Author Topic: How the coppers used to deal with AA people.  (Read 10858 times)

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How the coppers used to deal with AA people.
« on: September 09, 2007, 01:39:39 AM »


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Re: How the coppers used to deal with AA people.
« Reply #1 on: September 09, 2007, 01:48:32 AM »
Actually, some blacks are still stopped for doing the things he rattled off. My husband and I, when our oldest daughter was a baby were home on leave and were stalked by police officers in their cruiser. We were driving my sister in law's 94' Murcury Sable and they assumed that because we were in a bad part of town, that we were probably drug dealers. So in essence we were stalked for driving a nice car in a run down neighborhood. Stupid.


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Re: How the coppers used to deal with AA people.
« Reply #2 on: September 09, 2007, 01:51:14 AM »
Actually, some blacks are still stopped for doing the things he rattled off. My husband and I, when our oldest daughter was a baby were home on leave and were stalked by police officers in their cruiser. We were driving my sister in law's 94' Murcury Sable and they assumed that because we were in a bad part of town, that we were probably drug dealers. So in essence we were stalked for driving a nice car in a run down neighborhood. Stupid.

Cops work off proven stats & laws of probability not racism.

Blacks+ bad area+ expensive car= 50%+ probability of criminality.


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Re: How the coppers used to deal with AA people.
« Reply #3 on: September 09, 2007, 01:58:25 AM »
Actually, some blacks are still stopped for doing the things he rattled off. My husband and I, when our oldest daughter was a baby were home on leave and were stalked by police officers in their cruiser. We were driving my sister in law's 94' Murcury Sable and they assumed that because we were in a bad part of town, that we were probably drug dealers. So in essence we were stalked for driving a nice car in a run down neighborhood. Stupid.

Cops work off proven stats & laws of probability not racism.

Blacks+ bad area+ expensive car= 50%+ probability of criminality.
That's just dumb, newman. If the tables were turned and it was YOU who was stalked because the car you drove was nice and people like "YOU" shouldn't be driving it, you'd be pissed off too. Don't give me that probability crap.


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Re: How the coppers used to deal with AA people.
« Reply #4 on: September 09, 2007, 02:00:48 AM »
Actually, some blacks are still stopped for doing the things he rattled off. My husband and I, when our oldest daughter was a baby were home on leave and were stalked by police officers in their cruiser. We were driving my sister in law's 94' Murcury Sable and they assumed that because we were in a bad part of town, that we were probably drug dealers. So in essence we were stalked for driving a nice car in a run down neighborhood. Stupid.

Cops work off proven stats & laws of probability not racism.

Blacks+ bad area+ expensive car= 50%+ probability of criminality.
That's just dumb, newman. If the tables were turned and it was YOU who was stalked because the car you drove was nice and people like "YOU" shouldn't be driving it, you'd be pissed off too. Don't give me that probability crap.

That analogy isn't sound.

I'm a white, anglo male 35+ years. Statistically I should be in a car like that.


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Re: How the coppers used to deal with AA people.
« Reply #5 on: September 09, 2007, 02:05:05 AM »
Actually, some blacks are still stopped for doing the things he rattled off. My husband and I, when our oldest daughter was a baby were home on leave and were stalked by police officers in their cruiser. We were driving my sister in law's 94' Murcury Sable and they assumed that because we were in a bad part of town, that we were probably drug dealers. So in essence we were stalked for driving a nice car in a run down neighborhood. Stupid.

Cops work off proven stats & laws of probability not racism.

Blacks+ bad area+ expensive car= 50%+ probability of criminality.
That's just dumb, newman. If the tables were turned and it was YOU who was stalked because the car you drove was nice and people like "YOU" shouldn't be driving it, you'd be pissed off too. Don't give me that probability crap.

That analogy isn't sound.

I'm a white, anglo male 35+ years. Statistically I should be in a car like that.
Get your head out of the statistics book you keep reading. SHOULD people be treated like that, Newman? The last time I checked, we have every right as black people to earn money, support our families, own our own homes, and drive our own new cars. Where does it say that we should be pulled over, stalked or even stopped because we were driving in a 'good' neighborhood?


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Re: How the coppers used to deal with AA people.
« Reply #6 on: September 09, 2007, 02:10:07 AM »
Get your head out of the statistics book you keep reading. SHOULD people be treated like that, Newman? The last time I checked, we have every right as black people to earn money, support our families, own our own homes, and drive our own new cars. Where does it say that we should be pulled over, stalked or even stopped because we were driving in a 'good' neighborhood?

