Author Topic: JTF This Week: Shabbat work scandal in Israel; Trump pro-amnesty speech (video)  (Read 2916 times)

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Online Chaim Ben Pesach

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Please publicize this important video everywhere possible.

The program is 33 minutes this week.

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Offline cjd

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Please publicize this important video everywhere possible.

The program is 33 minutes this week.

Video version on YouTube:

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Ok call me a dumb animal but all things being equal Hillary and Trump are equal or no better on immigration... However with Trump there is some small hope that he may do some of what he says however with Hillary she will more or less legalize every wetback under the sun and not close the border... The larger issue is the supreme court... Trump has at least pledged to appoint conservative justices... We are looking 4 to 8 years down the road by that time it will be past the point of any return... Cruz is a loser today and he will be a bigger looser in up coming elections... He has a better chance of being the prime minister of Israel than ever being president of the United States. 
« Last Edit: September 06, 2016, 06:22:15 PM by cjd »
He who overlooks one crime invites the commission of another.        Syrus.

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Offline Binyamin Yisrael

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Work on the railways on Shabbat was not about travel on Shabbat. They wanted to do maintenance on Shabbat while the trains don't run. The self-hating Jews were complaining that doing the work on Sunday intstead of Shabbat resuluted in trains being cancelled on Sunday while the work was being done. In other countries, there are shuttle buses when work is being done for an extended period of time. But other countries have public transportation 7 days a week.

The self-hating Jews have no room to complain. The Bolshevik labor unions can shut down the whole country. I remember having to take the bus instead of the train because the Histadrut shut down all the trains in the country.

Israel Railways does not operate on Shabbat. The only public transporation to operate on Shabbat are buses in Haifa or that depart from Haifa. That was part of the original status quo agreement. I guess it's since Haifa was known as the Red City, so the Bolsheviks prevailed in Chillul Shabbat in Israel.

The question is whether it is okay to have goyim due maintenance on Shabbat. It's Amira LeAkum and thereby prohibited.

Offline Israel Chai

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Quote, CJD: "Trump gives me tickles and will obviously not do any policy thing good, but will put Republicans in power.

Trump will put his sister and worse people than Hitlery could ever conjure. The entire time he does it, he'll attack anyone with a shred of good.
The fear of the L-rd is the beginning of knowledge

Offline cjd

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Quote, CJD: "Trump gives me tickles and will obviously not do any policy thing good, but will put Republicans in power.

Trump will put his sister and worse people than Hitlery could ever conjure. The entire time he does it, he'll attack anyone with a shred of good.
Save your made up quotes and conjecture for yourself clown...I love when people who can't even vote in this election process have so much to say... I thought you were a so called Canadian... Then again it's something different with you every few months so you could be from anywhere... Just who will Trump attack that has shreds of good? Cruz king of the backroom delegate deals and king of Texas LBJ style politics? Trump put out a list with some names on it Hillary has not and won't even talk about it... I don't need Hillary's list she was president of the United States once already  for two terms (by proxy)... I know who she will appoint and Trump's sister would seem like Antonin Scalia by comparison...  Keep spouting the party line fewer and fewer people people come here to listen each day.
He who overlooks one crime invites the commission of another.        Syrus.

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Offline Chiram

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One cannot understand most of Western literature without basic knowledge of the Bible's contents and construction.

This can be an effective argument to persuade liberal intellectuals to accept Bible study in secular schools.

They don't want youths praying and believing in G-d, but are proud if they can grasp Milton and Melville.

Offline Debbie Shafer

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I can sympathize with the Israeli people, our governments are using our tax dollars for everything but the right reason. Americans do not want tax payer money going for abortion...   It is hard to get leaders who represent the people in almost any government.    God Deals with Rebellious nations.  Romans 1:24  He steps back an lowers the hedge of protection around the nation and allows sin to multiply in the form of a sexual revolution.    Therefore God gave them over in the lusts of their hearts to impurity, so that their bodies would be dishonored among them.

This is exactly whats happening and started in the 1960s.            If this proves insufficient to produce repentance, then God will take a second step back and lower the hedge of protection even further.  Romans 1:26-27   26   For this reason God gave them over to degrading passions; for their women exchanged the natural function for that which is unnatural, and in the same way also the men abandoned the natural function of the woman and burned in their desire toward one another, men with men committing indecent acts and receiving in their own persons the due penalty for their error.

So the result of the 2nd step back is a plague of homosexuality.  We have been in this second phase ever since the Supreme Court struck down all the laws against sodomy in 2003.      Romans 1 continues by revealing what God will do if the rebellious nation sets its jaw and continues to rebel against God and His Word.     

God will step back a third time and lower the hedge of protection again, and according to Romans 1:28, He will deliver the nation over to a "depraved mind"  at which point the nation will either destroy itself or be destroyed by an outside force.

We are seeing that with leaders, look at Hillary and her actions, deception, health trauma, and her husband's actions too.  Look at Obama, Evil is Good, and Good is evil with him.   He won't destroy ISIS.     Sometimes evil becomes too ingrained in the fabric of a nation.   We are there today.     A lot of people have turned their back on God, or the (Torah) and rejected the Very One who gave us all our blessings.