this on facebook, and the picture says FN, f from the Jtf, n from the news. The front nationalw lost, so I guess we can stop advertising for them and their support for Israel and America or something.
When there is no picture, even if there is a video, it gets 50% min less attention, because instead of an attention grabbing thing, you see a cut FN, and it looks unprofessional so you figure these guys are like happy and they made a website for themselves to say things, and look they tried kinda hard.
Put a picture of a kitty. A furry stupid kitty, every article where there is no picture. A little one, the size is small anyways. Or anything that gets attention. Something to do with the article is a plus, but if you don't have time, put the damn kitty, and people will visit it more than if you have a FN with most of the F and like 52% of the N.