Author Topic: I have to take a "Diversity" class in college.  (Read 13497 times)

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Offline fjack

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Re: I have to take a "Diversity" class in college.
« Reply #25 on: September 02, 2007, 05:52:23 PM »
When you say there is such a thing as black history if you mean the crime reports, the constant failures, the constant complaining about how hard they tried to get out of work during slavery then you are right. If you are taking about nobel prizes, except for the 'peace prizes', contributions to a functioning society, then they don't have one.

Offline Nic Brookes

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Re: I have to take a "Diversity" class in college.
« Reply #26 on: September 02, 2007, 05:57:08 PM »
Yacov, you have my deepest sympathy.

Offline Daniel

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Re: I have to take a "Diversity" class in college.
« Reply #27 on: September 02, 2007, 06:06:47 PM »
When you say there is such a thing as black history if you mean the crime reports, the constant failures, the constant complaining about how hard they tried to get out of work during slavery then you are right. If you are taking about nobel prizes, except for the 'peace prizes', contributions to a functioning society, then they don't have one.

Tried to get out of work during slavery? You mean how hard they tried to "free" themselves from slavery! I guess Harriet Tubman has no meaning to you. Neither does Booker T. Washington who developed programs that emphasized industrial training as a means to self-respect and economic independence for black people and who stated that it was foolish for blacks to agitate for social equality before they had attained economic equality.

Offline fjack

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Re: I have to take a "Diversity" class in college.
« Reply #28 on: September 02, 2007, 06:51:18 PM »
These two don't impress me, nor do DuBois, Wright, Hughes or the rest of them. If you read the accounts written by the slave owners, and even the black slave owners, you will see that it was almost imposible to teach these creatures how to take the seed out of the cotton, even Jefferson concluded that they were unable to function in a civilized world. That are just facts. The only reason that slaves wanted to 'escape' slavery was, as they thought, they could come up north and do nothing. It is of interest to note, that freddy douglas married a white woman, so fat slob that was his 'secretary'. These poor creatures have done enough to discredit themselves forever. If you lived through the late fifties and early sixties, it was the threats of violence, the riots and their open threats of murder that frightened the filthly whites in congress to pass the white hating 1965 civil rights act. One good thing that happened however was that all black owned businesses were destroyed by that one stroke of the pen. Now the blacks don't own anything, no hotels, no insurance companines, nothing. When the robinson came into white baseball the black leagues collasped, thousands of blacks thrown out of work. What is the legacy of the liberal obsession to intergrate, destroyed neighborhoods, destroyed schools, an out of control crime rate, blacks that can't function but must be hired anyway, city agencies destroyed because of the vast amount of blacks in it, a postal service which is laughable, the inability of white people to ride public transportation system without running into degenerate black youth, black beggers, black bums and the assortment of rappers, singers, and I even saw breakdancers on the subway. Yes that is black history, in all it's glory. I do say that to import these poor creatures here and attempt to civilize them was a tragic mistake for all imvolved. If we were compassionate we would ship them back with reparations, say a basketball, crack pipe, and a pair of limit edition snoop doggy dog nikes, to the paradise that was created by the ANC in south africa. From what I understand it is a wonderland of peace and love, staffed by the finest african doctors and scientists in the world. Yes, black history, what a wonderful legacy.


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Re: I have to take a "Diversity" class in college.
« Reply #29 on: September 02, 2007, 06:55:42 PM »
Have to agree with fjack.

The proof IS in the black pudding.

