The same here as the Boy Scouts....leading these young men and women astray like evil is doing will cause God to destroy that which is unholy....People have been discussing in fear how God must be watching these perpetraitors of Evil and how they are destroying lives and futures of children. Gay lifestyles are not the norm and children who are true heterosexuals, will have feelings of confusion. Not every person wants to have sex with the same sex, or have their organs and private parts transformed. It is a sick sick culture to push on young people who are growing into adults, leading them down the wrong path. Makes me sick! God did not create 2 men or 2 women to populate the would be biologically impossible without the right reproductive organs...and there was no artificial inesemention as I have heard from some of the Left wing none of us would be here...that disproves the theory of Darwin...these Leftwing nuts will reap what they sew.