I have the impression that the entire incident is being blown out of proportion. The owner of the store might not even press charges and he is currently trying to "work the situation out" with O.J. Supposedly they used to be good friends but they had a falling out and the owner is mad that O.J. didn't confront him in a civil way beforehand to try to work a deal out. O.J. claims that there are pictures and other memorabilia of his that were seized from his home as a court judgment, stolen from his home, and seized as a lien from his storage unit when he was delinquent on payments. Who knows which of these claims are true but if it's claim 1 or 3, the property is not legally his anymore and he could be convicted of a burglary if he took or attempted to take them back. I think this whole thing really hinges on whether his posse had guns or not. If they didn't then I can see O.J. walking away from this scot-free. If they did have guns, which the store-owner claims, he could face a pretty lengthy sentence but we don't even know if the store-owner is going to press charges yet. There could be some law about entering a store with guns in a forceful manner, or just carrying guns in public, but O.J. didn't actually have a gun on him. It's going to be interesting to see how this plays out. I wouldn't mind seeing him spend some time behind bars.