Author Topic: What do the so called "Palestinians" & Schvartzers have in common?  (Read 2064 times)

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Offline ChabadKahanist

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They both love fried chicken!!!
On the way to my daughter in Bat Ayin or my step daughter in Efrat I saw billboards from the highway in Arab occupied Bethlehem(Efrat & Bethlehem are next door to each other) for KFC & Popeye's they were in Arabic which I can't read but the logos were in English.
Also both love watermelon!!!!

Online Hrvatski Noahid

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Re: What do the so called "Palestinians" & Schvartzers have in common?
« Reply #1 on: December 11, 2018, 10:54:39 PM »
Noahides love pizza.

I prefer blacks to palestinians.
Gentiles are obligated to fulfill the Seven Noahide Commandments because they are the eternal command of God, transmitted through Moses our teacher in the Torah. The main and best book on details of Noahide observance is "The Divine Code" by Rabbi Moshe Weiner.


Offline ChabadKahanist

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Re: What do the so called "Palestinians" & Schvartzers have in common?
« Reply #2 on: December 12, 2018, 12:46:08 AM »
Noahides love pizza.

I prefer blacks to palestinians.
Obviously you've never lived in NY,Chicago,LA,Miami or any major US urban area or you'd know that the schvartzers are just as bad as the so called "Palestinians"!!!!
They are huge Jew haters!!!!

Online Hrvatski Noahid

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Re: What do the so called "Palestinians" & Schvartzers have in common?
« Reply #3 on: December 12, 2018, 01:09:10 AM »
Obviously you've never lived in NY,Chicago,LA,Miami or any major US urban area or you'd know that the schvartzers are just as bad as the so called "Palestinians"!!!!
They are huge Jew haters!!!!

I ended an American high school in Ojai, California. I agree that the he-bros are Jew haters. I don't think blacks are inherently bad. One of my friends is a black Noahide. You would like him. He is better and wiser than white alt-right scum.   
Gentiles are obligated to fulfill the Seven Noahide Commandments because they are the eternal command of God, transmitted through Moses our teacher in the Torah. The main and best book on details of Noahide observance is "The Divine Code" by Rabbi Moshe Weiner.


Online Joe Gutfeld

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Re: What do the so called "Palestinians" & Schvartzers have in common?
« Reply #4 on: December 13, 2018, 03:24:43 PM »
They are both terrorists.

Offline Mishmaat

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Re: What do the so called "Palestinians" & Schvartzers have in common?
« Reply #5 on: December 13, 2018, 04:04:10 PM »
Blacks are more humane than "Palestinians". They actually value life. I haven't seen a black participate in a suicide/homicide bombing yet. The "Palestinians" are lower than dog crap. They're easily the most despicable people on the face of the planet.

Offline Mishmaat

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Re: What do the so called "Palestinians" & Schvartzers have in common?
« Reply #6 on: December 13, 2018, 04:05:27 PM »
They are both terrorists.

A bit hyperbolic, but not an unfair comparison.

They're both a fifth column in their respective host countries.

Offline Binyamin Yisrael

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Re: What do the so called "Palestinians" & Schvartzers have in common?
« Reply #7 on: December 15, 2018, 10:03:10 PM »
Blacks are more humane than "Palestinians". They actually value life. I haven't seen a black participate in a suicide/homicide bombing yet. The "Palestinians" are lower than dog crap. They're easily the most despicable people on the face of the planet.

But why do they kill each other? Black lives only matter to them if the killer is non-black or an "Uncle Tom policeman".

Of course I'm only referring to bad blacks, the type this thread is about, not the kind of blacks that that don't act like that. With the Fakies, there really aren't any exceptions. To identify as a Fakie is equal to being a Muslim terrorist.