Author Topic: For the Jews: What is your 'secret job'?  (Read 19785 times)

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Offline Daniel

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Re: For the Jews: What is your 'secret job'?
« Reply #50 on: September 02, 2007, 10:24:39 PM »
I must admit, I do play a part in controlling the Federal Reserve and the World Banks as well.  Oh well, it was bound to come out sooner or later.

It's nice that we can all joke about this on here. On antisemetic boards and youtube videos, people really believe this nonsense is true. I have frequently stated things like, "Why am I not benefiting from all this power and money? Lord knows, I can certainly use the money! So how do I get on this massive Zionist bandwagon? Where do I find them? I feel so left out!  :'( "


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Re: For the Jews: What is your 'secret job'?
« Reply #51 on: September 02, 2007, 10:28:59 PM »
That's what happens when they put moonshine in the baby bottle!

Speaking from experience?

It was rum in my case.

Offline JewishTeddyBear

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Re: For the Jews: What is your 'secret job'?
« Reply #52 on: September 02, 2007, 10:33:46 PM »
Well, the way I figure it, if America and/or the Jews can be blamed for 9/11 by people who seriously believe what they are saying, then any and all bad things can be pinned on the Jews.  it is virtually impossible to change the mind of either conspiracy buffs or antisemites, but even moreso conspiracy buffs who are antisemites themselves


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Re: For the Jews: What is your 'secret job'?
« Reply #53 on: September 02, 2007, 10:40:12 PM »
It's the doggonedest thing.

Blame ALL the world's problems on mormons, rastafarians, buhdists or methodists and they'll laugh in your face. Blame everything on Jews and they lap it up.

Offline Daniel

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Re: For the Jews: What is your 'secret job'?
« Reply #54 on: September 02, 2007, 10:44:19 PM »
Well, the way I figure it, if America and/or the Jews can be blamed for 9/11 by people who seriously believe what they are saying, then any and all bad things can be pinned on the Jews.  it is virtually impossible to change the mind of either conspiracy buffs or antisemites, but even moreso conspiracy buffs who are antisemites themselves

Yes, that is exactly right! A few weeks ago, I was debating some nutjobs on one of Frank Weltner's videos called "Zionism has become terrorism" where a lot of posters were stating a lot of Holocaust denial BS and were also stating some conspiracy theories on 9/11. At one point I said, "Isn't it interesting how those of you who are Holocaust deniers also believe in the 9/11 conspiracy theories?" Of course, they didn't find it to be significant at all. After all, they're both basic truths! The Holocaust wasn't nearly as bad as we try to make it seem but yet we are guilty of committing genocide against the arabs. I don't normally lose it. But I eventually got so pissed off at them, I went off and exploded at them, called them a bunch of Nazis and told them they should die of cancer. I'm sure many of you would have been proud of me for this. But I shocked myself as to how I lost my temper with these nutjobs. I've just never seen such outrageous and unbelievable filth being posted in all my life! The internet certainly exposes us to people and concepts that were completely beyond our imaginations beforehand.

Offline JewishTeddyBear

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Re: For the Jews: What is your 'secret job'?
« Reply #55 on: September 02, 2007, 10:44:58 PM »
speaking of rastafarians, i heard that bob marley of all people, was Jewish, too

Offline JewishTeddyBear

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Re: For the Jews: What is your 'secret job'?
« Reply #56 on: September 02, 2007, 10:49:18 PM »
Have any of you ever heard of a man named Michael Medved?  He is an author, theatre critic, has his own talk show, and is a neo-conservative, modern Orthodox Jew.  Well, the other day he said something that caught my attention about these conspiracy nuts.  There never seems to be a conspiracy that goes against their opinions on things.  So, for example, they are all too ready to believe that the CIA murdered JFK and that the Jews orchestrated 9/11, not to mention denying the Holocaust, because all this fits in with their America-hating, Israel-hating, antisemitic views on the world.  But I dare these same people to come up with a conspiracy in which one of their left wing heroes or some third world dictator is the culprit.