Offline Daniel

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Re: I have to take a "Diversity" class in college.
« Reply #30 on: September 02, 2007, 07:09:23 PM »
These two don't impress me, nor do DuBois, Wright, Hughes or the rest of them. If you read the accounts written by the slave owners, and even the black slave owners, you will see that it was almost imposible to teach these creatures how to take the seed out of the cotton, even Jefferson concluded that they were unable to function in a civilized world. That are just facts. The only reason that slaves wanted to 'escape' slavery was, as they thought, they could come up north and do nothing. It is of interest to note, that freddy douglas married a white woman, so fat slob that was his 'secretary'. These poor creatures have done enough to discredit themselves forever. If you lived through the late fifties and early sixties, it was the threats of violence, the riots and their open threats of murder that frightened the filthly whites in congress to pass the white hating 1965 civil rights act. One good thing that happened however was that all black owned businesses were destroyed by that one stroke of the pen. Now the blacks don't own anything, no hotels, no insurance companines, nothing. When the robinson came into white baseball the black leagues collasped, thousands of blacks thrown out of work. What is the legacy of the liberal obsession to intergrate, destroyed neighborhoods, destroyed schools, an out of control crime rate, blacks that can't function but must be hired anyway, city agencies destroyed because of the vast amount of blacks in it, a postal service which is laughable, the inability of white people to ride public transportation system without running into degenerate black youth, black beggers, black bums and the assortment of rappers, singers, and I even saw breakdancers on the subway. Yes that is black history, in all it's glory. I do say that to import these poor creatures here and attempt to civilize them was a tragic mistake for all imvolved. If we were compassionate we would ship them back with reparations, say a basketball, crack pipe, and a pair of limit edition snoop doggy dog nikes, to the paradise that was created by the ANC in south africa. From what I understand it is a wonderland of peace and love, staffed by the finest african doctors and scientists in the world. Yes, black history, what a wonderful legacy.

I dunno. My father and uncle are 61 and they grew up in Brooklyn (which I believe Chaim said he also grew up in), and have lived through the 50s and 60s and they have a very different perspective. Perhaps I'm just a victim of the liberal education system and even moreso, a big victim of a dag named bleeding heart liberal family! Curse them for raising me with such corrupt values!

Offline fjack

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Re: I have to take a "Diversity" class in college.
« Reply #31 on: September 02, 2007, 08:11:48 PM »
Dear Daniel, wait till you go for a job and some darkie lays the line on you that we are an EEOC employer and and affrimative action employer. In other words, no white need apply. Now if you were really a liberal, you would say 'I understand that and I feel that I must not be given this job, even though I don't have a criminal record, finished school, am responsible and have done everything right, to someone that I have oppressed and who has all the right in the world to jump a head in the line. I also realize that I have the benefit of white skin privilige all these years whilst my black brothers had to deal with post trumatice slave syndrome. I understand and I hate myself." That will prove that you are a true dyed in the wool liberal and deserve the highly prized 'I hate myself award".

Offline Daniel

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Re: I have to take a "Diversity" class in college.
« Reply #32 on: September 02, 2007, 09:16:02 PM »
Dear Daniel, wait till you go for a job and some darkie lays the line on you that we are an EEOC employer and and affrimative action employer. In other words, no white need apply. Now if you were really a liberal, you would say 'I understand that and I feel that I must not be given this job, even though I don't have a criminal record, finished school, am responsible and have done everything right, to someone that I have oppressed and who has all the right in the world to jump a head in the line. I also realize that I have the benefit of white skin privilige all these years whilst my black brothers had to deal with post trumatice slave syndrome. I understand and I hate myself." That will prove that you are a true dyed in the wool liberal and deserve the highly prized 'I hate myself award".

I work for the NYC Dept of Education where there is no preferential treatment according to race. If anything, there are certain areas and schools that are looking to hire more whites. But the credentials and salaries are exactly the same for everyone.


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Re: I have to take a "Diversity" class in college.
« Reply #33 on: September 02, 2007, 09:31:33 PM »
Dear Daniel, wait till you go for a job and some darkie lays the line on you that we are an EEOC employer and and affrimative action employer. In other words, no white need apply. Now if you were really a liberal, you would say 'I understand that and I feel that I must not be given this job, even though I don't have a criminal record, finished school, am responsible and have done everything right, to someone that I have oppressed and who has all the right in the world to jump a head in the line. I also realize that I have the benefit of white skin privilige all these years whilst my black brothers had to deal with post trumatice slave syndrome. I understand and I hate myself." That will prove that you are a true dyed in the wool liberal and deserve the highly prized 'I hate myself award".

