YES !!!!
1) Confidence - Act it, Fake it, Grow it !!!!
2) Be a challenge - don't make yourself too available. Learn how to say no.
3) Everytime you meet a girl, after building some rapport
ask for the home phone number 4) Don't pour out your guts in your dates. Keep it light, upbeat and funny

5) If a girl says no - it means no. No amount of persuasion will make her like you.
6) 1st date : Coffee @ Starbucks. Why ? Its neutral territory and it weeds out the Gold Diggers.
7) Be a gentleman !!!!!!!!!!! Always ...good manners are a priority !!!!

Watch loads of Cary Grant movies. You have to be smooth with class.
9) Make sure she likes you more than what you like her. If you like her way too much then you do silly things

10) Jealousy/Macho Boys are a turn off.
11) Don't talk about future dates when you are in a date.
12) Watch out for red flags - inconsistencies (she says one thing and does the other), broken dates etc.
13) Don't beg - only if she has an AK 47 pointed to your head
14) She has got to be single boyfirend lurking in the background.
15) If she cheats .......she is out ! Taking her back is saying to her that its okay and she'll do it again.
16) Once you break up its for good. Getting back together only works in Hollywood.
17) Watch how she treats other people (waiters, cleaners etc)
18) Never let her know that she got to you if she is trying to make you jealous.
19) Don't argue -its not loving
20) Start dating as many women as you can - its a numbers game and its a jungle out there !