Author Topic: Regarding the so-called "Jena 6"  (Read 21991 times)

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Offline guyNbluejeans

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Regarding the so-called "Jena 6"
« on: September 19, 2007, 04:29:04 PM »
On the TV program The View today, the two black hosts went on for several minutes spewing out "facts" regarding the situation in Jena, Louisiana that involves a situation in which (they allege) some young, upstanding black high school boys are getting shafted by the justice system down there on account of beating up a Caucasian kid.

I don't know that much about the case, but I will say that I find it troubling that the mainstream media takes the side of the blacks by saying things like, "The white boy was beaten up by several black boys because he taunted them, and there are witnesses." And, "the white boy wasn't really hurt that bad."

Interesting. One white kid decides to taunt SEVERAL black boys? And there are "witnesses"??

Hmm. Methinks it would be worth hearing what the kid that was attacked has to say about this, rather than two millionaire black ladies using The View as a soapbox to further their agenda, yes?

I used to think that Whoopy Goldberg was an alright lady, but not anymore. She made a comment to suggest that today's blacks are treated in a more racist fashion than "25 or 50 years ago." And Goldberg even stooped to suggesting that the interest in what's going on currently with that piece of [censored] O.J. Simpson is indicative of a negative racial climate against blacks!

Personally, I'm damn tired of all these well-off black folks using their various national soapboxes to level axes against "whitey." And I always wonder, If things in this country truly are so horrible for blacks (because there are supposedly so many racist whites doing them wrong at every twist and turn), then why do blacks as a group keep making so many babies!!!!!!!

I've never done one crappy thing to a black person in my entire life, and yet I can't count how many times I've been treated like [censored] by some of them! Give me a national soapbox and let me put the spin out there to help undo what Ted Koppel and many of the other liberal bastards have done to this country by pandering 24/7 to loud-mouth, racist blacks!!

If the two racist swine on The View really care about what's going on in this country with regards to race, then why don't they speak out about what all those dozens of racist blacks did to Kristopher Kime during a Seattle Mardi Gras a few years ago?! ... Why don't they make a mention that if you're a Caucasian that you'd be wise to have your life insurance up to date if you decide to walk through anyone of several dozen black neighborhoods in this country?! ... Or why is it that none of these loud-mouths ever state how unbelievably fortunate that African-Americans are to be able enjoy the super-high standard of living they have courtesy of what the so-called "racist" whites have done? And what about all the vaccines invented by whites that have resulted with MILLIONS of people of African descent living long, healthy lives? Doesn't THAT count for anything?!!!!!!

Is it really asking too much for those running the powerful national media to lay off with this crap that whites are to blame for everything that goes wrong in the lives of so-called people of color?

I heard one of the liberal pigs in the media state last week that their big concern is about blacks having to endure a double-standard when it comes to legal sentencing in this country. As far as I'm aware, there might be something to it, I don't know. But I do know one thing for sure, and that is that for a very, very long time now there exists a double-standard when it comes to the media and how it treats blacks and whites in this country. But I guess the Katie Courics and all those other Rupurt Murdock-owned phonies see no reason to make THAT a national issue!!

Gosh, if nothing is done about the way the libs are misusing the great power and influence that the national media machine gives them, then, I fear, there's going to be a full-blown race war in the not-too-distant future!


Offline TheCoon

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Re: Regarding the so-called "Jena 6"
« Reply #1 on: September 19, 2007, 04:37:23 PM »
If America is so racist and terrible they should leave and go back to Africa. Then they'll never get called n;gger or attacked or "taunted" by evil white folks.
The city isn't what it used to be. It all happened so fast. Everything went to crap. It's like... everyone's sense of morals just disappeared. Bad economy made things worse. Jobs started drying up, then the stores had to shut down. Then a black man was elected president. He was supposed to change things. He didn't. More and more people turned to crime and violence... The town becomes gripped with fear. Dark times, dark times... I am the hero this town needs. I am... The Coon!!!

Offline judeanoncapta

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Re: Regarding the so-called "Jena 6"
« Reply #2 on: September 19, 2007, 04:40:19 PM »
How come every time a few kids commit murder, rape or assault, the media spins some yarn about their being innocent and names them after their city of residence and the amount of people arrested?