A hunter hunts where the MOST game are.

A fisherman fishes where the MOST fish are.

A cop stops the MOST LIKELY criminals. Why would they waste their time pulling middle-class whites over?


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Re: How the coppers used to deal with AA people.
« Reply #7 on: September 09, 2007, 02:13:27 AM »
Get your head out of the statistics book you keep reading. SHOULD people be treated like that, Newman? The last time I checked, we have every right as black people to earn money, support our families, own our own homes, and drive our own new cars. Where does it say that we should be pulled over, stalked or even stopped because we were driving in a 'good' neighborhood?

A hunter hunts where the MOST game are.

A fisherman fishes where the MOST fish are.

A cop stops the MOST LIKELY criminals. Why would they waste their time pulling middle-class whites over?
Its called Racial Profiling, numbscull. And there's nothing 'good' about it. Comparing racial profiling to fishing and hunting doesn't make your light shine any brighter, genius.

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Re: How the coppers used to deal with AA people.
« Reply #8 on: September 09, 2007, 09:52:32 AM »
Get your head out of the statistics book you keep reading. SHOULD people be treated like that, Newman? The last time I checked, we have every right as black people to earn money, support our families, own our own homes, and drive our own new cars. Where does it say that we should be pulled over, stalked or even stopped because we were driving in a 'good' neighborhood?

A hunter hunts where the MOST game are.

A fisherman fishes where the MOST fish are.

A cop stops the MOST LIKELY criminals. Why would they waste their time pulling middle-class whites over?
Its called Racial Profiling, numbscull. And there's nothing 'good' about it. Comparing racial profiling to fishing and hunting doesn't make your light shine any brighter, genius.

So, how many times should cops pull over 80-year-old Irish nuns and 70-year-old Polish grandfathers, just to avoid the "problem" of racial profiling?

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Offline Ehud

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Re: How the coppers used to deal with AA people.
« Reply #9 on: September 09, 2007, 02:16:31 PM »
Get your head out of the statistics book you keep reading. SHOULD people be treated like that, Newman? The last time I checked, we have every right as black people to earn money, support our families, own our own homes, and drive our own new cars. Where does it say that we should be pulled over, stalked or even stopped because we were driving in a 'good' neighborhood?

A hunter hunts where the MOST game are.

A fisherman fishes where the MOST fish are.

A cop stops the MOST LIKELY criminals. Why would they waste their time pulling middle-class whites over?
Its called Racial Profiling, numbscull. And there's nothing 'good' about it. Comparing racial profiling to fishing and hunting doesn't make your light shine any brighter, genius.

Actually racial profiling is the most efficient way we have of hunting down criminals and terrorists.  We do this in Israel every day, and Israelis have the best and most efficient system of tracking down terrorists on the planet.  In Israel when gun-toting guards see pasty-faced Ze'ev Jabotinsky driving his mother and grandmother around, he doesn't bother me, nor should he. 

Fact is that we have limited resources, if we were to spend our time on everyone equally, we would be wasting countless man hours and resources on people who we know would never commit crimes in their lives, why does it make sense to waste our time like that, just to be politically correct and "fair"?

We live in the real world where we have to protect people from criminals and terrorists and it is much more important for the majority to be protected from these things than some "right" of someone not to get pulled over or not to be checked at the airport.  (which by the way, isn't a right) 

This is the price some people pay to live in a civilized society.  Is it unfortunate?  Of course it is, but there's nothing we can do about it, that's the real world.  We need to have law and order to live happy lives and unfortunately it is the fault of black people and arab terrorists that we have to scrutinize them more. 

If you really want to blame anyone for your next "unlawful" traffic stop, blame the millions of black men and women who have created a bad precedent for yourself.  Not the people who are doing their best to protect innocent people from being victims of crime.
"The Jews will eventually have to face up to what you're dealing with here.  The arabs will never love you for what good you've brought them.  They don't know how to really love.  But hate!  Oh, G-d, can they hate!  And they have a deep, deep, deep resentment because you have jolted them from their delusions of grandeur and shown them for what they are-a decadent, savage people controlled by a religion that has stripped them of all human ambition . . . except for the few cruel enough and arrogant enough to command them as one commands a mob of sheep.  You are dealing with a mad society and you'd better learn how to control it."

