Author Topic: Email from United American Committee  (Read 2207 times)

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Offline Daniel

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Email from United American Committee
« on: August 28, 2007, 10:33:59 PM »
This is an email I just received from the United American Committee. Those of you who plan on attending the counter protests on September 9, do you think we should join with them?

Counter protest of Islamist parade in NYC September 9

   The United American Committee, America’s largest educational grassroots organization against the threat of radical Islam, is planning a counter protest on Sunday, September 9th of an annual parade in New York City which in years past has attracted thousands of Islamist extremists carrying signs and chanting for the destruction of America. The parade, titled the Annual Muslim Day Parade, is sponsored by several Islamist organizations deemed by many Americans to be radical and a danger to freedom. Past parades have included such extremists as Ashrafuzzaman Khan, accused death squad leader, as well as Siraj Wahhaj, unindicted co-conspirator of the 1993 World Trade Center bombing.

   The Parade route will head South, starting at Madison & 41st street and ends at Madison & 23rd. The parade starts at 12 Noon. UAC is urging all concerned Americans to join with them and several other unannounced partner organizations for a peaceful demonstration. Attendees are urged to bring American and U.A.C. flags. For those wishing to attend, and for more information please contact [email protected]

Offline Dan

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Re: Email from United American Committee
« Reply #1 on: August 28, 2007, 11:21:26 PM »
Sounds like a good Idea... Can we (JTF) get in on the action as well?
If we can get around 50-100 extra people in there, why not join in?!

Offline Madeline

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Re: Muslim Day Parade Protest
« Reply #2 on: September 09, 2007, 07:04:04 PM »
I was there and it was DISGUSTING to see so many sullen, angry Muslims chanting their war cry, Allahu Akhbar.  I met up with a few other protesters, maybe about 20 in all.  We had American and Israeli flags.  Some of the Muslims yelled at us, "Shame on you!" as they walked past us.  Some people spotted politician Anthony Weiner marching WITH the Muslims.  Too bad.  I thought till now he was courageously pro-Jewish.  Someone else saw a demonstrator's sign saying, "We don't want democracy."  (Now they are being honest, at least.)  Channel One TV asked if they could get my opinion and I told them I thought the marchers were phonies, dangerous, and they don't belong here.  There was a non-Muslim liberal guy hanging around with a big sign saying, "Stop the anti-Muslim bigotry."  I asked him why he was defending them and he shot at me, "I bet you'd like to inter them like we did to the Japanese in WWII"  To him, that was the drop dead, stop talking, shame on the US comment.  I said, "Of course, and even more, deport them."  So sad.  He will probably cling to his denial even as they slit his throat.

On the plus side, there were some high spirited people there.  Jill of is organizing an event on 9/11 right at ground zero.  Pamplets will be handed out telling people that it was actually 19 MUSLIMS  who took down the WTC, and forget the truther nonsense.  She's asking on her blog for support.  Meet her and others at 5PM, Liberty and Broadway. 

Also, Joe Kaufman from Americans Against Hate was there and gave an interview to several journalists.  He had a sheet prepared showing the jihadist links of the various big cheeses.  Siraj Wahhaj, Cair, Muslim American Society are unindicted co-conspirators.  Ashrafuzzaman Khan was a death squad leader in Bangladesh.  Muzammil Siddiqi  threatened the US while standing outside the White House.

Jihad is moving very quickly, very aggressively.  Time to get active.  Time to develop programs, very quickly, to educate all those who do not get it, which also means the majority of Jews, unfortunately.

So get going.

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Re: Email from United American Committee
« Reply #3 on: September 09, 2007, 07:46:54 PM »
Madeline, were you with the group on 26st or 27st. I was there with UAC on 26st. Yes, it was disgusting. You could just see the anger at us being there, if it were not for the police presence I have no doubt it would have gotten physical. Speaking of police, all those muslims in NYPD uniforms leading the parade was disgusting, what a shame to that uniform, muslims wearing it. I definitely had the need for a shower as soon as I got home being near all that filth. I did not see Weiner but I would not doubt he was there. I did see Omar mohamedi, the NYC Human Rights commissioner that was representing the imams against the John Does. Anyway, as you were there, you know that we did get to them. I picked up a bunch of literature at the street fair that I am going through, what a bunch of garbage. I am going to try to make it Tuesday but my work schedule might get in the way. Jill is doing great work and I encourage people to support her. Being that I only know people here by screen name, and not that well that way either as I am not a very regular poster here, was there anyone else from JTF there?
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Offline Madeline

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Re: Email from United American Committee
« Reply #4 on: September 09, 2007, 09:20:54 PM »
Hi Firster,  I was with the 26th Street group during the march, and then I went up to the 27th Street group afterwards.  I was hoping to meet JTFers, but I don't think any plan for that had been arranged.  I distributed information about it at my synagogue and brought 2 people with me.  Another said he'd find us but we didn't meet up.  My immediate plans are 1) to get people interested in the issue and get them out for demonstrations, and 2) find a synagogue or church group that will let me educate their members in self-preservation in light of the jihadist ambitions. 
I'm open to any ideas from people on this forum as to where I can do that.  I also hope others here will start grassroots education projects.  Imagine:  every church and synagogue has a study and action group devoted to the Islamic agenda!  How much longer can lazy, stupid or corrupt politicians stay in the dark, or in the pocket of jihadis? 
Any comments?

Offline Dr. Dan

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Re: Email from United American Committee
« Reply #5 on: September 09, 2007, 10:06:03 PM »
Madeline, were you with the group on 26st or 27st. I was there with UAC on 26st. Yes, it was disgusting. You could just see the anger at us being there, if it were not for the police presence I have no doubt it would have gotten physical. Speaking of police, all those muslims in NYPD uniforms leading the parade was disgusting, what a shame to that uniform, muslims wearing it. I definitely had the need for a shower as soon as I got home being near all that filth. I did not see Weiner but I would not doubt he was there. I did see Omar mohamedi, the NYC Human Rights commissioner that was representing the imams against the John Does. Anyway, as you were there, you know that we did get to them. I picked up a bunch of literature at the street fair that I am going through, what a bunch of garbage. I am going to try to make it Tuesday but my work schedule might get in the way. Jill is doing great work and I encourage people to support her. Being that I only know people here by screen name, and not that well that way either as I am not a very regular poster here, was there anyone else from JTF there?

Actually i was walking around Madison and 26th-27th street before the parade began...I gave a thumbs up at the posters and the people there asked me if I wanted to join them..but I said that I will be there in spirit...were any of you guys there when i said that?  I was on the west side of Madison Ave.
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