When did this media creation begin?
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Re: Regarding the so-called "Jena 6"
« Reply #3 on: September 19, 2007, 05:26:16 PM »
Yes it's completly balooney; When whites beats negro; it's called hate crime;when negroes beat white; they're victims of white rascism. >:(
Jeremiah 8:11-17

11 They dress the wound of my people as though it were not serious. Peace, peace, they say, when there is no peace.

12 Are they ashamed of their loathsome conduct? No, they have no shame at all; they do not even know how to blush. So they will fall among the fallen; they will be brought down when they are punished, says the LORD.

13 'I will take away their harvest, declares the LORD. There will be no grapes on the vine. There will be no figs on the tree, and their leaves will wither. What I have given them will be taken from them.'

14 Why are we sitting here? Gather together! Let us flee to the fortified cities and perish there! For the LORD our God has doomed us to perish and given us poisoned water to drink, because we have sinned against him.

15 We hoped for peace but no good has come, for a time of healing but there was only terror.

16 The snorting of the enemy's horses is heard from Dan; at the neighing of their stallions the whole land trembles. They have come to devour the land and everything in it, the city and all who live there.

17 See, I will send venomous snakes among you, vipers that cannot be charmed, and they will bite you, declares the LORD.

Love your Enemy
And Heap Burning Coals on his Head!!!

Offline fjack

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Re: Regarding the so-called "Jena 6"
« Reply #4 on: September 19, 2007, 06:11:14 PM »
This is just business as usual. Constant complaining, constant asking for reparations, constantly making up 'percieved slights'. Just end it all and let the savages go free and restrict them to an all black area so they won't annoy white people with their endless grips.


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Re: Regarding the so-called "Jena 6"
« Reply #5 on: September 19, 2007, 06:15:27 PM »
Typical whining, crying blacks.

If their oppression 150 years ago has lead to their failures, then by that reasoning every Jew should be a seriel killer!

Utter baloney!!

Joe Schmo

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Re: Regarding the so-called "Jena 6"
« Reply #6 on: September 19, 2007, 06:16:39 PM »
Typical whining, crying blacks.

If their oppression 150 years ago has lead to their failures, then by that reasoning every Jew should be a seriel killer!

Utter baloney!!

That's right.


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Re: Regarding the so-called "Jena 6"
« Reply #7 on: September 19, 2007, 06:24:41 PM »
Typical whining, crying blacks.

If their oppression 150 years ago has lead to their failures, then by that reasoning every Jew should be a seriel killer!

Utter baloney!!

That's right.

99% of anglo saxons were slaves to the gentry. They were serfs- owned by the land owner and had NO rights. The Irish were treated WORSE than many africans by the English.

Why aren't we anglo-saxons & Irish all junkies, subway muggers, bums and bastard baby breeders too?

Offline guyNbluejeans

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Re: Regarding the so-called "Jena 6"
« Reply #8 on: September 19, 2007, 07:06:17 PM »
I forgot to mention ... during those moments when Goldberg and that other racist black host (I don't know her name) were slamming the country for being full of white racists -- and with the blessings of the other two non-black hosts, I might add -- they managed to use their digs in such a way as to let Hispanic voters watching the show know that they're with them in their struggle against whitey!

That's right. They rattled off a couple of places where the republican presidential candidates could have gone in order to kiss the asses of black and Hispanic voters, but didn't. And so like the clever little racist pigs that they are, you can bet that they'll shamelessly use even more airtime in the future to get their "whitey's holding us down" message out to Hispanics in order to get their man Obama into the White House.

It's all about King on the Mountain, folks! And if blacks can't make the grade via scientific or (meaningful) cultural achievements, than they'll surely hold nothing back to tell lies and play games if that's what it'll take in order for them to replace whitey from all places of power and prestige!!

God bless the good black folks out there, but we all know that for too many of them that have access to the astounding power of the media, their motto is: Take all you can and don't give an inch! 

Offline MasterWolf1

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Re: Regarding the so-called "Jena 6"
« Reply #9 on: September 19, 2007, 07:17:17 PM »
You know how many ethnic groups that came to America had gotten so much back lash? The Italians for example, the Irish, the Asians.  You do not hear of them rampaging and rioting.  You do not hear of them asking repartation.  And very stupid self hating whites with no backbones do fear the black rage back lash.


