It is 10:15 pm here in MS. I just lisetened to Chaim's response to my question.
I must text without a shadow of a doubt, with some issues we may disagree, WHEN CHAIM SPOKE AND ANSWERED MY QUESTION. IT HIT ME HARD. Chaim, is a great human being. I will text this, I am not a Jew, but I am proud to be a friend of the Jewish people. I bless the day I found this forum.
I thought I have lost hope. The last 2 years have been hell.
I've not lost hope, I'VE FOUND IT. G-D BLESS THE MEMBERS OF THIS FORUM. It may sound stupid and foolish, but you have all , helped me out in a way, you can not understand. Even if I agree or disagree with you. I have almost lost hope for my life , and the life of my family. Chaim, if you read this, please understand, how much, you have given someone hope. A family that lives still in a fema camp. YOU INSPIRE ME.
As do those on this forum. G-d bless.