I work for the NYC Dept of Education where there is no preferential treatment according to race. If anything, there are certain areas and schools that are looking to hire more whites. But the credentials and salaries are exactly the same for everyone.


Liberal government departments FAVOUR jungle jumpers in employment.

Offline Daniel

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Re: I have to take a "Diversity" class in college.
« Reply #34 on: September 02, 2007, 09:33:04 PM »
Dear Daniel, wait till you go for a job and some darkie lays the line on you that we are an EEOC employer and and affrimative action employer. In other words, no white need apply. Now if you were really a liberal, you would say 'I understand that and I feel that I must not be given this job, even though I don't have a criminal record, finished school, am responsible and have done everything right, to someone that I have oppressed and who has all the right in the world to jump a head in the line. I also realize that I have the benefit of white skin privilige all these years whilst my black brothers had to deal with post trumatice slave syndrome. I understand and I hate myself." That will prove that you are a true dyed in the wool liberal and deserve the highly prized 'I hate myself award".

I work for the NYC Dept of Education where there is no preferential treatment according to race. If anything, there are certain areas and schools that are looking to hire more whites. But the credentials and salaries are exactly the same for everyone.


Liberal government departments FAVOUR jungle jumpers in employment.

Oh, so you know the way my job works all the way from England better than myself, the one who actually works in the system.


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Re: I have to take a "Diversity" class in college.
« Reply #35 on: September 02, 2007, 09:35:09 PM »
Dear Daniel, wait till you go for a job and some darkie lays the line on you that we are an EEOC employer and and affrimative action employer. In other words, no white need apply. Now if you were really a liberal, you would say 'I understand that and I feel that I must not be given this job, even though I don't have a criminal record, finished school, am responsible and have done everything right, to someone that I have oppressed and who has all the right in the world to jump a head in the line. I also realize that I have the benefit of white skin privilige all these years whilst my black brothers had to deal with post trumatice slave syndrome. I understand and I hate myself." That will prove that you are a true dyed in the wool liberal and deserve the highly prized 'I hate myself award".

I work for the NYC Dept of Education where there is no preferential treatment according to race. If anything, there are certain areas and schools that are looking to hire more whites. But the credentials and salaries are exactly the same for everyone.


Liberal government departments FAVOUR jungle jumpers in employment.

Oh, so you know the way my job works all the way from England better than myself, the one who actually works in the system.

Personal insults are NOT allowed.

Please don't call me a pommy poofter again.

Offline Daniel

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Re: I have to take a "Diversity" class in college.
« Reply #36 on: September 02, 2007, 09:37:49 PM »
Dear Daniel, wait till you go for a job and some darkie lays the line on you that we are an EEOC employer and and affrimative action employer. In other words, no white need apply. Now if you were really a liberal, you would say 'I understand that and I feel that I must not be given this job, even though I don't have a criminal record, finished school, am responsible and have done everything right, to someone that I have oppressed and who has all the right in the world to jump a head in the line. I also realize that I have the benefit of white skin privilige all these years whilst my black brothers had to deal with post trumatice slave syndrome. I understand and I hate myself." That will prove that you are a true dyed in the wool liberal and deserve the highly prized 'I hate myself award".

I work for the NYC Dept of Education where there is no preferential treatment according to race. If anything, there are certain areas and schools that are looking to hire more whites. But the credentials and salaries are exactly the same for everyone.


Liberal government departments FAVOUR jungle jumpers in employment.

Oh, so you know the way my job works all the way from England better than myself, the one who actually works in the system.

Personal insults are NOT allowed.

Please don't call me a pommy poofter again.

What? ???


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Re: I have to take a "Diversity" class in college.
« Reply #37 on: September 02, 2007, 09:48:35 PM »
Dear Daniel, wait till you go for a job and some darkie lays the line on you that we are an EEOC employer and and affrimative action employer. In other words, no white need apply. Now if you were really a liberal, you would say 'I understand that and I feel that I must not be given this job, even though I don't have a criminal record, finished school, am responsible and have done everything right, to someone that I have oppressed and who has all the right in the world to jump a head in the line. I also realize that I have the benefit of white skin privilige all these years whilst my black brothers had to deal with post trumatice slave syndrome. I understand and I hate myself." That will prove that you are a true dyed in the wool liberal and deserve the highly prized 'I hate myself award".