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Re: Regarding the so-called "Jena 6"
« Reply #10 on: September 20, 2007, 01:07:42 AM »
Here is my prediction, The View will be cancelled!

While people like to "act" politically correct, they also act differently in the privacy oftheir homes. For example, in the audience, a white person may clap to goldberg's COMPLAINTS because if they don't, then people might call them "racist".
BUT at home, it is much easier to act less enthusiastic about their vile statements.
So will people of other ethnicities etc... At some point, Goldberg's BIG mouth will backfire on her yet she will continue to be a self righteous jerk. At least Cosby is not afraid to criticize his own people.

SO, I repeat, The View will end, probably not this year but it might not be renewed some time in the future. I assume before 2009

A lot of people act differently in private.

Many anti-immigrant politicians get low poll results when pollsters are in their face. But the privacy of the voting booth is different.

Offline fjack

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Re: Regarding the so-called "Jena 6"
« Reply #11 on: September 20, 2007, 06:02:47 AM »
This Goldberg animal is nothing more that a typical black who preys on white women who don't have a life and have nothing better to do than to what the peu and hoprah. Goldberg, where did she get that name from, has a long history of white bashing. Her personal life is a mess. She has a daughter who got knocked up when she was a young slut, about 15 or 16 by a gangbanger who move in with goldberg and her little slut daughter. He was constantly in trouble with the cops. As far as the [censored] saying tha darkies serve more time for the same crime than whites do for the same crime, that is true. However, 100 percent of the primitives have prior records which makes a judge give them more time. This is typical black reasoning. I have no idea who the other [censored] was but I do know that the whore Joy Behar hates whites with every bone in her body. She is always saying how racist Republicans are. I remember when she was on WABC radio how she used to call all the white callers racist and she said that WABC was WKKK.

Offline guyNbluejeans

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Re: Regarding the so-called "Jena 6"
« Reply #12 on: September 20, 2007, 06:09:58 AM »
Mills -- It's funny that you would mention Bill Cosby because to me he's one of the sorriest phonies out there.

I remember when I was a kid back in the late '60s being called into the house by my foster mom, and she had me and the rest of us kids sit around the livingroom table and listen to the funnyman, Cosby. We laughed at the hysterical things he said; he was and remains a talent.

However, I think for at least the past 10 years or so the guy does this thing, as you stated, in which he criticizes blacks for acting screwy by having too much interest in sports and hip-hop, etc., instead of books and family. And that of course is all well and good (as far as I'm concerned) except for the fact that when he does it, he ALWAYS makes it a point to take a shot at whitey so as to make sure that his bros understand that he's still one of them!

For me the real turning point came about a year and a half ago when I was thumbing through a Time magazine while at work and noticed an article about him. In it he was being critical of blacks (for the above stated reasons) and the piece of garbage was quoted as saying (to his fellow blacks), "You know whites want us to fail blah blah blah."

When I read that, I thought, "What a scumbag! Me and my family loved the guy, but now that he has more money than Fort Knox, he can afford to show what a racist, phony pig he really is!"

When he first got started back in the day, he'd go on the Tonight Show and talk baby talk to Carson for the whole time he was on. He'd always do that! I took it as deep gratitude for being able to sell himself to a national audience which, of course, did wonders for his career and bank account. But now days the racist is so puffed up that the baby talk has been replaced with unvarnished hatred for white people (even though he'd be a total unknown nothing had "white people" not reached into their wallets so many times to buy his albums and crap).

Bill Cosby is a spoiled, phony, racist ingrate in my book. You can have him.

Offline Mstislav

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Re: Regarding the so-called "Jena 6"
« Reply #13 on: September 20, 2007, 11:42:08 AM »
Typical whining, crying blacks.

If their oppression 150 years ago has lead to their failures, then by that reasoning every Jew should be a seriel killer!

Utter baloney!!

Do they not remind us of muslims? I notice a lot of similarities between the two, only islam puts a religious twist on things.
The satanic barbaric deathcult of islam spread like a cancer throughout the world, killing and destroying everything it touches. muslims are like the hiv/aids virus, subverting the societies of non muslim lands only to allow the cancer of islam to consume and destroy. muslim, I curse and hate you, your 'prophet', 'g o d' and deathcult.   

