There was a recent poll that showed media trust at an all-time low.
This is the worst ever... I feel like we are in the soviet union. The fact that CNN is editing out very significant words from Clinton transcripts... is beyond the pail. The fact that Google, Youtube, Twitter are blocking trends that show anything negative about Hillary... and they justify this by saying they are blocking conspiratorial, sexist, and Islamaphobic material, when they arent.
The fact that they would threaten a leftist doctor (Dr. Drew) to take back his statement about Hillarys health, and then ultimately fire him when he refused to do so.... I still can't believe this level of fascism exists in our media.
This just came out a few minutes ago: today, trump said, as he's always said... he supports profiling of Muslims.... and CNN went in and 'edited' his content to say 'racial' profiling. There is nothing CNN wont do to fix this election.
Here is the proof: