Author Topic: Regarding the so-called "Jena 6"  (Read 21925 times)

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Offline takebackourtemple

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Re: Regarding the so-called "Jena 6"
« Reply #50 on: September 24, 2007, 08:08:57 PM »
Both incidents were different...Justin Barker was indeed being prejudiced against the boys (which is what started THAT fight) but the point is that those different incidents were treated differently by the same court system. The white person is ALWAYS innocent until proven guilty.. the black person, not so much. There is always suspicion that they MAY HAVE done it (any crime). In this case, though, both white and black teens fought but were treated differently.

   How was Justin Barker prejudice? Does that fact that he was attacked automatically make him prejudice? What did he do to deserve what he got? Your second argument would hold more weight if the protesters were fighting against what really was unjust instead of trying to get some criminals released so they can commit more crimes.
Does it bother you that you have to face the dome and the rock to say the sh'ma?

Offline ChaimBenMordechai

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Re: Regarding the so-called "Jena 6"
« Reply #51 on: September 24, 2007, 08:11:56 PM »
Both incidents were different...Justin Barker was indeed being prejudiced against the boys (which is what started THAT fight) but the point is that those different incidents were treated differently by the same court system. The white person is ALWAYS innocent until proven guilty.. the black person, not so much. There is always suspicion that they MAY HAVE done it (any crime). In this case, though, both white and black teens fought but were treated differently.

   How was Justin Barker prejudice? Does that fact that he was attacked automatically make him prejudice? What did he do to deserve what he got? Your second argument would hold more weight if the protesters were fighting against what really was unjust instead of trying to get some criminals released so they can commit more crimes.

Well no doubt because he was white and living in Jena, why he just HAD to be racist and he had to be jumped by the six apes!


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Re: Regarding the so-called "Jena 6"
« Reply #52 on: September 24, 2007, 09:38:02 PM »
These blacks are only following in the footsteps of their heros. The Carr brothers, the Zebra killers, OJ, and the rest of the murderers they worship. It was a horrible mistake to bring these creatures to the former great USA. We have been cursed by their presence. They cannot adapt to a civilized society and I firmally believe that it isn't their fault. They cannot think in a logical manner. Try and teach a black C++ progamming and see what happens. They cannot get the code or the proper sequence of the statements. They are not intellectually up to it. Is it any wonder that they would not be up to the code of society ethics? Of course not all blacks are like that but I would say over 99 percent of them cannot fit into a working society. If we had any type of compassion for these poor creatures we would give them the high tech reservations where they could live out thier lives in a hip hop manner. We could air drop them mac and cheese, crack, malt liquor, cheap wine, a cadre of sterilzed white sluts like you see on Springer and most of the liberals that infest our news channels. They can curse, rob, rape and kill each other without any type of white interferrance. This what will make them happy and it will make white society safer and less apprehensive as to working, riding public transportation, and sending our children to school. It is the only thing to do for these poor creatures.
And who are the noose hanging, black boy beating, white boys mimicking? Their forefathers...everyone involved in the KKK. There is racial tension in Lousiana YES but guess what, you just made my point. There is a lot of racism HERE in this site, in this forum, in this THREAD also. You just demonized the black kids and held up the white kids as if they were heroes.

Those same lwhite boys were probably into dragging black people in their pick ups, drinking beer by the case while driving, *Carry sawed off shot guns in their vehicles", Scream "WHITE POWER" after every beat down of a black person, mix crystal meth...use and sell it, also... huff from aerosol cans to get a high, drink Nyquil to get high, sniff gasoline to get high, and OTHER things that make racist white people TRASH.

Now I will reiterate... WHAT BOTH SETS OF TEENS DID WAS DEPLORABLE, but both should have gotten the same treatment. By not punishing the boys for hanging the nooses, the superintendent of Lousiana's schools was saying that it is quite okay for there to be racial tention in his schools. For the prosecutor to only call for 'simple' battery for the beat down the white kids gave to that black boy and THEN turn around and ask for 22 to LIfe for what the black boys did (ESPECIALLY WHEN THE WHITE KID GOT UP, WENT HOME, CHANGED AND WENT BACK TO SCHOOL to attend a school function!!!) is UNFAIR.