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Re: Regarding the so-called "Jena 6"
« Reply #14 on: September 20, 2007, 11:56:05 AM »
"The white boy was beaten up by several black boys because he taunted them, and there are witnesses." And, "the white boy wasn't really hurt that bad."

The white kid is lucky to be alive after a gang beating by blacks.

I've never done one crappy thing to a black person in my entire life, and yet I can't count how many times I've been treated like excrement by some of them!

I know how you feel, guyNbluejeans. Did you have to go to school with them?
The satanic barbaric deathcult of islam spread like a cancer throughout the world, killing and destroying everything it touches. muslims are like the hiv/aids virus, subverting the societies of non muslim lands only to allow the cancer of islam to consume and destroy. muslim, I curse and hate you, your 'prophet', 'g o d' and deathcult.   

Because the West needs to be won again and the stakes couldn't be higher . . .

Offline guyNbluejeans

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Re: Regarding the so-called "Jena 6"
« Reply #15 on: September 20, 2007, 02:32:32 PM »
"The white boy was beaten up by several black boys because he taunted them, and there are witnesses." And, "the white boy wasn't really hurt that bad."

The white kid is lucky to be alive after a gang beating by blacks.

I've never done one crappy thing to a black person in my entire life, and yet I can't count how many times I've been treated like excrement by some of them!

I know how you feel, guyNbluejeans. Did you have to go to school with them?

When I was around 10 I was placed in a state-run home for children and two older black boys wasted no time in letting me know that I wasn't welcome. That was just the beginning of experiencing evil first-hand by blacks over the years. To be fair, I must also add that I've certainly have been witness to some truly great behavior by blacks, as well. In addition to that, I have to add that there were many times in my younger years when I did things that weren't kind or right, either. (It would be wonderful if one could say that one race is all bad and the other(s) all good, things would be easier!)

But many-a-times I've had it whereby it was just in-your-face rudeness from blacks to me. For example, there was the case of a black fellow that came from France. He and I worked for the same company and he came off as this real decent fellow, sorta like Sidney Portey (sp?), classy. And so he led me on like he liked me as a human being, and I liked him because he was so smart (spoke 7 languages!) and decent. All in all I thought he was a pretty cool dude.

However, over the course of time, he began doing some things that seemed a little odd. Like he'd ask me if it was okay to use the water fountain (because he was black). That would catch me off guard and then I'd laugh thinking that this was his delightful sense of humor. But then his underlying, racist hatred began to come out. He'd leave his work station and walk all the way across the plant floor and show me a word in a dictionary he was carrying.

The word was "homogeneous." Pointing to it, he'd say, "We'll never be that."

But I was so dense, thinking that this was still just his obnoxious sense of humor, and thus I didn't catch on about what an actual racist pig he was until he invited me to a party at his place with some other people. I accepted (like an idiot) but he never stopped by to pick me up as he said he would! THAT finally made a bell ring off in my head, and so that was the end of our "friendship." (Incidentally, he also threatened to "beat the [censored]" out of me for having voiced my displeasure at his racism, but I let it go even though he was way too much of a toothpick to do it.)

As God is my witness, I've had dozens upon dozens of things happen to me with blacks that were just as unpleasant. Whites, too. But way more with blacks. These days I try and not let myself get involved with them in any manner, as life is too short to be hated and jacked around.

For me the most infuriating thing by far is to see sooo many blacks enjoying a sweet standard of living via using their newspaper columns to trash whitey on a consistant basis. THAT sort of thing, including those using TV to do the same thing, really bother me!!

In my opinion, things are way worse now than they were 30-years ago. And I attribute that mainly to Ted Koppel for spearheading this whole business of hammering into the collective American psyche that basically says that "whites are all a bunch of racist pigs out to harm all people of color, especially blacks"!

Koppel came all the way from England and got a good education in this country, followed it up with being given a GREAT job, and then proceeded to relentlessly stab whites in the back with one lie and one half truth followed by another for over the course of 28-years! He could have put out this message instead: What's happened in the past cannot be changed. Please, for the sake of future generations, everyone do your best to treat all of your fellow human beings with respect. God placed each soul into the racial body of His choice, live with it and try and make a positive difference because our time in this world is very short."

