Schools, swimming pools, malls, cinemas...everywhere the shvartza goes becomes unfit for humans.
What scares me, is us Jews are the ones that gave shvartzes civil rights in the first place. They truly are King Midas in reverse anything they touch turns to drek!
Btw when I said "us" I meant those darned liberals, not me. I went to college and graduate school, I'm not that stupid! I am mischuga though! 
I was one of those self-hating Jews who believed in civil rights for apes. I learned my lesson and I regret my previous actions everyday.
Because of those apes (and their Liberal/Muslim pals, one in particular named Dr. Larry Z. Leslie of U/South Florida), I never was able to get into graduate school...
Man, go to another school! You're hating on blacks because you didn't get into ONE SCHOOL?
Correct. In fact, no doubt apes like you took my slot and most likely got the job that was rightfully mine "because dey be playin dat race card"
Don't get your underwear in a bunch man..I didn't take ANYTHING for you. I have a student loan of my OWN to pay off after I get MY degree. Get angry with that person and move on! Plus, from your explanation, you're not hating on blacks, You're hating on PLO/Hamas Arab Muslim blacks didn't take ANYTHING from you at all. The evil SOB who told you that he hated Jews ruined your chances of getting into college... why did you give up so've just given him power over your life.
Listen here Mammy
After that Muslim convert told me that, I was then told a few days later by your fellow apes that it would be best if I left the anti-apartheid group. Seems that the advisor to the group at my school (different school from where Leslie was) was pals with Leslie and he told her that Jews should not be involved in the anti-apartheid movement..on that he was right, since your fellow apes BACKSTABBED me. Some Boer students on campus sought me out and told me that I was a dupe..they were right.
You specifically said that blacks are the reason why you're not in that school and also the admissions idiot who was racist against you. Half of that was the truth. I don't have any 'fellow apes' because I'm not an ape. Keep that in mind. Second, You sat there and believed everything those evil blacks told you. YOU did! YOU didn't have to leave the group! YOU DID IT BECAUSE A FEW BLACK EVIL PEOPLE SUGGESTED YOU SHOULD! DOn't put that on me.. Look in that mirror and take responsiblity for your part in this drama.
I've been 'suggested' to leave here since I got here by some people and I'm still here. I was told by NEWMAN to give up my dreams of becoming an you think I'd kowtow to anything he says? I run my life;I decide when and where I'll go somewhere! And YOU are supposed to have that power also. Stand up for yourself. Don't go blowing up the building or anything or killing people because they hate you. They'll get over it.
Meanwhile, take your angry, confused behind to the highest court wherever you are and fight for your right to attend school where you'd like. They'll bounce that admissions advisor out of that school and onto his a&& so fast, he won't see himself sitting in the unemployment line soon enough. Sue the school for hiring a person who wasted your time...if you choose to continue to go to that school.
Oh, and the Mammy time, keep it to yourself because I'm not typing to you calling you WHitey or me the same respect. Thanks.