When dealing with the Presidency, it’s important to distinguish the man from the Office.
The outgoing President’s job is to ensure a smooth transition and continuity of governance for the wellbeing of the country and the world.
Ideally, we want a well trained dedicated person whose integrity we can trust to take the function, but even if a corrupt person manages to get elected, we can expose his or her misdeeds and conflicts of interest while still honoring the Office (which can be tricky).
President George Washington started the tradition of saying: “So help me G-d” after his 1st inauguration. I was hoping to hear a prayer in Trump’s victory speech or at least a “G-d bless America” but he was too busy giving shout-outs.
In accordance with democratic tradition, the outgoing party has been gracious in conceding defeat and cooperating with Trump as he assembles his transition team.
Let us hope this transfer goes well, set our minds to working hard for a happy common future, praying that President-Elect Trump realizes fully that with truly great power comes tremendous responsibility and he can no longer afford any mistakes.
So help us G-d.