Newman, this is not the smart way to deal with the situation.
Once again personal issues arousing a colossal catastrophy? What's the matter with you people?! You want to save America, save Israel and save western civilization, but you can't even handle your own inner matters right? What is this with you? You never learn? Can't you surpass your personal issues and unite under the superior cause?
This forum is like a Soap-Opera! I mean.. you can't have one week, one week without anybody going: "Oh this guy or that guy should be banned..", or "I've had it! I'm outa here..", or "Gentiles are drek at JTF".. What IS this? Can't you get along with each other? Don't you have greater motive to stick together than to separate?
Chaim is applying for Aliya now. It's a crucial time for all of us. Are you willing to throw all that out and cut yourself off the movement in a time like this? What about self responsibility?
Now I come from the Hebrew forum. People there are much younger than you are in average. We also have this kind of situations every now and then, and we all feel committed to the cause and do our best to work them out whenever they appear. But here- this kind of behavior is like a constant repetitive ritual!, and it's turning this movement into a joke! G-d I don't understand this forum!! Can't you deal with each other in a mature way?
Newman, you have more than 4,000 posts. You are so intelligent, your posts are such an asset to the forum and you are one of the most admired people I know on here. Is it worth ruining all that you have built with your ten fingers, with just one blow?
Jeffguy may have said something that offended you. So what? So he said. Jeffguy is doing his job, and he is doing it wonderfully. I'm sure he wouldn't want you to leave, and neither would the rest of us. He didn't even attack you personally. He was speaking in general about the tendency of the forum to sometimes cross the line and get to a "racist STYLE of talking", he wasn't accusing YOU personally. He warned US in general. That's all.
Newman, if you think you have a specific problem with someone here, if you think someone has offended you, solve it behind the scenes, use PMs maybe. Don't rush into things. You mean too much to all of us. Please give it another chance,– for the purpose, for your friends, for you.