I work for the NYC Dept of Education where there is no preferential treatment according to race. If anything, there are certain areas and schools that are looking to hire more whites. But the credentials and salaries are exactly the same for everyone.


Liberal government departments FAVOUR jungle jumpers in employment.

Oh, so you know the way my job works all the way from England better than myself, the one who actually works in the system.

Personal insults are NOT allowed.

Please don't call me a pommy poofter again.

What? ???

you said "from England"!!!

Wash your mouth out with soap!

Offline cjd

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Re: I have to take a "Diversity" class in college.
« Reply #38 on: September 02, 2007, 09:54:38 PM »
Let's get a fact or two straight for this affrimative action half white hater (he done be liken' thezs white wimezs) professor. There is no such thing as 'black history'. It is made up history, an exercise in 'feel good mentality'. This is an escape from a reality that wants to make excuses for the inablilty of jamal and latrine to read, write and do calculations. The current thought in the worthless field of education is to 'instill the child with self worth and with pride in his phoney baloney history and they will magically learn to read and wrtie and will fit into society'. We all know that this is hogwash. Ask that black professor what his major was and he will say either, sociology, education, african studies, psychology or some other throwaway ology that was invented just to have blacks recieve a college degree. As far as michael king goes, that is his real his name, he was a white hater, anti semite, a drunk, a plagarist, a liar and was an anti american traitor who embraced communism with open arms when they weren't around some prostitutes paid for by donations from white fools.

I think his degree is in Political Science. This course is called Politics of Diversity.

As always fjack has put this issue in it's correct prospective. Yacov, it is distressing that you have to waste your time sitting through a class like that. It bad enough that intelligent white folks have to tolerate having the filthy subhumans around  liberals have to even add insult to injury by coming up with curriculum like this and give animals a history where no history worth recording is present. At least its a dumb ape giving the class nothing is worse than having a white professor trying to sell that garbage. I don't think I would have survived a class like that. I could see failing something like that because the professor would have had several pointed questions to answer. It really is sad to see how out of whack our education system has become.
He who overlooks one crime invites the commission of another.        Syrus.

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Offline Daniel

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Re: I have to take a "Diversity" class in college.
« Reply #39 on: September 02, 2007, 09:55:52 PM »
Dear Daniel, wait till you go for a job and some darkie lays the line on you that we are an EEOC employer and and affrimative action employer. In other words, no white need apply. Now if you were really a liberal, you would say 'I understand that and I feel that I must not be given this job, even though I don't have a criminal record, finished school, am responsible and have done everything right, to someone that I have oppressed and who has all the right in the world to jump a head in the line. I also realize that I have the benefit of white skin privilige all these years whilst my black brothers had to deal with post trumatice slave syndrome. I understand and I hate myself." That will prove that you are a true dyed in the wool liberal and deserve the highly prized 'I hate myself award".

I work for the NYC Dept of Education where there is no preferential treatment according to race. If anything, there are certain areas and schools that are looking to hire more whites. But the credentials and salaries are exactly the same for everyone.


Liberal government departments FAVOUR jungle jumpers in employment.

Oh, so you know the way my job works all the way from England better than myself, the one who actually works in the system.

Personal insults are NOT allowed.

Please don't call me a pommy poofter again.

What? ???

you said "from England"!!!

Wash your mouth out with soap!

Oh, sorry, that's right, you're an Aussie. But my point still is, you're on the other side of the planet and claim that you know the way my career field works better than me. That's a pretty incredulous claim.

