Author Topic: Saturday Night Live Makes Anti-Semitic Jokes  (Read 1050 times)

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Offline Binyamin Yisrael

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Saturday Night Live Makes Anti-Semitic Jokes
« on: April 16, 2017, 05:48:53 PM »
This shows how insane the liberals are just like when they had the women's march. Spicer said something by accident about the Holocaust. I think he meant chemical weapons weren't used by the German Army as part of World War II. The Holocaust was not the war itself and the gas chambers were murder machines. I don't think anyone ever referred to the gas as "chemical weapons". It was Nazi Jew killing. I think Spicer meant it wasn't used against the Allied forces in the war. But this Saturday Night Live episode tries to make the Holocaust funny. When they said "Holocaust centers", at first I thought they were walking about Holocaust museums. Also, there is no "Jewish Easter". If anything, Easter is "Christian Passover" and in fact in most languages, both holidays have the same name. Pascha (Aramaic) and Paque (French) come from Pesach. I laugh at the liberal morons doing the imitations, not with them. They listed the evils with Hitler on top and Pharaoh after Assad and then the Jews. Haman should be after Hitler. Jews are not on the list. That fag that imitates Spicer is such an ugly lesbian. I guess they have her pretend to be a man because they also support the transgender agenda.