-Excerpt from The Haj by Leon Uris


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Re: How the coppers used to deal with AA people.
« Reply #10 on: September 09, 2007, 03:59:46 PM »
Get your head out of the statistics book you keep reading. SHOULD people be treated like that, Newman? The last time I checked, we have every right as black people to earn money, support our families, own our own homes, and drive our own new cars. Where does it say that we should be pulled over, stalked or even stopped because we were driving in a 'good' neighborhood?

A hunter hunts where the MOST game are.

A fisherman fishes where the MOST fish are.

A cop stops the MOST LIKELY criminals. Why would they waste their time pulling middle-class whites over?
Its called Racial Profiling, numbscull. And there's nothing 'good' about it. Comparing racial profiling to fishing and hunting doesn't make your light shine any brighter, genius.

Actually racial profiling is the most efficient way we have of hunting down criminals and terrorists.  We do this in Israel every day, and Israelis have the best and most efficient system of tracking down terrorists on the planet.  In Israel when gun-toting guards see pasty-faced Ze'ev Jabotinsky driving his mother and grandmother around, he doesn't bother me, nor should he. 

Fact is that we have limited resources, if we were to spend our time on everyone equally, we would be wasting countless man hours and resources on people who we know would never commit crimes in their lives, why does it make sense to waste our time like that, just to be politically correct and "fair"?

We live in the real world where we have to protect people from criminals and terrorists and it is much more important for the majority to be protected from these things than some "right" of someone not to get pulled over or not to be checked at the airport.  (which by the way, isn't a right) 

This is the price some people pay to live in a civilized society.  Is it unfortunate?  Of course it is, but there's nothing we can do about it, that's the real world.  We need to have law and order to live happy lives and unfortunately it is the fault of black people and arab terrorists that we have to scrutinize them more. 

If you really want to blame anyone for your next "unlawful" traffic stop, blame the millions of black men and women who have created a bad precedent for yourself.  Not the people who are doing their best to protect innocent people from being victims of crime.
I have a co-worker who was standing outside of his house while a police cruiser drove by. The police doubled back and parked in their grass, then shined the light on him...for no apparent reason. At the time my co-worker was 17 years old. The cop slammed him against the cruiser and told him to put his hands behind his back. Just then his father ran out of the house screaming "What are you doing to my son?! This is MY property!" then he asked for the officer's superior. They drove to where the cop had apprehended my co-worker and asked why he stopped him. The officer said, "He was standing in the yard and looked suspect". Right after that dumb response, his superior was asked by the father for his badge number ...he was going to report him for harrassment.

Do you know how many REAL crimes are happening while some police officers pull over blacks for being blacks, frisk blacks for being black, or beat down black for being black? Think about it.
« Last Edit: September 09, 2007, 04:03:44 PM by Erica »

Offline Ehud

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Re: How the coppers used to deal with AA people.
« Reply #11 on: September 09, 2007, 04:05:07 PM »
Get your head out of the statistics book you keep reading. SHOULD people be treated like that, Newman? The last time I checked, we have every right as black people to earn money, support our families, own our own homes, and drive our own new cars. Where does it say that we should be pulled over, stalked or even stopped because we were driving in a 'good' neighborhood?

A hunter hunts where the MOST game are.

A fisherman fishes where the MOST fish are.

A cop stops the MOST LIKELY criminals. Why would they waste their time pulling middle-class whites over?
Its called Racial Profiling, numbscull. And there's nothing 'good' about it. Comparing racial profiling to fishing and hunting doesn't make your light shine any brighter, genius.

Actually racial profiling is the most efficient way we have of hunting down criminals and terrorists.  We do this in Israel every day, and Israelis have the best and most efficient system of tracking down terrorists on the planet.  In Israel when gun-toting guards see pasty-faced Ze'ev Jabotinsky driving his mother and grandmother around, he doesn't bother me, nor should he. 

Fact is that we have limited resources, if we were to spend our time on everyone equally, we would be wasting countless man hours and resources on people who we know would never commit crimes in their lives, why does it make sense to waste our time like that, just to be politically correct and "fair"?

We live in the real world where we have to protect people from criminals and terrorists and it is much more important for the majority to be protected from these things than some "right" of someone not to get pulled over or not to be checked at the airport.  (which by the way, isn't a right) 

This is the price some people pay to live in a civilized society.  Is it unfortunate?  Of course it is, but there's nothing we can do about it, that's the real world.  We need to have law and order to live happy lives and unfortunately it is the fault of black people and arab terrorists that we have to scrutinize them more. 