Offline MarZutra

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Re: I have to take a "Diversity" class in college.
« Reply #40 on: September 02, 2007, 09:58:34 PM »
Just a quick comment since this thread got on the racial "diversity", EOE and Affirmative action nonsense.  In my town there was actually a position for a police constible's position.  The advert was in the local and regional newspaper.  The top said "Only open to members of the "African" Canadian Community" and at the bottom the advert said "The Town of ...... is an Equal Opportunity Employer with an Affirmative Action Policy."  So for those who cannot read between the lines that is blatant and open racism: NO WHITES ALLOWED.  This is acceptable here in Canada....can you just imagine what it would be like if it was reversed and said "Only open to members of the Non "African" CAnadian community"?   Oy vey  what a fcuked up world...
"‘Vehorashtem/Numbers 33:53’: When you burn out the Land’s inhabitants, you will merit to bestow upon your children the Land as an inheritance. If you do not burn them out, then even if you conquer the Land, you will not merit to allot it to your children as an inheritance." - Ovadiah ben Yacov Sforno; Italian Rabbi, Biblical Commentator, Philosopher and Physician.  1475-1550.

Offline Daniel

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Re: I have to take a "Diversity" class in college.
« Reply #41 on: September 02, 2007, 10:00:42 PM »
Let's get a fact or two straight for this affrimative action half white hater (he done be liken' thezs white wimezs) professor. There is no such thing as 'black history'. It is made up history, an exercise in 'feel good mentality'. This is an escape from a reality that wants to make excuses for the inablilty of jamal and latrine to read, write and do calculations. The current thought in the worthless field of education is to 'instill the child with self worth and with pride in his phoney baloney history and they will magically learn to read and wrtie and will fit into society'. We all know that this is hogwash. Ask that black professor what his major was and he will say either, sociology, education, african studies, psychology or some other throwaway ology that was invented just to have blacks recieve a college degree. As far as michael king goes, that is his real his name, he was a white hater, anti semite, a drunk, a plagarist, a liar and was an anti american traitor who embraced communism with open arms when they weren't around some prostitutes paid for by donations from white fools.

I think his degree is in Political Science. This course is called Politics of Diversity.

As always fjack has put this issue in it's correct prospective. Yacov, it is distressing that you have to waste your time sitting through a class like that. It bad enough that intelligent white folks have to tolerate having the filthy subhumans around  liberals have to even add insult to injury by coming up with curriculum like this and give animals a history where no history worth recording is present. At least its a dumb ape giving the class nothing is worse than having a white professor trying to sell that garbage. I don't think I would have survived a class like that. I could see failing something like that because the professor would have had several pointed questions to answer. It really is sad to see how out of whack our education system has become.

Ya know, Yacov, I can see you being like Edward Furlong's character in American History X who did his book report on Mein Kampf just to [censored] his black teacher in a multicultural class. Now, I'm not saying you'd use Mein Kampf, but you'd probably think of some ways to make waves like this :)

Offline Daniel

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Re: I have to take a "Diversity" class in college.
« Reply #42 on: September 02, 2007, 10:03:02 PM »
Just a quick comment since this thread got on the racial "diversity", EOE and Affirmative action nonsense.  In my town there was actually a position for a police constible's position.  The advert was in the local and regional newspaper.  The top said "Only open to members of the "African" Canadian Community" and at the bottom the advert said "The Town of ...... is an Equal Opportunity Employer with an Affirmative Action Policy."  So for those who cannot read between the lines that is blatant and open racism: NO WHITES ALLOWED.  This is acceptable here in Canada....can you just imagine what it would be like if it was reversed and said "Only open to members of the Non "African" CAnadian community"?   Oy vey  what a fcuked up world...

That's very wrong. No matter what direction discrimination takes place, it's still racism. I don't buy into the whole concept of "reverse racism", it's just plain racism.

Offline MarZutra

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Re: I have to take a "Diversity" class in college.
« Reply #43 on: September 03, 2007, 09:12:50 AM »
I agree with you 100%.  Today, sadly, most institutionalized racial bigotry or "racialism" is against the whites.  I told that to our unelected black town councilman who got his position because this black Marxist previously attempted to sue the town for "racism".  The Town, which was in the right, didn't not want every black accross the country up their as-s's for "racism".  So the town just payed him off.  So he decided to "run for office".  He did and lost.  Then complained that it was "racism" because the town council needs to have representation from the "African Nova Scotian" Community.  So the town asked the fellow who was democratically elected to be replaced by this black marxist savage.  It is so stacked against the "White Man"......imo
"‘Vehorashtem/Numbers 33:53’: When you burn out the Land’s inhabitants, you will merit to bestow upon your children the Land as an inheritance. If you do not burn them out, then even if you conquer the Land, you will not merit to allot it to your children as an inheritance." - Ovadiah ben Yacov Sforno; Italian Rabbi, Biblical Commentator, Philosopher and Physician.  1475-1550.

