These two don't impress me, nor do DuBois, Wright, Hughes or the rest of them. If you read the accounts written by the slave owners, and even the black slave owners, you will see that it was almost imposible to teach these creatures how to take the seed out of the cotton, even Jefferson concluded that they were unable to function in a civilized world. That are just facts. The only reason that slaves wanted to 'escape' slavery was, as they thought, they could come up north and do nothing. It is of interest to note, that freddy douglas married a white woman, so fat slob that was his 'secretary'. These poor creatures have done enough to discredit themselves forever. If you lived through the late fifties and early sixties, it was the threats of violence, the riots and their open threats of murder that frightened the filthly whites in congress to pass the white hating 1965 civil rights act. One good thing that happened however was that all black owned businesses were destroyed by that one stroke of the pen. Now the blacks don't own anything, no hotels, no insurance companines, nothing. When the robinson came into white baseball the black leagues collasped, thousands of blacks thrown out of work. What is the legacy of the liberal obsession to intergrate, destroyed neighborhoods, destroyed schools, an out of control crime rate, blacks that can't function but must be hired anyway, city agencies destroyed because of the vast amount of blacks in it, a postal service which is laughable, the inability of white people to ride public transportation system without running into degenerate black youth, black beggers, black bums and the assortment of rappers, singers, and I even saw breakdancers on the subway. Yes that is black history, in all it's glory. I do say that to import these poor creatures here and attempt to civilize them was a tragic mistake for all imvolved. If we were compassionate we would ship them back with reparations, say a basketball, crack pipe, and a pair of limit edition snoop doggy dog nikes, to the paradise that was created by the ANC in south africa. From what I understand it is a wonderland of peace and love, staffed by the finest african doctors and scientists in the world. Yes, black history, what a wonderful legacy.