Thanks for the info. Not trying to be a trouble maker or anything, just trying to learn. The thing about creating a justice system is a little concerning for me, is this separate from civil law? I have lived my whole life as a Christian and have studied islam extensively since 9/11 but I honestly have a lot to learn about Judaism so please, I ask for patience. Are the 613 laws listed in the Tanach? Are the Torah and the Tanach the exact same thing or is it different and what exactly is the Talmud. Sorry for probably going off topic here so I will change direction for this info if so directed.
Very good questions and very good answer Newman. The Torah/Chumash: (The Five Books of Moses) specifies the 10 commandmants but in their entirety are 613. Most of these deal with and applied to the Kings rule. In the book of Genesis the Torah outlines the Laws of Noah which one could get the basics from Wikipedia while keeping in mind that it is from a Leftist, G-dless source.
The Tenach, Bible or "Tanach" is the Torah with the Prophets etc. In Exodus the Torah states that G-d gave the Laws to Moses on Mt. Sinai which was witnessed by masses of Jews and Erev Rav. In that same book it says that Hashem taught His Laws to Moses. So the Torah is the written Laws of HaShem while the Talmud is the Oral teachings of HaShem as they specifically apply to the written law. These Oral Laws were taught and passed from generation to generation when studying the Torah. I believe Newman is correct that during the exile the Rabbis took to studying and debating the Oral law as to how it is applicable directly to Torah writing and then wrote down the proper interpretations of those laws in what is called the Babylonian Talmud. This process was done earlier in Jerusalem and is known as the Jerusalem Talmud. Essentially it is the generations of oral teachings of Torah knowlege written down due to the immense turmoil of the times so it will never be lost of forgotten like many other ancient cultures, languages, laws etc. That is my understanding of it but I welcome corrections. If you have any specific questions contact Lubab. He's knowledged in this ....