Offline nessuno

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Re: Regarding the so-called "Jena 6"
« Reply #53 on: September 24, 2007, 10:08:02 PM »
Sensitivity Training ::)
Oh - Erica - give me a break.

Be very CAREFUL of people whose WORDS don't match their ACTIONS.


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Re: Regarding the so-called "Jena 6"
« Reply #54 on: September 25, 2007, 01:03:38 AM »
Sensitivity Training ::)
Oh - Erica - give me a break.

You're way past the need for that bullcat. I'm proposing it for students / kids who have trouble getting along with other children of other races. The main reason why there are teen racists is because their parents are racists also. Because the parents behave like idiots, their children repeat what they do.

Offline fjack

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Re: Regarding the so-called "Jena 6"
« Reply #55 on: September 25, 2007, 05:54:30 AM »
There were plenty of white people that we lynched, it is not only the blacks that this type of punishment wes used. Of course there are whites that take drugs, so what. They are only learning this from their black peers. How many blacks have been dragged behind cars? Millions, billions? How many? Compare the amount of black on white crime compared to white on black crime. Compare the rapes committed by blacks on white women as opposed to white on black. The reason that whites have taken drastic action is because law enforcement has deserted us. This white kids know that whatever is done by blacks will be forgiven and nothing will be done. The one black has four arrests for assault already. How many is enough. The white kids had a 'white tree' because it was the only place they felt where there would be no blacks, where the whites would have their own space. Everywhere you go the blacks have forced their way into, destroying white neighborhoods, infesting movie houses, making malls unsafe and public transportation unbearable. I say that Jena should make a collection and give these to these little black angels and their families and make them leave this country. Just pay them off to go away. I never thought I would be for reparations, but if it will get blacks out of this country, so be it.

Offline nessuno

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Re: Regarding the so-called "Jena 6"
« Reply #56 on: September 25, 2007, 06:17:13 AM »
Sensitivity Training ::)
Oh - Erica - give me a break.

You're way past the need for that bullcat. I'm proposing it for students / kids who have trouble getting along with other children of other races. The main reason why there are teen racists is because their parents are racists also. Because the parents behave like idiots, their children repeat what they do.
You act as if these young people don't have eyes and ears.
Is it only the white children being raised racist?  I'm just curious are blacks racist?
If people behaved better there would probably be less racism...if you know what I mean.
It's simple...people have to teach their children MORALS.  How to be a productive member of Society.  How about that?  Simple.
Sensitivity Training - just another useless term you find in a book.  Not everyone is going to like everyone else...ain't happening.  Learning to live a moral productive life is the key.
That is what will break the barrier between the races.  The ball is being held by the black people but they can't run with it.  They just perpetuate the same problems generation after generation.
Be very CAREFUL of people whose WORDS don't match their ACTIONS.

Offline cjd

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Re: Regarding the so-called "Jena 6"
« Reply #57 on: September 25, 2007, 06:52:10 AM »
Sensitivity Training ::)
Oh - Erica - give me a break.