But he didn't do that. He's a lying, worthless coward for coming to this country that blessed him so much and then turning around and using this nation's racial past to pump out an extremely unfair viewpoint that screws over the actual truth of things, while at the same time using his brainwashing methods to harm a lot of innocent people along the way. (Kristopher Kime and many others that have been murdered by blacks might still be alive had Koppel been even half-way "fair and balanced" over the years by pointing out to blacks how they benefit BIG TIME due to "white people" sharing technologies with them that they invented!!)

A race war is coming down the pike due to the libs getting away with spewing out their lies by the billions 24/7. I don't want it to happen, but one would have to be blind to not see the writing on the wall.

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Re: Regarding the so-called "Jena 6"
« Reply #16 on: September 20, 2007, 03:52:18 PM »
This is going to come as a shock to many people. After reviewing the details of this case I think that it is a gross injustice. The shoe string evidence used against the "Jena 6" is a farce. This is a clear cut case of racism with an incredible double standard. Sure, Justin Barker was beaten until he was unconscious! It's kind of funny though that he was released from the hospital two hours later! These six kids are not "heroes," but these charges are obscene and should be reduced. Yes, of course I'm disgusted that the usual racial pimps are at it again trying to milk this for all the publicity. You know, the usual assorted Negro dreck like Sharpton and Jackson. And yes, I'm also not surprised at all that this has become a cause célèbre for the anti-white media. I will say this though; If swastikas were painted on the wall of my school and I was routinely harassed by Jew haters on and off campus, violently beaten by them at a party, and had a shotgun pulled out at me, I'd crack their skulls if not worse.
« Last Edit: September 21, 2007, 01:45:03 AM by Ben-Alan »

Offline nopeaceforland

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Re: Regarding the so-called "Jena 6"
« Reply #17 on: September 20, 2007, 04:10:10 PM »
I don't know..... I read the facts of Jena, but you know something? Once I see Sharpton and Jackson, I see the case whatever it is I immediately say guilty to whoever those 2 loud apes are defending! After Tawanna sp? Crown Heights, Sean Bell etc... If I ever had respect (never did btw) for them, it's lost!

Offline takebackourtemple

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Re: Regarding the so-called "Jena 6"
« Reply #18 on: September 20, 2007, 07:07:26 PM »
   I took a look at some of the photo's of the stores that were closed and noticed that none of them have bars on the windows. What was interesting was to see photos of car dealers with no cars on the lot. I don't think any of the outstanding citizens who visited Jena to peacefully protest would even think about looting any of these stores. The stores must have closed because they were run by a bunch of racists.
Does it bother you that you have to face the dome and the rock to say the sh'ma?

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Re: Regarding the so-called "Jena 6"
« Reply #19 on: September 20, 2007, 08:49:46 PM »
You know how many ethnic groups that came to America had gotten so much back lash? The Italians for example, the Irish, the Asians.  You do not hear of them rampaging and rioting.  You do not hear of them asking repartation.  And very stupid self hating whites with no backbones do fear the black rage back lash.

They went crazy with their protests today.


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Re: Regarding the so-called "Jena 6"
« Reply #20 on: September 21, 2007, 12:10:14 AM »
How come every time a few kids commit murder, rape or assault, the media spins some yarn about their being innocent and names them after their city of residence and the amount of people arrested?

When did this media creation begin?
No one is saying that they're not guilty. I think what they did was deplorable. However the problem is that the justice system dosen't work the same way for blacks in Lousiana as it does for whites who live there. FOr instance, three nooses were hung from a tree because  a day prior a group of black boys decided to sit there. The tree was supposed to be only occupied by WHITE students at the school. Also, some white teens decided to beat a black teen up(God knows why) but they weren't sent to jail, instead he was given 3 days suspension. The Jena 6 beat up a white kid and were charged as adults and will possibly be sentenced to life for attempted murder..eventhough the white kid got up and returned to the school later that evening for a school function. That's not equal at all. It use to be that when students fought in school, there was a chain of command to follow, then consequences would ensue. IN-SCHOOL consequences, that is. Or perhaps there could have been 3 days to a week out of school suspension. But attempted murder? That looks like racism to me. That dosen't mean that I'm supporting what the Jena 6 teens did, because like I said it was an evil thing to do to someone was the beating given by a few white students. Equal punishment for equal crime is all I'm saying.

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Re: Regarding the so-called "Jena 6"
« Reply #21 on: September 21, 2007, 12:21:14 AM »
The wiite kids just wanted a space they could call their own. The apes decided that was racist. But if the situation was reversed, the apes would be crying racism that the whites invaded their space.

