I truly believe that Jews that have the means and health..and have decided to stay on their own accord and have totally disregarded Israel..Deserve death..How it comes I don't know..Jews that love Israel need to leave now if possible...The only future for the Jewish people is Eretz Yisrael..Alot of Jews who are good Jews think that the melek mashiach will lead them back in a miraculous fashion.. I simply cannot accept the notion..What you ask is a very hard question...and I think I gave a very harsh response...Sometimes truth is very ugly..As far as xtians love..I rather have a kick by a pious Jew..than a kiss from them..
Ah their love. But it feels sooo much. The rotten sweet of a lie.
As for your judgement, ok that's lvl 1, but like basically everything starts out as a death penalty, and then you move up. There are warnings, not leaving is bad on a level I'm not qualified to comment on, but it's obvious that the punishment for ignoring repeated warnings is what we've been seeing.
Then we get to our Torah V2 buddies. Torah is a little to harsh for a few groups here, so they black some things out (don't ever study from such a Torah, and if one is given to you as a present, ask your Rabbi if you should bury it) and they're of course waiting for the messiah to come to the center of the universe where they live to take em home. Just better hope he doesn't lead them back through a swarm of wasps, because they'll get stung and never consider crushing them. So that's 1 group, they spend their lives asking goyim for help against the evil Israelis, and they chose their allies the philistines and their xtian "values" over Israel and Judaism. "The goyim will protect us in galus, we are afraid of them in Israel". Just go over the neviim with them, works like a charm (unfortunately, programming such as this means that if you show them their dedication to hating Israel was nonsense, they may group Torah in with it, because that's the Torah they knew. Better to have a chiloni that supports Israel or a Chassid that doesn't?
Then we have the interesting candidate, the Lubavitch. They say that completely abandoning a Jewish community is horrible, and spend tens of millions of dollars to put a good looking old dude's picture up everywhere. A quarter to a half are waiting for a procession from the ohel to the kotel, many others want to go start shuls in small communities, and a reasonable percentage is in the first camp with their 3 oaths and Zionist boogeymen, from what I've seen. I've seen accomplishments there, secular Jews getting a connection to Judaism with their communities. They've got three potential issues:
1. Israel hating-camp, not worthy of consideration, G-d's got that one covered, individually try to show them the madness in their statements, which I can help with. Maybe don't talk about that in Hebrew at first though.
2. Save the communities in hell camp: If only we could see that kind of love for the Jewish people, translating into love for the pioneers who keep us all safe. This point I can't argue, Iran went back 150 years when the Jews left, Russia and Germany 50 each, and every country that looses their Jewish community turns into nothing. Recently. Israel is the magnetic center of the world as demonstrated by Newton, everything you do there affects everywhere. The temple is the apex of that, so we have enough good Jews to bring it back, we won't need to sacrifice Jewish lives for a Jewish community that is needed to save other people. There is no temple, though, and look what happened to France when the Jews left. In my heart I know that us and the world are both better off with Jews in Israel, but I can't explain it.
3. Rebbe resurrection camp: I am unable to form an informed comment. Seen some pro-Hashem's land, some anti. I can comment on the problems arising from such beliefs, but that's not the issue. I'd rather see a "look we have a messiah" poster than a rainbow one in Tel Aviv, but better they stay in New York and give money to tzedakah then spend it on yearly aliyah to a grave. I don't think Israel would collapse under the weight of a ton of new moshiahists. G-d doesn't punish, he helps you. We've covered what is deserved, now, how do you break the flimsy Jewish connection to the lands that hate them, and leave them no reason to stay?