You're way past the need for that bullcat. I'm proposing it for students / kids who have trouble getting along with other children of other races. The main reason why there are teen racists is because their parents are racists also. Because the parents behave like idiots, their children repeat what they do.
You act as if these young people don't have eyes and ears.
Is it only the white children being raised racist?  I'm just curious are blacks racist?
If people behaved better there would probably be less racism...if you know what I mean.
It's simple...people have to teach their children MORALS.  How to be a productive member of Society.  How about that?  Simple.
Sensitivity Training - just another useless term you find in a book.  Not everyone is going to like everyone else...ain't happening.  Learning to live a moral productive life is the key.
That is what will break the barrier between the races.  The ball is being held by the black people but they can't run with it.  They just perpetuate the same problems generation after generation.
The problem as I see it is that Evil blacks are not satisfied with equal rights they want to turn the tables on whites. They want to take the olive branch away from white folks and beat them to death with it. They want to do as they please and in addition to that expect white folks and other productive members of society to be at their beckoned call and whims. Why is it that smart successful blacks always seek to get as far away from mainstream black society as possible? Could it be they see the evil there like white folks do? Why is it that black folks can go to a white function with hundreds of white folks and be treated with respect and be treated as part of the group could a white person go to a similar black function? Erica I don't have children however do you think if I did  I would have my child attending some diversity program in school that would leave them defenseless against evil blacks and other evil folks later in life without undoing everything they were told in that class each day? Moreover most young folks aren't dumb unless they are also of an evil bend they will see the evil blacks for what they are despite any diversity or sensitivity course. The course thats needed is how can we get evil blacks and other lowlife people to act civilized that would go a long way in improving society's ills
He who overlooks one crime invites the commission of another.        Syrus.

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Offline takebackourtemple

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Re: Regarding the so-called "Jena 6"
« Reply #58 on: September 25, 2007, 07:30:24 AM »
   And why do the so called civil rights leaders only fight for the rights of evil blacks. If they truly wanted to advance their race, they would fight for the rights of good blacks instead of evil ones. The ones who don't commit crimes, excel in school, and work hard to advance their careers in the best jobs they can perform(by merit). If the blacks encouraged their bottom 10% to leave this country and the rest to find jobs for themselves, they would be helping themselves instead of handicapping their people.
   They would also be helping the third world countries that the bottom 10% move to because of the wonderful free public school education which American tax payers pay for in this country.
Does it bother you that you have to face the dome and the rock to say the sh'ma?


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Re: Regarding the so-called "Jena 6"
« Reply #59 on: September 25, 2007, 05:14:46 PM »
Sensitivity Training ::)
Oh - Erica - give me a break.

You're way past the need for that bullcat. I'm proposing it for students / kids who have trouble getting along with other children of other races. The main reason why there are teen racists is because their parents are racists also. Because the parents behave like idiots, their children repeat what they do.
You act as if these young people don't have eyes and ears.
Is it only the white children being raised racist?  I'm just curious are blacks racist?
If people behaved better there would probably be less racism...if you know what I mean.
It's simple...people have to teach their children MORALS.  How to be a productive member of Society.  How about that?  Simple.
Sensitivity Training - just another useless term you find in a book.  Not everyone is going to like everyone else...ain't happening.  Learning to live a moral productive life is the key.
That is what will break the barrier between the races.  The ball is being held by the black people but they can't run with it.  They just perpetuate the same problems generation after generation.
Of course there are blacks who are racist. I was speaking of BOTH sides going to sensitivity training not just the whites. There are black parents raising their children to fear and hate white people, and that's not right. Morals are more than just abstinence, and saying no to drugs. Having a good moral core also means respecting your fellow man and learning to get use to  or getting to know the differences around you whether they are black or white. The ball is being held by all of us, bullcat.
« Last Edit: September 25, 2007, 05:19:40 PM by Erica »


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Re: Regarding the so-called "Jena 6"
« Reply #60 on: September 25, 2007, 05:23:12 PM »
   And why do the so called civil rights leaders only fight for the rights of evil blacks. If they truly wanted to advance their race, they would fight for the rights of good blacks instead of evil ones. The ones who don't commit crimes, excel in school, and work hard to advance their careers in the best jobs they can perform(by merit). If the blacks encouraged their bottom 10% to leave this country and the rest to find jobs for themselves, they would be helping themselves instead of handicapping their people.
   They would also be helping the third world countries that the bottom 10% move to because of the wonderful free public school education which American tax payers pay for in this country.