The noose was just a friendly reminder for the apes to back off, that's all

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Re: Regarding the so-called "Jena 6"
« Reply #22 on: September 21, 2007, 12:24:59 AM »

.The Jena 6 beat up a white kid and were charged as adults and will possibly be sentenced to life for attempted murder.

Good :)

Six less ape thugs on the street


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Re: Regarding the so-called "Jena 6"
« Reply #23 on: September 21, 2007, 01:19:20 AM »
The wiite kids just wanted a space they could call their own. The apes decided that was racist. But if the situation was reversed, the apes would be crying racism that the whites invaded their space.

The noose was just a friendly reminder for the apes to back off, that's all
Why don't you stop being stubborn and mean for a second. How in the world is hanging a noose or three a "friendly" reminder? Have you seen the hangings of blacks in the past? And do you understand that the nooses were put there as a physical threat, to let the black boys know that they'd possibly be hanged if they sat at "A TREE" again? Racial tention is never good for anyone. And this thing with looking past the nooses ever being tied to the tree is crazy. Who in their right mind would look at that as a joke... besides you and the Superintendent of the school system in Louisiana?

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Re: Regarding the so-called "Jena 6"
« Reply #24 on: September 21, 2007, 01:56:05 AM »
The wiite kids just wanted a space they could call their own. The apes decided that was racist. But if the situation was reversed, the apes would be crying racism that the whites invaded their space.

The noose was just a friendly reminder for the apes to back off, that's all
Why don't you stop being stubborn and mean for a second. How in the world is hanging a noose or three a "friendly" reminder? Have you seen the hangings of blacks in the past? And do you understand that the nooses were put there as a physical threat, to let the black boys know that they'd possibly be hanged if they sat at "A TREE" again? Racial tention is never good for anyone. And this thing with looking past the nooses ever being tied to the tree is crazy. Who in their right mind would look at that as a joke... besides you and the Superintendent of the school system in Louisiana?

Stop trying to fudge up the facts, Erica.  The "Jena 6" attacked someone in the most brutal fashion.  6 blacks students beat up a white student so badly that he became unconscious.  Then after he was unconscious they continued to kick him in the head.  In situations like this, an "assault with a deadly weapon" charge is standard, the deadly weapon being the assailant's shoes. 

We're dealing with crimes here, that fall very much outside of the scope of a school, this rightfully should be dealt with a criminal prosecution.  It's not like these charges are being created out of thin air, people who commit assaults such as these are regularly charged with assault with a deadly weapon.  This is a matter of law.  Hanging nuises is not a crime, it's an expression of free speech which is protected by the constitution.  Of course this would violate school policy and the students were suspended for doing it.  Some of the "Jena 6" had violent and criminal backgrounds which also led to the decision to prosecute them in such a severe way.  These 6 should absolutely face what they're going to face.  Anyone who brutally assaults someone in this way should face the consequences, no matter the race. 

Imagine that there was a black zone that white students weren't allowed into.  This happens all the time but it's deemed as completely unacceptable when whites do it, it's racism and it shouldn't be tolerated.  This is not a "rights" issue.  Everybody does not have the absolute right to go where they please, imagine if a white went to a gang-infected part of a city, they would probably be treated similarly.  Imagine that it was 6 whites who beat up a defenseless black, they would have been charged with a hate crime and they would have been made scapegoats and received severe sentences. 

Look what happens to white people who are suspected of committing crimes against blacks.  For a better explanation of this, ask the Duke lacrosse players who basically had their reputations ruined because of a claim of "racist behavior" that everyone bought into.
« Last Edit: September 21, 2007, 02:00:11 AM by Ze'ev Jabotinsky »
"The Jews will eventually have to face up to what you're dealing with here.  The arabs will never love you for what good you've brought them.  They don't know how to really love.  But hate!  Oh, G-d, can they hate!  And they have a deep, deep, deep resentment because you have jolted them from their delusions of grandeur and shown them for what they are-a decadent, savage people controlled by a religion that has stripped them of all human ambition . . . except for the few cruel enough and arrogant enough to command them as one commands a mob of sheep.  You are dealing with a mad society and you'd better learn how to control it."

-Excerpt from The Haj by Leon Uris