Offline RationalThought110

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Re: I have to take a "Diversity" class in college.
« Reply #44 on: September 04, 2007, 09:22:55 AM »
The Southern Poverty Law Center?   I can't stand that cult. 

Offline Mstislav

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Re: I have to take a "Diversity" class in college.
« Reply #45 on: September 04, 2007, 09:26:10 AM »
I agree with you 100%.  Today, sadly, most institutionalized racial bigotry or "racialism" is against the whites.  I told that to our unelected black town councilman who got his position because this black Marxist previously attempted to sue the town for "racism".  The Town, which was in the right, didn't not want every black accross the country up their as-s's for "racism".  So the town just payed him off.  So he decided to "run for office".  He did and lost.  Then complained that it was "racism" because the town council needs to have representation from the "African Nova Scotian" Community.  So the town asked the fellow who was democratically elected to be replaced by this black marxist savage.  It is so stacked against the "White Man"......imo

If he wants to scream 'race', somebody should give him a good reason to scream race. A burning cross on his front lawn should do the trick.
The satanic barbaric deathcult of islam spread like a cancer throughout the world, killing and destroying everything it touches. muslims are like the hiv/aids virus, subverting the societies of non muslim lands only to allow the cancer of islam to consume and destroy. muslim, I curse and hate you, your 'prophet', 'g o d' and deathcult.   

Because the West needs to be won again and the stakes couldn't be higher . . .

Offline Nic Brookes

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Re: I have to take a "Diversity" class in college.
« Reply #46 on: September 04, 2007, 01:40:28 PM »
Dear Daniel, wait till you go for a job and some darkie lays the line on you that we are an EEOC employer and and affrimative action employer. In other words, no white need apply. Now if you were really a liberal, you would say 'I understand that and I feel that I must not be given this job, even though I don't have a criminal record, finished school, am responsible and have done everything right, to someone that I have oppressed and who has all the right in the world to jump a head in the line. I also realize that I have the benefit of white skin privilige all these years whilst my black brothers had to deal with post trumatice slave syndrome. I understand and I hate myself." That will prove that you are a true dyed in the wool liberal and deserve the highly prized 'I hate myself award".

I work for the NYC Dept of Education where there is no preferential treatment according to race. If anything, there are certain areas and schools that are looking to hire more whites. But the credentials and salaries are exactly the same for everyone.


Liberal government departments FAVOUR jungle jumpers in employment.

Oh, so you know the way my job works all the way from England better than myself, the one who actually works in the system.

Personal insults are NOT allowed.

Please don't call me a pommy poofter again.

What? ???

you said "from England"!!!

Wash your mouth out with soap!

England the place isn't so bad, England the society may be a different story...

Offline Mstislav

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Re: I have to take a "Diversity" class in college.
« Reply #47 on: September 05, 2007, 08:53:10 AM »

If he wants to scream 'race', somebody should give him a good reason to scream race. A burning cross on his front lawn should do the trick.

JTF is opposed to The KKK. They give white Southerners a bad name. They're no better than the dumb blacks like Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton and have the same intelligence level as well.

I do not support the kkk at all. Cross burning is considered a racist act towards blacks if it is done on their property. MarZutra spoke of a black man who yelled 'race' to get his way and they aere not even legitimate racial issues. That is why I suggested that someone should burn a cross on his front lawn, at least that way he will have a legitimate reason to yell 'race'.
The satanic barbaric deathcult of islam spread like a cancer throughout the world, killing and destroying everything it touches. muslims are like the hiv/aids virus, subverting the societies of non muslim lands only to allow the cancer of islam to consume and destroy. muslim, I curse and hate you, your 'prophet', 'g o d' and deathcult.   