Offline Daniel

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Re: For the Jews: What is your 'secret job'?
« Reply #57 on: September 02, 2007, 10:54:16 PM »
Have any of you ever heard of a man named Michael Medved?  He is an author, theatre critic, has his own talk show, and is a neo-conservative, modern Orthodox Jew.  Well, the other day he said something that caught my attention about these conspiracy nuts.  There never seems to be a conspiracy that goes against their opinions on things.  So, for example, they are all too ready to believe that the CIA murdered JFK and that the Jews orchestrated 9/11, not to mention denying the Holocaust, because all this fits in with their America-hating, Israel-hating, antisemitic views on the world.  But I dare these same people to come up with a conspiracy in which one of their left wing heroes or some third world dictator is the culprit.

I agree with everything you're saying except for calling them left wing. I think they're in a completely different dimension all its own. I consider left-wing to be those who support a two-state solution. But people like these who are completely anti-Israel, antisemetic, Holocaust deniers, conspiracy theorists, etc., there is no directionality that can be attributed to them on either side of the wing. They're just completely insane. There is no part of the wing that they can even fit on! They're in outer space!


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Re: For the Jews: What is your 'secret job'?
« Reply #58 on: September 02, 2007, 10:54:43 PM »
Have any of you ever heard of a man named Michael Medved?  He is an author, theatre critic, has his own talk show, and is a neo-conservative, modern Orthodox Jew.  Well, the other day he said something that caught my attention about these conspiracy nuts.  There never seems to be a conspiracy that goes against their opinions on things.  So, for example, they are all too ready to believe that the CIA murdered JFK and that the Jews orchestrated 9/11, not to mention denying the Holocaust, because all this fits in with their America-hating, Israel-hating, antisemitic views on the world.  But I dare these same people to come up with a conspiracy in which one of their left wing heroes or some third world dictator is the culprit.

I heard a few Jesuit conspiracies and got my hopes up that maybe the Jews were getting a break. turned out that Jews were behind the Jesuits! >:(

Offline JewishTeddyBear

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Re: For the Jews: What is your 'secret job'?
« Reply #59 on: September 02, 2007, 11:00:24 PM »
the Jews were behind the Jesuits?  umm....dare I ask how that is even possible?  The closest I ever came to being near a Jesuit, was when I used to watch former California Governor Jerry Brown make speeches on television.

As far as the two-state solution representing liberalism rather than antisemitism, I am afraid I have to disagree.  The whole phrasing of a two-state solution is bogus in itself.  the islamofascists already have 57 countries of their own, so as things stand right at this moment, there already is a 58 state solution.  the islamofacists can have their 57 countries, and we Jews can have our one little tiny strip of land.

Seems like a fair deal to me.


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Re: For the Jews: What is your 'secret job'?
« Reply #60 on: September 02, 2007, 11:15:48 PM »
the Jews were behind the Jesuits?  umm....dare I ask how that is even possible? 

Anything is possible to the anti-semite.

Jooos can cause earthquakes according to them.

Offline Daniel

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Re: For the Jews: What is your 'secret job'?
« Reply #61 on: September 02, 2007, 11:16:52 PM »
the Jews were behind the Jesuits?  umm....dare I ask how that is even possible?  The closest I ever came to being near a Jesuit, was when I used to watch former California Governor Jerry Brown make speeches on television.

As far as the two-state solution representing liberalism rather than antisemitism, I am afraid I have to disagree.  The whole phrasing of a two-state solution is bogus in itself.  the islamofascists already have 57 countries of their own, so as things stand right at this moment, there already is a 58 state solution.  the islamofacists can have their 57 countries, and we Jews can have our one little tiny strip of land.

Seems like a fair deal to me.

