What's with the coco butter?
Is that some negro thing?
Are Quisinarts a "White" thing?
Well first of all it's Cuisinart (as in cuisine), and yes I suppose they are. Notice how no one here is going "She be'a not be dissin' da Cuisinart!".
OOH, you're a bit testy when your race is being talked about in an unfavorable way. And your constant stupidity; typing in ebonics is not helping you at all. I still see you as an idiot. If you can't type normally, in English, you shouldn't be typing at all.
What the hell? Talking about Cuisinarts is making fun of white people?
Now here, let me give you my honest, and apparently in your view idiotic opinion:
I could care less about my "race." I'm a Jew and nothing else. You want to make fun a guy named Jed living in West Virginia married to his sister, sitting on his porch in a rocking chair, chewing on a piece of straw and drinking from a jug that says "XXX"? Be my guest!