Author Topic: Dozens of Arabs Beat 3 Jewish Drivers. Pipi does nothing  (Read 1209 times)

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Offline Dan193

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Dozens of Arabs Beat 3 Jewish Drivers. Pipi does nothing
« on: August 13, 2015, 12:29:06 AM »
Dozens of Arabs Beat 3 Jewish Drivers
Bystander reveals that a confrontation between drivers ended in a lynch mob.
By Shimon Cohen
First Publish: 8/12/2015

Dozens of Arab workers brutally attacked three Jews in the industrial area of ​​Atarot, near Jerusalem, a worker in the area testified to Arutz Sheva on Wednesday.

The employee, who chose not to reveal his name, said that the incident began at about 5:00 pm Monday.

"I saw three guys lying on the road - they looked battered and bruised," he recounted, stating that Border Police and Magen David Adom (MDA) forces were already at the scene by the time he arrived.

To understand the sequence of events, he spoke with one of the Jews who were beaten; the victim told him that it had simply begun as a fight between motorists.

An Arab truck driver tried to overtake an Israeli's vehicle, the victim said, and when the Arab driver was unable to cut him off, he approached the car and began beating the three Jews inside.

Dozens of Arab laborers from a nearby workplace joined in, he added.

Anywhere between 20-50 Arab workers allegedly surrounded the three Jews and began beating them indiscriminately - with their hands, with rocks, and with bricks.

"They threw blocks on one of the guys while he was lying on the road," the bystander stated.

Within minutes, police arrived; they had apparently been alerted to the sequence of events by another driver. The Arabs fled the scene before being able to be apprehended, in the direction of Qalandiya, an Arab village just west of the boundary line of Jerusalem in the direction of Ramallah..

"If it had happened a few hundred meters closer toward Qalandiya, they [the Jews] would not have come out of the attack alive," the worker told Arutz Sheva.

Offline Dan193

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Re: Dozens of Arabs Beat 3 Jewish Drivers. Pipi does nothing
« Reply #1 on: August 13, 2015, 12:30:21 AM »
Rachel Johnson
This is the only Israel newspaper that has even reported this. It is disgusting. Apparently,the only way any terror hate incident like this will ever be reported in any Israeli newspaper other than Arutz is if the Jewish person is murdered.
Like · Reply · 2 · 6 hrs

Sarah Feld
Arab price tag! Let's see the round up for administrative detention of (everyone or) anyone involved. House arrest? No doubt, the UN will be furious at the barbaic attack - 20-50 - against three. No doubt the EU will condemn this vicious near lynch.
Like · Reply · 16 · 14 hrs

Len Levin ·
Temple University
The comments of Sarah, Jenny Marie and Judith are right on target. Amazing that none of the attackers were caught; doubtful that the UN will condemn the attack; doubtful that Israel will round up Arab workers without any proof of guilt (which I don't believe they should do).
Like · Reply · 3 · 13 hrs

Jenny Marie Wesley-Johansen
Cancel all Arab work permits in Israel .

Or should we expect Rivlin and Ya'alon to lock up the victims under administrative detention............while Rivlin imports thousands more Jordanians to invade Israel?

This is insanity. INSANITY.
Like · Reply · 15 · 14 hrs

Judith Zvaig W ·
אוניברסיטת בר-אילן
Don't get it:

"Anywhere between 20-50 Arab workers allegedly surrounded the three Jews and began beating them indiscriminately" "Within minutes, police arrived"

Like · Reply · 10 · 14 hrs

Offline Dan193

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Re: Dozens of Arabs Beat 3 Jewish Drivers. Pipi does nothing
« Reply #2 on: August 13, 2015, 12:34:04 AM »
Lazlo T Son
You know that police are told to do nothing unless someone is about to die. They can't use their weapons against Arabs. And if arrested the courts treat them with kid gloves. That's the price you pay when you live in a sucker's state that is no longer sovereign. It will only get worse.
Like · Reply · 6 · 13 hrs

Daniela Doron
Dont you know Arabs are under Israel President Reuben Rivlin  protection?
Like · Reply · 6 · 12 hrs

Yaakov Zelig ·
Tulane University
Also, in today's news, I read of new orders for the IDF. Soldiers must fire in the air first and are not allowed to kill, unless their life is threatened. So Mustafa, lives another day and returns to terrorism, tommorrow. If the Ashkenazi leaders of Israel do not have it in their DNA, then turn the government over to Sephardim, who know the Arabs, better. They are more willing to treat the Arabs, like the Arabs, treated them. And I am saying this as an Ashkenazi Jew.
Like · Reply · 8 · 12 hrs

Ariel Alexis ·
Jerusalem, Israel
On the other hand, if a group of Israelis decided to do the same thing, regardless of why, The entire international community, the Arabs trash and the Lefties of Israel would have been all over the press corps talking [censored].
Did I include US white house Lacays?
Like · Reply · 8 · 13 hrs

Betty Plotnick
And Netanyahu. And Rivlin. And Peres. And Ya'alon. All being self-righteous.
Like · Reply · 1 · 9 hrs