I can't explain why Al Sharpton is always at the forefront of all of these rallies and marches...he just seems like a glory hound to me...He doesn't look at situations like these objectively. He just jumps in like a grand instigator and its rather tiring to watch.

And  I need to point out that there are white kids attending FREE public schools also. The taxpayers are paying for a lot of white kids' FREE education also.
« Last Edit: September 25, 2007, 05:36:52 PM by Erica »

Offline ChaimBenMordechai

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Re: Regarding the so-called "Jena 6"
« Reply #61 on: September 25, 2007, 05:55:04 PM »
Sensitivity Training ::)
Oh - Erica - give me a break.

You're way past the need for that bullcat. I'm proposing it for students / kids who have trouble getting along with other children of other races. The main reason why there are teen racists is because their parents are racists also. Because the parents behave like idiots, their children repeat what they do.
You act as if these young people don't have eyes and ears.
Is it only the white children being raised racist?  I'm just curious are blacks racist?
If people behaved better there would probably be less racism...if you know what I mean.
It's simple...people have to teach their children MORALS.  How to be a productive member of Society.  How about that?  Simple.
Sensitivity Training - just another useless term you find in a book.  Not everyone is going to like everyone else...ain't happening.  Learning to live a moral productive life is the key.
That is what will break the barrier between the races.  The ball is being held by the black people but they can't run with it.  They just perpetuate the same problems generation after generation.

Apes can NEVER be racist..they say that since they don't have power they can't be, it's us Whiteys..and we are racist even if we don't know it.

All we have to do to atone for is it is to give in to the ape demands

Hey Mammy Erica...go watch the movies "White Man's Burden" or "Soul Man"..

Offline fjack

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Re: Regarding the so-called "Jena 6"
« Reply #62 on: September 25, 2007, 05:56:40 PM »
As of two years ago sharpton's 'salary' was over 650 thousand dollars. When asked where the money came from he said it was from 'love donations'. It is interesting to read about the phoney rev. He said he was a rev at the age of nine. No. He went around with his drunken drugged up phoney rev father and that is where he started 'preaching'. In one of his books, I believe it was 'Go tell Pharoh' he admitted that the other phoney rev jesse baptised him and ordained him in the same day. As for jesse, he was made a rev in a basement by aretha, boy am I a pig, franklin's drunkin' pappi. It is rumored that jesse may be the proud pappi of one or two of ms. souls children. She refuses to say to this day ''who be the babbie daddie' and refuses to have the bastards pictures shown. The civil rights industry has done a lot of people good. Look at the king family. Where could they amass such an amount from a drunk, whore monger, commie and white hater. They are all worth a fortune now, since they are collecting money from the public for that obscenity they are erecting in washington d.c. for that whore, lliar, plagarist, white hater. Look at the white Jew hater andy, my best friend done be arafart, young. He is loaded. He makes the lecture circuit talkin' trash about the 'movement' that was 'back in the day'. Yes, the civil rights industry is massive. All an 'activiist' must do is cry 'racism', 'police brutaliity', 'discrimination'  the checkbooks of self hating whites open up and send a check to try a cure a white guilt that they themselves have put upon themselves. So, my dear friends, just pay off the blacks in Jena and demand that they leave, so that civilization will come back to once was a wonderful white community before the plague of blacks mutiplied and ruin everything as they do in every single area that they come to.


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Re: Regarding the so-called "Jena 6"
« Reply #63 on: September 25, 2007, 06:24:32 PM »
Sensitivity Training ::)
Oh - Erica - give me a break.

You're way past the need for that bullcat. I'm proposing it for students / kids who have trouble getting along with other children of other races. The main reason why there are teen racists is because their parents are racists also. Because the parents behave like idiots, their children repeat what they do.
You act as if these young people don't have eyes and ears.
Is it only the white children being raised racist?  I'm just curious are blacks racist?
If people behaved better there would probably be less racism...if you know what I mean.
It's simple...people have to teach their children MORALS.  How to be a productive member of Society.  How about that?  Simple.
Sensitivity Training - just another useless term you find in a book.  Not everyone is going to like everyone else...ain't happening.  Learning to live a moral productive life is the key.
That is what will break the barrier between the races.  The ball is being held by the black people but they can't run with it.  They just perpetuate the same problems generation after generation.

