Author Topic: Why hasn't any rabbi sentence Sam Harris to death yet?  (Read 1435 times)

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Offline Rational Jew

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Why hasn't any rabbi sentence Sam Harris to death yet?
« on: November 22, 2015, 08:26:42 AM »
Remember ayatollah Khomeini proclaiming a death sentence against Sulmun Rushdie for "insulting Islam"? We need to admire our enemies' tactics. Sam Harris accuses Judaism of encouraging the most evil practices and has repeatedly called upon Jews to assimilate. He's a real Jewish Nazi. He's also a sodomite. Death to Sam Harris!

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Offline Binyamin Yisrael

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Re: Why hasn't any rabbi sentence Sam Harris to death yet?
« Reply #1 on: November 22, 2015, 10:04:18 PM »
A Jewish court can't sentence anyone to death. Only a Sanhedrin can do that. Also, it would need to takeover the Government of Israel and replace the self-hating courts. Right now, Jewish courts can only deal with personal status issues and monetary judgements, not criminal or capital cases.

Offline Zelhar

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Re: Why hasn't any rabbi sentence Sam Harris to death yet?
« Reply #2 on: November 25, 2015, 01:26:37 PM »
Jews don't issue death fatwas like they do in Islam! If you are learned and of strong faith you just don't pay too much attention to defamation against your faith.

Offline Israel Chai

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Re: Why hasn't any rabbi sentence Sam Harris to death yet?
« Reply #3 on: November 26, 2015, 03:44:35 PM »
 "We need to admire our enemies' tactics."

No we don't.  Judaism isn't pisslam. If someone is retarded and wants to leave Judaism and cry all day about his small impotent brain cells, what's the point of killing him? He brings more to our side by how disgusting he is, and anyone he "convinces" was usually anti-Judaism/all religion in the first place.

By the way, you still are doing the same thing you always do. You post a bunch of stuff against Judaism or comparing it to pisslam, and you curse the person 5 times, and then say something that makes Judaism look bad to an ignoramus.

Your last post you insulted me for telling you to disprove the disgusting things you wrote, and said you were busy that week. I brought it up for days and weeks after, so it's assumed you believe that Judaism is as bad as Islam in many ways, and that you do not like the religion, and that's your right.

This speech hits on your Xtianity too. Do you hate Xtinaity as well, or can you respond to, "The creator of the universe clearly expects everyone to own slaves."?
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Offline Rational Jew

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Re: Why hasn't any rabbi sentence Sam Harris to death yet?
« Reply #4 on: November 26, 2015, 04:41:07 PM »
Judaism commands us to execute blasphemers. What he does is engaging in pure blasphemy. If he wouldn't be executed, he should be cursed and everyone should pray for his destruction. The reason I bring him up is because a lot of people on the so-called right praises him for his criticism of Islam while ignoring him saying worse things against Judaism or Christianity. He lies that God condones slavery yet is ignorant on how slavery was structured and what it actually stood for in the Torah. He's not interested in truth but only in attacking Torah.
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Offline Israel Chai

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Re: Why hasn't any rabbi sentence Sam Harris to death yet?
« Reply #5 on: November 26, 2015, 04:52:08 PM »
Judaism commands us to execute blasphemers. What he does is engaging in pure blasphemy. If he wouldn't be executed, he should be cursed and everyone should pray for his destruction. The reason I bring him up is because a lot of people on the so-called right praises him for his criticism of Islam while ignoring him saying worse things against Judaism or Christianity. He lies that God condones slavery yet is ignorant on how slavery was structured and what it actually stood for in the Torah. He's not interested in truth but only in attacking Torah.

Ok, the laws of slavery were designed to end slavery. It's why there were so many Jews in the anti-slavery movements around the world. Your slave sleeps in a gold bed if you do, eats what you do, if you punch him and make him bleed, he goes free, you have to free him every jubilee anyways, and Torah purposefully seeks to humiliate one who would become a willing slave by making him do an ear-piercing ceremony. The whole tone of slavery in Torah is that it's a negative thing people do when they would die if they didn't.
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