Because the West needs to be won again and the stakes couldn't be higher . . .

Offline MarZutra

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Re: I have to take a "Diversity" class in college.
« Reply #48 on: September 05, 2007, 09:12:05 AM »
UPDATE:  Apparently a few weeks ago the Gay Pride crowd petitioned the town I am from to have their rainbow gay flag flown atop of the Town Office flag poles.  Thank G-d the mayor is a very Conservative Christian said no and quoted numerous scriptoral passages against homosexuality.

The part I did like is that all the gays are behind the "black" issues, and so called "racism" issues, when they rise up but apparently the Town Council held a vote on "should the flag be flown on Town property in light of "Gay Pride Day" or not?"  The cown council voted 6 against one in favor.  The Marxist shvartza savage, who I thought would be the one, didn't.  He voted against it and was very anti-Gay in saying that we don't fly "heterosexual flags" or have a "straight pride day parade".  His logic, which I agree whole heartedly with, was impeccable.  It shocked me to be honest because for a Cornel Westian, or MLKian I would have thought that he'd of supported the "Gay Pride" "equality" issue.

OUTCOME: After this vote and quick interview on television of the Mayor and this Black Coucilor, he was met with a barrage of racially bigotted comments from the Leftist scum themselves.  That evening the homosexuals of the area apparently did a drive by on the Black Councillors house and were either yelling at him an his family they were Ni ggers and more of the like with signs etc.  The police apparently came. 

My only concern is that it might be staged.  The reason why I say this is because months before a "note" was "found" in the government office, by the ONLY black employee, and given to the ONLY black, unelected, councilman which had racial insults towards blacks on it....which was used by this fame seeking Black councilman, for additional "racism" charges and what not....

.....the funny thing is that the leftists attacked another leftist because he sided agaisnt a leftist agenda....   :-\
« Last Edit: September 06, 2007, 09:03:06 AM by MarZutra »
"‘Vehorashtem/Numbers 33:53’: When you burn out the Land’s inhabitants, you will merit to bestow upon your children the Land as an inheritance. If you do not burn them out, then even if you conquer the Land, you will not merit to allot it to your children as an inheritance." - Ovadiah ben Yacov Sforno; Italian Rabbi, Biblical Commentator, Philosopher and Physician.  1475-1550.

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Re: I have to take a "Diversity" class in college.
« Reply #49 on: September 05, 2007, 05:59:19 PM »
Labor day in New York city is a day that is over run by 'people of color from the caribbean expressing their pride'. Pride in what? There are approx. 3 million of the stoned and drunk haitians, rastas, trindadians and a whole gamut of turd world wonders who flood brooklyn ahd stage something they call 'carnival'. It is like Madi Gras but more drugs, booze and what ever these creatures can lay their hands on. This has been going on for years and all the major politicians always show up to debase themselves before these assorted tribes. I heard some of the interviews of the participants of this cultural extravaganza and this creature said that she spends 8 to 12 hours a day making her 'custome' for this event. The cops are told not to stop creatures selling booze on the street nor to make arrests for the open drug selling and drug use. This 'festival' goes on for hours. Now, dear posters I would like you all to put on your thinking caps and try and figure out what happens when you get millions of blacks in a small area, loaded with booze, grass and crack, with a mix of bloods and crips, as well as the jamician posse's and allies. You guessed it. Every year shootings, riots, stabbings and mayhem breakout. This year was no different, one person was shoot, but the police did admit to 'numerous stabbings and assaults', also the news heilcopters showed a view of a crowd with hundreds of strong black scholars slugging it out. A newscaster, a filthly white liberal, said it was due to the heat that tempers flared. I don't think so. When I saw this digusting waste of citizens (white citizens tax money) to pay for all the cops, who could not make arrests since this event is considered 'sensitive' and the mass of turd worlders who will vote I said we are doomed. These creatures have no right to be in this country. They are a plague and it will soon engulf us in a hellspout of destruction.