Apes can NEVER be racist..they say that since they don't have power they can't be, it's us Whiteys..and we are racist even if we don't know it.

All we have to do to atone for is it is to give in to the ape demands

Hey Mammy Erica...go watch the movies "White Man's Burden" or "Soul Man"..
I ACTUALLY HAVE "White Man's Burden" in my DVD collection now. I loved the movie. When the tables were turned, the whites were treated just like the blacks. The majority of white people lived in the ghetto and the affluent blacks lived in the rich neighborhoods. The main point of that movie is that the mentality carries over. WHites think think that blacks in the ghetto are lazy and good for nothing... the blacks in the movie thought the same about the whites. It showed that once someone gets a taste of the good life that it goes to their heads and they lose compassion and understanding. That's what I got from it.
The last time I saw "Soul Man" I was 15 years old. I wouldn't mind having that in my collection also because I loved THAT movie also. That movie meant a lot to me because it had a part in shaping the way I think about AA.

And your "MAMMY" is at home with you. ::) I'm no one's MAMMY, I'm a "Mother".

Offline takebackourtemple

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Re: Regarding the so-called "Jena 6"
« Reply #64 on: September 25, 2007, 08:35:27 PM »
And  I need to point out that there are white kids attending FREE public schools also. The taxpayers are paying for a lot of white kids' FREE education also.

   From the perspective of the student, it is not about race, but about a merited investment. Someone who gets a good education will earn more and pay more taxes to contribute to society. That's why I believe in the B or better system. If the taxpayers pay for a students education, the student should not be allowed to continue receiving the education if they continue to fail everything. This is the way that just about any company runs their tuition reimbursement programs. If the bottom 10% were denied or had to pay for a public school education after 9th grade after choosing to perform below par, it would make the schools a better place for the other 90% and there would not be many failing public schools.
   From the perspective of the taxpayer, this gets a little more complicated since the tax payers deserves representation for what they pay. Ideally all races should contribute equally, but this is not the case. Where the money goes still should not be determined by race, but the individual taxpayers should have a say about where the funding that they contribute goes to.
   Getting back to my statement. It would benefit the black community if the bottom 10% were cut and relocated outside of this country. Even with a failing 8th grade education, this bottom 10% is more advanced than those in Zimbabwe.
Does it bother you that you have to face the dome and the rock to say the sh'ma?

Offline nessuno

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Re: Regarding the so-called "Jena 6"
« Reply #65 on: September 25, 2007, 11:23:55 PM »
Sensitivity Training ::)
Oh - Erica - give me a break.

You're way past the need for that bullcat. I'm proposing it for students / kids who have trouble getting along with other children of other races. The main reason why there are teen racists is because their parents are racists also. Because the parents behave like idiots, their children repeat what they do.
You act as if these young people don't have eyes and ears.
Is it only the white children being raised racist?  I'm just curious are blacks racist?
If people behaved better there would probably be less racism...if you know what I mean.
It's simple...people have to teach their children MORALS.  How to be a productive member of Society.  How about that?  Simple.
Sensitivity Training - just another useless term you find in a book.  Not everyone is going to like everyone else...ain't happening.  Learning to live a moral productive life is the key.
That is what will break the barrier between the races.  The ball is being held by the black people but they can't run with it.  They just perpetuate the same problems generation after generation.
Of course there are blacks who are racist. I was speaking of BOTH sides going to sensitivity training not just the whites. There are black parents raising their children to fear and hate white people, and that's not right. Morals are more than just abstinence, and saying no to drugs. Having a good moral core also means respecting your fellow man and learning to get use to  or getting to know the differences around you whether they are black or white. The ball is being held by all of us, bullcat.
Please look up the definition of morals.   ;)  I never said anything about abstinence or saying no to drugs.  Although it's not bad advice.  Life saving measures - in some cases.
Be very CAREFUL of people whose WORDS don't match their ACTIONS.