If you really want to blame anyone for your next "unlawful" traffic stop, blame the millions of black men and women who have created a bad precedent for yourself.  Not the people who are doing their best to protect innocent people from being victims of crime.
I have a co-worker who was standing outside of his house while a police cruiser drove by. The police doubled back and parked in their grass, then shined the light on him...for no apparent reason. At the time my co-worker was 17 years old. The cop slammed him against the cruiser and told him to put his hands behind his back. Just then his father ran out of the house screaming "What are you doing to my son?! This is MY property!" then he asked for the officer's superior. They drove to where the cop had apprehended my co-worker and asked why he stopped.

Well this is an egregious case and obviously things like this don't make any sense.  First of all the cop went onto their property without permission.  I don't support racial profiling if it violates someone's property rights.  I meant more of on the street and in public.  If a cop looks around for suspicious-looking black people on the street in an area that is highly likely to have black drug dealing or violent gang activity, I don't see a problem with that. 
"The Jews will eventually have to face up to what you're dealing with here.  The arabs will never love you for what good you've brought them.  They don't know how to really love.  But hate!  Oh, G-d, can they hate!  And they have a deep, deep, deep resentment because you have jolted them from their delusions of grandeur and shown them for what they are-a decadent, savage people controlled by a religion that has stripped them of all human ambition . . . except for the few cruel enough and arrogant enough to command them as one commands a mob of sheep.  You are dealing with a mad society and you'd better learn how to control it."

-Excerpt from The Haj by Leon Uris


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Re: How the coppers used to deal with AA people.
« Reply #12 on: September 09, 2007, 04:06:21 PM »
Get your head out of the statistics book you keep reading. SHOULD people be treated like that, Newman? The last time I checked, we have every right as black people to earn money, support our families, own our own homes, and drive our own new cars. Where does it say that we should be pulled over, stalked or even stopped because we were driving in a 'good' neighborhood?

A hunter hunts where the MOST game are.

A fisherman fishes where the MOST fish are.

A cop stops the MOST LIKELY criminals. Why would they waste their time pulling middle-class whites over?
Its called Racial Profiling, numbscull. And there's nothing 'good' about it. Comparing racial profiling to fishing and hunting doesn't make your light shine any brighter, genius.

Actually racial profiling is the most efficient way we have of hunting down criminals and terrorists.  We do this in Israel every day, and Israelis have the best and most efficient system of tracking down terrorists on the planet.  In Israel when gun-toting guards see pasty-faced Ze'ev Jabotinsky driving his mother and grandmother around, he doesn't bother me, nor should he. 

Fact is that we have limited resources, if we were to spend our time on everyone equally, we would be wasting countless man hours and resources on people who we know would never commit crimes in their lives, why does it make sense to waste our time like that, just to be politically correct and "fair"?

We live in the real world where we have to protect people from criminals and terrorists and it is much more important for the majority to be protected from these things than some "right" of someone not to get pulled over or not to be checked at the airport.  (which by the way, isn't a right) 

This is the price some people pay to live in a civilized society.  Is it unfortunate?  Of course it is, but there's nothing we can do about it, that's the real world.  We need to have law and order to live happy lives and unfortunately it is the fault of black people and arab terrorists that we have to scrutinize them more. 

If you really want to blame anyone for your next "unlawful" traffic stop, blame the millions of black men and women who have created a bad precedent for yourself.  Not the people who are doing their best to protect innocent people from being victims of crime.
Sometimes the innocent people are pulled over just for 'matching the description'. Who's protecting THEM?

Offline Johnson Brown

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Re: How the coppers used to deal with AA people.
« Reply #13 on: September 09, 2007, 04:12:35 PM »
Actually, some blacks are still stopped for doing the things he rattled off. My husband and I, when our oldest daughter was a baby were home on leave and were stalked by police officers in their cruiser. We were driving my sister in law's 94' Murcury Sable and they assumed that because we were in a bad part of town, that we were probably drug dealers. So in essence we were stalked for driving a nice car in a run down neighborhood. Stupid.
That happens all the time to white people if white people are driving in a black neighorhood they get pulled over because the statistics say that whites in a bad neighborhood equals drug buys.
So don't give me the poor black people and like it or not they do the most crime.
Ok a black man is outside your house, would you want the police to stop him and question him or do you just want them to leave him alone?
The problem is blacks want it both ways they want all the police protection but when they are stopped they cry it's racial.