I understand what you're saying. I'm just saying that there's a difference between the Peace Now folk and the folks that just want Israel and all the Jews wiped off the face of the earth. Much of my family is in favor of the two-state solution. I used to be in favor of this myself. I can tell you that neither my family or myself are antisemetic or anti-Israel and I was in favor of this view because I thought it would be better for Israel by assuring a Jewish majority in the future. But my views changed after the failed Camp David accords followed by the second intifada in 2000.  I figured, what's the point in continuing to have a peace process if it's not going to end up in a peace result and only end up in a drastic increase in violence? My father and uncle are still in favor of the peace process and two-state solution. Although I disagree with them, I know that they believe in what they do because they think that this is what is best for Israel and they are certainly not anti-Israel or "self-hating Jews." They view the antizionist and antisemetic nutjobs who want no state of Israel to exist in the same exact way that the rest of us do. So my point is is that it's not just an "either-or" type of situation. There are middle positions as well. While we may not agree with them, I think it's important to differentiate between those who are somewhere in the center from those who are just completely off the radar chart. If we even "see" the differences, regardless of whether or not we agree, and just operate with a "You're either with us or against us" mentality, then we're thinking like Sith lords that only deal in absolutes.

Offline Daniel

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Re: For the Jews: What is your 'secret job'?
« Reply #62 on: September 02, 2007, 11:17:27 PM »
the Jews were behind the Jesuits?  umm....dare I ask how that is even possible? 

Anything is possible to the anti-semite.

Jooos can cause earthquakes according to them.

You mean they don't? ;)

Offline JewishTeddyBear

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Re: For the Jews: What is your 'secret job'?
« Reply #63 on: September 02, 2007, 11:39:04 PM »
Daniel, sorry, but I still have to disagree with you.  I may agree with you that SOME people who are for the bogus two-state solution MAY have good intentions, that, as the old saying goes, the road to hell is paved with good intentions.  In other words, even if they mean well, their plan would be a disaster for Israel.  And the fact that they do not know this, makes me wonder if it is a matter of them not knowing what a disaster it would be, or if they really do know, but secretly want Israel destroyed.  Or maybe they themselves do not realize that they want Israel destroyed; maybe the whole thing is unconscious.  Nevertheless, the effects are the same.

I have to admit, that up to now, I could not really say that I have hated the liberals, thinking that they are merely misguided, and that if they knew better, they would not have the positions that they have.  However,  how much time should we give them to realize what is right?  How many times must they be wrong, which they always are, before they realize it?  Don't they have some responsibility for knowing the truth?  It is not like we live in some plastic bubble, where the truth  is not accessible.  If a person studies the Torah, or listens to talk radio, or studies the works of Rabbi Kahane, or Rabbi Daniel Lapin, or Dennis Prager, or Michael Medved, or Milton Freidman in a related realm, or a whole host of other great thinkers, the truth becomes crystal clear.  We do not live in a closed society, where the truth is suppressed.  Besides, when you get right down to it, all right-wing thinking really is, is plain old-fashioned common sense.

Offline Lubab

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Re: For the Jews: What is your 'secret job'?
« Reply #64 on: September 03, 2007, 12:06:08 AM »
You know we can't answer this Newman,

Ah what the heck, me and a couple of my buddies are planning a world take over. Nothing big, we just put out, well this thing, think of it like rat poison..but a good rat poison you know what I mean? You eat some and then you think it's good so you pass it on and infect all your friends and then this goes on for a while and before you know it you're all a bunch of Lubavitcher Chassidim.  ;D

"It is not upon you to finish the work, nor are you free to desist from it." Rabbi Tarfon, Pirkei Avot.

Offline OdKahaneChai

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Re: For the Jews: What is your 'secret job'?
« Reply #65 on: September 03, 2007, 12:11:53 AM »
You know we can't answer this Newman,

Ah what the heck, me and a couple of my buddies are planning a world take over. Nothing big, we just put out, well this thing, think of it like rat poison..but a good rat poison you know what I mean? You eat some and then you think it's good so you pass it on and infect all your friends and then this goes on for a while and before you know it you're all a bunch of Lubavitcher Chassidim.  ;D
So that's how you Lubavitchers are growing so quickly!  Well, thanks for being so helpful with this Vast International Zionist Joo Conspiracy we've got going.