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Re: Regarding the so-called "Jena 6"
« Reply #66 on: September 26, 2007, 12:09:20 AM »
Sensitivity Training ::)
Oh - Erica - give me a break.

You're way past the need for that bullcat. I'm proposing it for students / kids who have trouble getting along with other children of other races. The main reason why there are teen racists is because their parents are racists also. Because the parents behave like idiots, their children repeat what they do.
You act as if these young people don't have eyes and ears.
Is it only the white children being raised racist?  I'm just curious are blacks racist?
If people behaved better there would probably be less racism...if you know what I mean.
It's simple...people have to teach their children MORALS.  How to be a productive member of Society.  How about that?  Simple.
Sensitivity Training - just another useless term you find in a book.  Not everyone is going to like everyone else...ain't happening.  Learning to live a moral productive life is the key.
That is what will break the barrier between the races.  The ball is being held by the black people but they can't run with it.  They just perpetuate the same problems generation after generation.
Of course there are blacks who are racist. I was speaking of BOTH sides going to sensitivity training not just the whites. There are black parents raising their children to fear and hate white people, and that's not right. Morals are more than just abstinence, and saying no to drugs. Having a good moral core also means respecting your fellow man and learning to get use to  or getting to know the differences around you whether they are black or white. The ball is being held by all of us, bullcat.
Please look up the definition of morals.   ;)  I never said anything about abstinence or saying no to drugs.  Although it's not bad advice.  Life saving measures - in some cases.

I know what morals are, that's why I mentioned abstinence and staying away from drugs. I was just adding to the subject. You can't have good morals and hate people because of their color at the same time. (this isn't about you personally, I'm referring to the white and black kids who got into those fights in Lousiana). If you don't respect yourself, you can't respect anyone else. This includes treating people of different cultures like crap. It could come back to bite you in the behind later on (someone will begin to hate YOU because of your color).

Offline Barach Velvel ben Lazer Eliazer

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Re: Regarding the so-called "Jena 6"
« Reply #67 on: October 07, 2007, 04:14:24 AM »
Erica, nobody is buying your pro-black argument. Why don't you just come out and say "THE BLACK BOYS ARE INNOCENT! NO JUSTICE, NO PEACE!" already?

You can either go along with this sham of using careful tactics and language to make it seem like your for equality or just say how you really feel and skip the waste-of-time politically correct rhetoric. I told you on the general discussion board, how equal justice would be insane in this case, because the victimized white student was nearly beaten to death, while that party white was only a minor tussle.

If you are so concerned about equal justice, go down to Louisiana and join the mob.

Offline fjack

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Re: Regarding the so-called "Jena 6"
« Reply #68 on: October 07, 2007, 08:15:13 AM »
This affair is turning out to be a huge money making machine. One of the black innocents has posted a youtube video showing thousands of dollars he has made off his 'suffering'. This is a good example of what these primates consider important, money, malt liquor, drugs, sex and bling. This is going to lead to a movement to free all black criminal from prisons. This will also lead to reparations, the right to vote for convicted felons and more goodies that they demand. Most whites were scared to death by the numbers and the loudmouth voices that showed up in Jena. The whites are fearful that the blacks will resort to their primal urge to commit violence at the drop of a hat. There are also mentally ill liberals that blame themselves and other whties for the brutal crimes that blacks commit. The liberal thinks that by paying tribute to these bipeds all will be well and will turn these darkies from low IQ nitwits into Nobel Prize winners overnight. Take my words fellow posters, the best is yet to come.

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Re: Regarding the so-called "Jena 6"
« Reply #69 on: October 07, 2007, 08:31:40 AM »

Erica - What are your thoughts?
I think FJack is right as usual.  ;)
Be very CAREFUL of people whose WORDS don't match their ACTIONS.