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Re: How the coppers used to deal with AA people.
« Reply #14 on: September 09, 2007, 04:27:59 PM »
Actually, some blacks are still stopped for doing the things he rattled off. My husband and I, when our oldest daughter was a baby were home on leave and were stalked by police officers in their cruiser. We were driving my sister in law's 94' Murcury Sable and they assumed that because we were in a bad part of town, that we were probably drug dealers. So in essence we were stalked for driving a nice car in a run down neighborhood. Stupid.
That happens all the time to white people if white people are driving in a black neighorhood they get pulled over because the statistics say that whites in a bad neighborhood equals drug buys.
So don't give me the poor black people and like it or not they do the most crime.
Ok a black man is outside your house, would you want the police to stop him and question him or do you just want them to leave him alone?
The problem is blacks want it both ways they want all the police protection but when they are stopped they cry it's racial.
Wait, I thought white people could do no wrong?

And if a black man is outside my house, perhaps walking by to get to his OWN house and the cops stop him, I have pity for him. If they were looking for a suspect and found him walking outside my house on a public block, I wouldn't mind if they stopped him, just as long as it didn't result in violence on either side. Endangering the lives of the residents on the block...Lots of problems have been started from things like that. Remember that African man who was shot repetedly outside of his house, in NY some years ago? He was mentally disabled but knew to get his wallet so that he could be identified. The cops, because there was more than two, shot him repetedly (reloading) until he was dead....Over a wallet. I've heard of firing a warning shot in the air but not brutally killing a person  for grabbing his wallet. How was that right? Racial profiling is the worst thing ever invented by American racists.
« Last Edit: September 09, 2007, 04:30:02 PM by Erica »

Offline Johnson Brown

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Re: How the coppers used to deal with AA people.
« Reply #15 on: September 09, 2007, 05:00:32 PM »
Actually, some blacks are still stopped for doing the things he rattled off. My husband and I, when our oldest daughter was a baby were home on leave and were stalked by police officers in their cruiser. We were driving my sister in law's 94' Murcury Sable and they assumed that because we were in a bad part of town, that we were probably drug dealers. So in essence we were stalked for driving a nice car in a run down neighborhood. Stupid.
That happens all the time to white people if white people are driving in a black neighorhood they get pulled over because the statistics say that whites in a bad neighborhood equals drug buys.
So don't give me the poor black people and like it or not they do the most crime.
Ok a black man is outside your house, would you want the police to stop him and question him or do you just want them to leave him alone?
The problem is blacks want it both ways they want all the police protection but when they are stopped they cry it's racial.
Wait, I thought white people could do no wrong?

And if a black man is outside my house, perhaps walking by to get to his OWN house and the cops stop him, I have pity for him. If they were looking for a suspect and found him walking outside my house on a public block, I wouldn't mind if they stopped him, just as long as it didn't result in violence on either side. Endangering the lives of the residents on the block...Lots of problems have been started from things like that. Remember that African man who was shot repetedly outside of his house, in NY some years ago? He was mentally disabled but knew to get his wallet so that he could be identified. The cops, because there was more than two, shot him repetedly (reloading) until he was dead....Over a wallet. I've heard of firing a warning shot in the air but not brutally killing a person  for grabbing his wallet. How was that right? Racial profiling is the worst thing ever invented by American racists.
White people do crimes because blacks pull them into it with their drugs.
Once again you spin away, no what if the man was just hanging around your house, not walking?
As far as that man getting shot, when the police say STOP don't move guess what?, you don't move you don't pull anything out of your back pocket, the man they shot was an illegal and didn't understand or speak that much english and he was afraid of being deported so he was reaching for his wallet to show proof that he was here legally, STOP means STOP.
Racial profiling is great when you know who's doing most of the crimes.
So according to you we shouldn't watch muslims and those rag head a little more because they are known terrorist, we should look at all races.

