Since the public has been so brainwashed over the years I will state what should be obvious, Real peace will be obtained through total victory over the modern day version of the 7 nations of Canaan.
One of the 7 nations of Canaan, the Girgashi took up the offer of Yehoshua/Joshua to leave the country unharmed before the fighting broke up and they migrated to a land called Afriki (Talmud Yerushalmi, Shviit 6:1.
The fact that no Biblical figure that I am aware, ever fought the Girgashi, is one of a number of indications that the War Against the 7 Nations of Canaan was not fought because they had bad genes. It was fought because they were a physical and spiritual threat to the nation of Israel who were commanded by G-d to live and take total control of the land of Israel.
Having migrated to Afriki, the Girgashi were no longer a physical or spiritual threat to the nation of Israel and therefore peace with the Girgashi was possible.
This explanation I gave above accords with Ramban's commentary.