One does not deal with terrorists; one does not bargain with terrorists; one kills terrorists.
- Rabbi Meir Kahane ZT"L, HY"D


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Re: For the Jews: What is your 'secret job'?
« Reply #66 on: September 03, 2007, 12:19:36 AM »
You know we can't answer this Newman,

Ah what the heck, me and a couple of my buddies are planning a world take over. Nothing big, we just put out, well this thing, think of it like rat poison..but a good rat poison you know what I mean? You eat some and then you think it's good so you pass it on and infect all your friends and then this goes on for a while and before you know it you're all a bunch of Lubavitcher Chassidim.  ;D

So that's what's in the cholent at the Chabbad House Shabbat feasts!


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Re: For the Jews: What is your 'secret job'?
« Reply #67 on: September 03, 2007, 01:56:30 AM »
I think this is dangerous!

Those vile anti-Jew snakes will actually use this stuff as reference!

This is dangerous stuff!

I would delete this asap!

Offline JewishTeddyBear

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Re: For the Jews: What is your 'secret job'?
« Reply #68 on: September 03, 2007, 02:01:50 AM »
I have been thinking that myself.  No, I do not think it should be deleted, as that would be a form of censorship, and I abhor censorship.  Still, I can imagine antisemites reading what people have written here, and be all too eager to take it all seriously.

But you know what?  The hell with them.  They are going to hate us no matter what we do.  So let them stew in their own hateful juices as they read all that everybody wrote here.


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Re: For the Jews: What is your 'secret job'?
« Reply #69 on: September 03, 2007, 02:05:08 AM »
We are laughing at the expense of the anti-semites. If we posted denials of conspiracy involvment they'd say THAT was proof of JOO's guilt. To hell with them. Let them run about like headless chickens after reading this.

Offline judeanoncapta

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Re: For the Jews: What is your 'secret job'?
« Reply #70 on: September 03, 2007, 02:13:04 AM »
I agree with Newman.

We're making fun  of the insanity of the anti-semitic idea of Jewish international control.

We're showing the insanity of their theories.
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Offline New Yorker

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Re: For the Jews: What is your 'secret job'?
« Reply #71 on: September 03, 2007, 02:23:27 AM »

Hey what do you guys plan on doing with you're New World Order secret conspiracy money? I plan on buying some private Carribbean islands and pimped out private Boeing 747's when I get my Joo Gold!  ;D
Nuke the arabs till they glow, then shoot them in the dark.


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Re: For the Jews: What is your 'secret job'?
« Reply #72 on: September 03, 2007, 02:25:47 AM »
I agree with Newman.

We're making fun  of the insanity of the anti-semitic idea of Jewish international control.

We're showing the insanity of their theories.

yes i know, BUT, do not give them ammunition !

This can seriously hurt JTF, etc

Offline OdKahaneChai

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Re: For the Jews: What is your 'secret job'?
« Reply #73 on: September 03, 2007, 02:26:32 AM »
Shhh!  Guys, we need to keep this a bit quieter.  That bastard Gibson and his son already found out about our Vast International Zionist Joo Conspiracy (VIZJC), and we don't want anyone else doing the same!

One does not deal with terrorists; one does not bargain with terrorists; one kills terrorists.
- Rabbi Meir Kahane ZT"L, HY"D


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Re: For the Jews: What is your 'secret job'?
« Reply #74 on: September 03, 2007, 02:27:14 AM »

Hey what do you guys plan on doing with you're New World Order secret conspiracy money? I plan on buying some private Carribbean islands and pimped out private Boeing 747's when I get my Joo Gold!  ;D

Us noachides get NOTHING. We are just slaves to the House of Israel. I'll have to vaccuum the sand on your island, wash your 747 and trim your palm trees.