Offline fjack

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Re: How the coppers used to deal with AA people.
« Reply #16 on: September 09, 2007, 05:04:35 PM »
If the cops see blacks in a black area they should not bother him at all no matter what he is doing. White cops must be really stupid if they lock up a black do anything in a black area. Let a black cop do it. I only care about blacks cruising white areas for victims, then the cops should do something. I believe that the cities should hire blacks to be cops without any test or training at all. The blacks can't pass any kind of test at all so why bother to give them one. It may be a good idea to have the gangs police the black areas this way the blacks can't cry racism. The white cops will be heavily tested and trained to patrol white areas only and public transportation. When something happens on the subway with a black perp they can call up a gangmember to come by and make the arrest. This will solve the problem for everyone concerned.


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Re: How the coppers used to deal with AA people.
« Reply #17 on: September 09, 2007, 05:08:52 PM »
Actually, some blacks are still stopped for doing the things he rattled off. My husband and I, when our oldest daughter was a baby were home on leave and were stalked by police officers in their cruiser. We were driving my sister in law's 94' Murcury Sable and they assumed that because we were in a bad part of town, that we were probably drug dealers. So in essence we were stalked for driving a nice car in a run down neighborhood. Stupid.
That happens all the time to white people if white people are driving in a black neighorhood they get pulled over because the statistics say that whites in a bad neighborhood equals drug buys.
So don't give me the poor black people and like it or not they do the most crime.
Ok a black man is outside your house, would you want the police to stop him and question him or do you just want them to leave him alone?
The problem is blacks want it both ways they want all the police protection but when they are stopped they cry it's racial.
Wait, I thought white people could do no wrong?

And if a black man is outside my house, perhaps walking by to get to his OWN house and the cops stop him, I have pity for him. If they were looking for a suspect and found him walking outside my house on a public block, I wouldn't mind if they stopped him, just as long as it didn't result in violence on either side. Endangering the lives of the residents on the block...Lots of problems have been started from things like that. Remember that African man who was shot repetedly outside of his house, in NY some years ago? He was mentally disabled but knew to get his wallet so that he could be identified. The cops, because there was more than two, shot him repetedly (reloading) until he was dead....Over a wallet. I've heard of firing a warning shot in the air but not brutally killing a person  for grabbing his wallet. How was that right? Racial profiling is the worst thing ever invented by American racists.
White people do crimes because blacks pull them into it with their drugs.
Once again you spin away, no what if the man was just hanging around your house, not walking?
As far as that man getting shot, when the police say STOP don't move guess what?, you don't move you don't pull anything out of your back pocket, the man they shot was an illegal and didn't understand or speak that much english and he was afraid of being deported so he was reaching for his wallet to show proof that he was here legally, STOP means STOP.
Racial profiling is great when you know who's doing most of the crimes.
So according to you we shouldn't watch muslims and those rag head a little more because they are known terrorist, we should look at all races.

That's just like some crazed black person saying "The White man made me do it". White people were doing drugs long before evil blacks were dealing them. The blacks who are guilty of selling drugs to ANYONE should be jailed for good and never let out again. But white people who are drug addicts shoudn't blame black people for the reason they're hooked. Blacks aren't allowed to blame whites (and shouldn't) because of poverty... you get yourself into those situations ALL by yourself.

Then let me look at you or compare YOU to John Wayne Gacey (sp?) ...just because you're white. Pull you over because you fit the description of a white serial killer, skin head, or kkk member. Lets see how much you appreciate being singled out.

Offline fjack

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Re: How the coppers used to deal with AA people.
« Reply #18 on: September 09, 2007, 05:17:11 PM »
All drugs should be made legal. The cost would come down rapidly and it could be sold in liquor stores, welfare offices, check cashing places etc. What would also happen would be the destruction of the underground economy. If we went to a consumption tax we could reap the windfall of even the 'off the books' type of jobs. We could do away with the IRS and finally get rid of the witholding taxes that grow day by day.


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Re: How the coppers used to deal with AA people.
« Reply #19 on: September 09, 2007, 05:25:18 PM »
All drugs should be made legal. The cost would come down rapidly and it could be sold in liquor stores, welfare offices, check cashing places etc. What would also happen would be the destruction of the underground economy. If we went to a consumption tax we could reap the windfall of even the 'off the books' type of jobs. We could do away with the IRS and finally get rid of the witholding taxes that grow day by day.
I'm not sure if I agree with that totally, fjack, but I see where you're going. I don't agree with it because drug use is an addiction. If drugs were legal, but no one could afford to buy them, more robbing, and killing would happen. I'd like to place blame somewhere also, but not on white people or black people, persay. How about government appointed drug czars? They aren't doing much to combat drug trafficing in the United States, Jamaica, Cuba, Mexico or anywhere else that drugs are cultivated or sold. The problem would just escalate with no solution in sight.