Offline cjd

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Re: Regarding the so-called "Jena 6"
« Reply #70 on: October 07, 2007, 10:07:46 AM »

Erica - What are your thoughts?
I think FJack is right as usual.  ;)
All I have to say is fjack FOR PRESIDENT IN O8. After seeing that video in the above link I am sick. Is this what black society feels is the norm? The animals in the video are sickening they look like apes dressed up and making a bad attempt at playing human. I had not really taken this story seriously but after seeing this set of evil animals I really now feel that they should be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. In all honesty if I had school age children I could not live in a place where animals that look like that populate the school in great numbers. It would be impossible for me to send me child into an element like that each day.
He who overlooks one crime invites the commission of another.        Syrus.

A light on to the nations for 60 years


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Re: Regarding the so-called "Jena 6"
« Reply #71 on: October 07, 2007, 11:53:30 AM »
Erica, nobody is buying your pro-black argument. Why don't you just come out and say "THE BLACK BOYS ARE INNOCENT! NO JUSTICE, NO PEACE!" already?

You can either go along with this sham of using careful tactics and language to make it seem like your for equality or just say how you really feel and skip the waste-of-time politically correct rhetoric. I told you on the general discussion board, how equal justice would be insane in this case, because the victimized white student was nearly beaten to death, while that party white was only a minor tussle.

If you are so concerned about equal justice, go down to Louisiana and join the mob.
First of all if I were 'pro black' I would say nonsense like "THE BLACK BOYS ARE INNOCENT!!!" In this case I'm not pro black, I'm pro fairness. If the black boys can get sentenced to 22 years to life in prison for a school yard fight, then the white kids who did the same thing to one black boy should get the same amount of time. Equal justice. But its not like that in Lousiana. The Jena 6 were guilty of beating that boy, yes. And they deserved to pay for what they did, but should have been suspened from school for 2 weeks. The white kids didn't pay for their crimes at all. The white kids weren't sentenced to 22 years in prison for what they did.


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Re: Regarding the so-called "Jena 6"
« Reply #72 on: October 07, 2007, 12:28:22 PM »

Erica - What are your thoughts?
I think FJack is right as usual.  ;)
I don't know who that is but its definately not Mychal Bell because he was in jail when those pictures were posted. He just got out last week after being locked up for 10 months. As for the boys in the pictures, that's incredibly shameful.


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Re: Regarding the so-called "Jena 6"
« Reply #73 on: October 07, 2007, 12:33:01 PM »

Erica - What are your thoughts?
I think FJack is right as usual.  ;)
All I have to say is fjack FOR PRESIDENT IN O8. After seeing that video in the above link I am sick. Is this what black society feels is the norm? The animals in the video are sickening they look like apes dressed up and making a bad attempt at playing human. I had not really taken this story seriously but after seeing this set of evil animals I really now feel that they should be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. In all honesty if I had school age children I could not live in a place where animals that look like that populate the school in great numbers. It would be impossible for me to send me child into an element like that each day.
First of all, that high school is 85% white and 13% black. So there are no great numbers.

FJack, I  don't think anyone is saying that the Jena 6 are innocent. I certainly don't believe it but the justice system there is lobsided. Whites who commited the same crime in that town didn't get charged with anything. They're not even spending time in jail for it.

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Re: Regarding the so-called "Jena 6"
« Reply #74 on: October 07, 2007, 12:36:47 PM »
They talk about how the sentences are not the same. Check the prior arrest records. This bell is a time bomb. I don't care if he kills blacks, robes blacks and do what ever he wants to blacks. If he agrees to only commit mayhem in black areas, then we should let him and all his kind go and make sure that they are restricted to black areas. I have no problem with that. I only want to see blacks arrested when the hurt, rob and do worse to white people. Why should I pay for their prison stay. I am sick of paying anything for them.