Offline Dan193

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Re: Dozens of Arabs Beat 3 Jewish Drivers. Pipi does nothing
« Reply #3 on: August 13, 2015, 12:40:35 AM »
Lazlo T Son
Don't worry, it means nothing. They were Arabs with jobs who Bennett and BiBi tell us aren't a threat. Let's go back to eating ice cream and shopping in the mall. (And I'm sure the police were instructed to let them go. In any case they are prohibited from using live fire. That's what happens when you live in a state for suckers.)
Like · Reply · 6 · 13 hrs

Riva Schertzman ·
Jerusalem, Israel
Just another DAILY act of murderous violence by our peace partners!
Like · Reply · 6 · 12 hrs

Rafael Ortiz ·
Pick Three Analyst at Loteria Electronica
I wish I could understand what's going on. These events boggle the mind. Who rules in Israel?
Like · Reply · 6 · 13 hrs

מנשה גולן
AMALEK and the Canaanites
Like · Reply · 5 · 10 hrs

Ariel Alexis ·
Jerusalem, Israel
מנשה גולן The lefties, the UN, te EU, the US HUSSEIN OBAMA AND KERRY,
Like · Reply · 3 · 9 hrs

Michael Bartley
מנשה גולן Keep faithful and true to Adonai until the end
Like · Reply · 1 · 5 hrs

Daniel Jarovisky
50 Philistinim against 3 Israelis? How brave these Arabs are hiding behind the safety of numbers and trying to murder Jews. Netanayahu: You bear much of the responsibility for making statements of inclusion and intolerance for the " the alledged and unproven murder of an Arab baby by Jews". I don't know and doubt that these three Israeli motorist had machine guns with the at the time of this cowardly attack, but Israelis who live in these Arab vermin-infested areas, should and must carry ordinance with them (machine guns, side arms, a couple of high pwer rifles and a few grenades with some hunting knives). Is it illegal? So what about these Philistinim cowards illegal attack on just three Israelis? The Netanyahu-security forces can no longer be trusted to protect Jews in their own land, therefore they must take their defense and survival in their own hands.

Offline Dan193

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Re: Dozens of Arabs Beat 3 Jewish Drivers. Pipi does nothing
« Reply #4 on: August 13, 2015, 12:45:13 AM »
Alex Salomon ·
Plovdiv University "Paisii Hilendarski"
thank you, Simon Oslo Perez & cohorts, and these shmoks took all guns away from the Jews.
Like · Reply · 5 · 13 hrs

Robert Millman
Like · Reply · 3 · 10 hrs

Jack Bender
Total outrage.....Israeli leaders are scared to act...makes things far worse....
Like · Reply · 2 · 11 hrs

Heather Ann Czerniak ·
Marquette University
Well, Bibi, are you happy now? You're Israel's leader, not someone else's. You are accountable. If, however, you need some good advice on how to deal with the crises, the Almighty is standing by. Talk to Him.
Like · Reply · 1 · 5 hrs

Adam Neira
Prayers for the drivers.

Great calm must grace the Holy Land stage now not more chaos and violence. Beware a vacuum of vision, courage and trust building at the top/apex/centre of the management paradigm in the Holy City. There are a series of specific moves that can and should be made now to arrest the downwardly spiralling vortex. Let's see how wise the various "leaders" are on all the sides in the coming days...
Like · Reply · 1 · 13 hrs

Ron Lee
Jews that are in proximity to Arabs need guns.
Like · Reply · 1 · 5 hrs

Moshe Yosef
Get rid of this democracy bull [censored]. Israel should legislate that arab mooooslums & christions must be resident aliens and not citizens put a time limit as to how long they can remain in the country.........10 years for all non-Jewish prior citizens. Only Jews can be citizens. All have freedom. Only Jews can vote. Expel arabs, shoot them dead if they harm Jews. And expel them and their relatives. And expel christions too. Why do you insist on living in a hostile nation wide environment ?
Like · Reply · 1 · 6 hrs

Michael Bartley
Democracy does seem silly when conducted this way, no?
Like · Reply · 5 hrs

Rick Gee
Stupid article or at least poorly written. Do we get to know who was atacked and what their condition is. The way the article sounds these three should be barely alive if so many Arabs beat them and threw rocks and stones and bricks. A few more facts would help.
Like · Reply · 10 hrs

Ron Bier ·
Works at Retired
What do you think of EXILING any Arab commiting a violent crime in Israel? Just take them to the border or put them on a boat and let them find a country of their choosing? It sounds so simple but makes a lot of sense to me. No jail, no food, no expense to the tax payers and no reponsibility for taking care of these creatures. I think it's pretty humane also. Or would you prefer to just kill them? Makes no difference to me.
Like · Reply · 3 hrs

Alan Ernst ·
Queens College
Its so nice to see after 2000 years in the exile to be slaughtered by the goyim to come home let the goyim beat &
murder us.
Like · Reply · 1 hr
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Offline Dan193

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Re: Dozens of Arabs Beat 3 Jewish Drivers. Pipi does nothing
« Reply #5 on: August 13, 2015, 12:46:04 AM »
Raphael Ben Avraham ·
If you had guns you could protect yourselves seeing how the government won't.