Offline Nic Brookes

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Re: How the coppers used to deal with AA people.
« Reply #20 on: September 09, 2007, 05:59:57 PM »
yeah, making it legal would fund muslims nazis

Offline Johnson Brown

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Re: How the coppers used to deal with AA people.
« Reply #21 on: September 09, 2007, 06:27:43 PM »
Actually, some blacks are still stopped for doing the things he rattled off. My husband and I, when our oldest daughter was a baby were home on leave and were stalked by police officers in their cruiser. We were driving my sister in law's 94' Murcury Sable and they assumed that because we were in a bad part of town, that we were probably drug dealers. So in essence we were stalked for driving a nice car in a run down neighborhood. Stupid.
That happens all the time to white people if white people are driving in a black neighorhood they get pulled over because the statistics say that whites in a bad neighborhood equals drug buys.
So don't give me the poor black people and like it or not they do the most crime.
Ok a black man is outside your house, would you want the police to stop him and question him or do you just want them to leave him alone?
The problem is blacks want it both ways they want all the police protection but when they are stopped they cry it's racial.
Wait, I thought white people could do no wrong?

And if a black man is outside my house, perhaps walking by to get to his OWN house and the cops stop him, I have pity for him. If they were looking for a suspect and found him walking outside my house on a public block, I wouldn't mind if they stopped him, just as long as it didn't result in violence on either side. Endangering the lives of the residents on the block...Lots of problems have been started from things like that. Remember that African man who was shot repetedly outside of his house, in NY some years ago? He was mentally disabled but knew to get his wallet so that he could be identified. The cops, because there was more than two, shot him repetedly (reloading) until he was dead....Over a wallet. I've heard of firing a warning shot in the air but not brutally killing a person  for grabbing his wallet. How was that right? Racial profiling is the worst thing ever invented by American racists.
White people do crimes because blacks pull them into it with their drugs.
Once again you spin away, no what if the man was just hanging around your house, not walking?
As far as that man getting shot, when the police say STOP don't move guess what?, you don't move you don't pull anything out of your back pocket, the man they shot was an illegal and didn't understand or speak that much english and he was afraid of being deported so he was reaching for his wallet to show proof that he was here legally, STOP means STOP.
Racial profiling is great when you know who's doing most of the crimes.
So according to you we shouldn't watch muslims and those rag head a little more because they are known terrorist, we should look at all races.

That's just like some crazed black person saying "The White man made me do it". White people were doing drugs long before evil blacks were dealing them. The blacks who are guilty of selling drugs to ANYONE should be jailed for good and never let out again. But white people who are drug addicts shoudn't blame black people for the reason they're hooked. Blacks aren't allowed to blame whites (and shouldn't) because of poverty... you get yourself into those situations ALL by yourself.

Then let me look at you or compare YOU to John Wayne Gacey (sp?) ...just because you're white. Pull you over because you fit the description of a white serial killer, skin head, or kkk member. Lets see how much you appreciate being singled out.
Who said I was white


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Re: How the coppers used to deal with AA people.
« Reply #22 on: September 09, 2007, 06:28:18 PM »
Actually, some blacks are still stopped for doing the things he rattled off. My husband and I, when our oldest daughter was a baby were home on leave and were stalked by police officers in their cruiser. We were driving my sister in law's 94' Murcury Sable and they assumed that because we were in a bad part of town, that we were probably drug dealers. So in essence we were stalked for driving a nice car in a run down neighborhood. Stupid.
That happens all the time to white people if white people are driving in a black neighorhood they get pulled over because the statistics say that whites in a bad neighborhood equals drug buys.
So don't give me the poor black people and like it or not they do the most crime.
Ok a black man is outside your house, would you want the police to stop him and question him or do you just want them to leave him alone?
The problem is blacks want it both ways they want all the police protection but when they are stopped they cry it's racial.
Wait, I thought white people could do no wrong?

