his defense, regardless of the evidence presented. All these spineless weasels are too weak to face the reality of their brave hero Orim Shimshon / Ayman Shalash.
His friend Joseph Cohen is an Anti-Fascist and quite clearly has studied Saul Alinsky's Rules for Radicals.





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Re: Orim Shimshon / Ayman Shalash commits Lashon Hara against Chaim
« Reply #21 on: May 04, 2015, 12:24:33 PM »








Offline Ephraim Ben Noach

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Re: Orim Shimshon / Ayman Shalash commits Lashon Hara against Chaim
« Reply #22 on: May 04, 2015, 05:07:21 PM »
Did you manage to get anything after that?
Ezekiel 33:6 But if the watchman see the sword come, and blow not the horn, and the people be not warned, and the sword do come, and take any person from among them, he is taken away in his iniquity, but his blood will I require at the watchman's hand.

Offline Spiraling Leopard

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Re: Orim Shimshon / Ayman Shalash commits Lashon Hara against Chaim
« Reply #23 on: May 04, 2015, 05:14:29 PM »
No, they removed everything to spare Orim Shimshon / Ayman Shalash the humiliation.

Offline Ephraim Ben Noach

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Re: Orim Shimshon / Ayman Shalash commits Lashon Hara against Chaim
« Reply #24 on: May 04, 2015, 05:26:56 PM »
Dang it! I think maybe, I might of got it removed.... I was really hoping to see their response...
Ezekiel 33:6 But if the watchman see the sword come, and blow not the horn, and the people be not warned, and the sword do come, and take any person from among them, he is taken away in his iniquity, but his blood will I require at the watchman's hand.