And if a black man is outside my house, perhaps walking by to get to his OWN house and the cops stop him, I have pity for him. If they were looking for a suspect and found him walking outside my house on a public block, I wouldn't mind if they stopped him, just as long as it didn't result in violence on either side. Endangering the lives of the residents on the block...Lots of problems have been started from things like that. Remember that African man who was shot repetedly outside of his house, in NY some years ago? He was mentally disabled but knew to get his wallet so that he could be identified. The cops, because there was more than two, shot him repetedly (reloading) until he was dead....Over a wallet. I've heard of firing a warning shot in the air but not brutally killing a person  for grabbing his wallet. How was that right? Racial profiling is the worst thing ever invented by American racists.
White people do crimes because blacks pull them into it with their drugs.
Once again you spin away, no what if the man was just hanging around your house, not walking?
As far as that man getting shot, when the police say STOP don't move guess what?, you don't move you don't pull anything out of your back pocket, the man they shot was an illegal and didn't understand or speak that much english and he was afraid of being deported so he was reaching for his wallet to show proof that he was here legally, STOP means STOP.
Racial profiling is great when you know who's doing most of the crimes.
So according to you we shouldn't watch muslims and those rag head a little more because they are known terrorist, we should look at all races.

That's just like some crazed black person saying "The White man made me do it". White people were doing drugs long before evil blacks were dealing them. The blacks who are guilty of selling drugs to ANYONE should be jailed for good and never let out again. But white people who are drug addicts shoudn't blame black people for the reason they're hooked. Blacks aren't allowed to blame whites (and shouldn't) because of poverty... you get yourself into those situations ALL by yourself.

Then let me look at you or compare YOU to John Wayne Gacey (sp?) ...just because you're white. Pull you over because you fit the description of a white serial killer, skin head, or kkk member. Lets see how much you appreciate being singled out.
Who said I was white
Who cares? Really.

Offline Johnson Brown

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Re: How the coppers used to deal with AA people.
« Reply #23 on: September 09, 2007, 06:30:27 PM »
White people do crimes because blacks pull them into it with their drugs.
Once again you spin away, no what if the man was just hanging around your house, not walking?
As far as that man getting shot, when the police say STOP don't move guess what?, you don't move you don't pull anything out of your back pocket, the man they shot was an illegal and didn't understand or speak that much english and he was afraid of being deported so he was reaching for his wallet to show proof that he was here legally, STOP means STOP.
Racial profiling is great when you know who's doing most of the crimes.
So according to you we shouldn't watch muslims and those rag head a little more because they are known terrorist, we should look at all races.
Then let me look at you or compare YOU to John Wayne Gacey (sp?) ...just because you're white. Pull you over because you fit the description of a white serial killer, skin head, or kkk member. Lets see how much you appreciate being singled out.

It's like this if they know they are looking for a white guy and pull white people over the people being pulled over wouldn't mind, it's only black people that have a problem with being pulled over it the police are looking for a black man.


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Re: How the coppers used to deal with AA people.
« Reply #24 on: September 09, 2007, 06:33:49 PM »

White people do crimes because blacks pull them into it with their drugs.
Once again you spin away, no what if the man was just hanging around your house, not walking?
As far as that man getting shot, when the police say STOP don't move guess what?, you don't move you don't pull anything out of your back pocket, the man they shot was an illegal and didn't understand or speak that much english and he was afraid of being deported so he was reaching for his wallet to show proof that he was here legally, STOP means STOP.
Racial profiling is great when you know who's doing most of the crimes.
So according to you we shouldn't watch muslims and those rag head a little more because they are known terrorist, we should look at all races.

That's just like some crazed black person saying "The White man made me do it". White people were doing drugs long before evil blacks were dealing them. The blacks who are guilty of selling drugs to ANYONE should be jailed for good and never let out again. But white people who are drug addicts shoudn't blame black people for the reason they're hooked. Blacks aren't allowed to blame whites (and shouldn't) because of poverty... you get yourself into those situations ALL by yourself.

Then let me look at you or compare YOU to John Wayne Gacey (sp?) ...just because you're white. Pull you over because you fit the description of a white serial killer, skin head, or kkk member. Lets see how much you appreciate being singled out.
It's like this if they know they are looking for a white guy and pull white people over the people being pulled over wouldn't mine, it's only black people that have a problem with being pulled over it the police are looking for a black man.
I live on a military base where we're subject to vehicle searches all of the time because of illegal imigrants crossing over into California. They check EVERYONE's vehicle to make sure they're not harboring a fugitive, not just a token black here, or a white person there. What I'm saying is that if you're going to pull over a black person for entering their own neighborhood, you'd better pull over that white person behind them also. Giving people a pass just because their skin is white is dumb.
« Last Edit: September 09, 2007, 06:45:17 PM by Erica »