Not going to stop loving the Chassidic community, but there needs to be a more proper focus on physical exercise as Rambam discusses. The black clothes in the heat do not lend one to want to run ten miles every morning, and there are numerous health problems that are common, especially obesity. In every shuchan aruch, chapter 32 in the kitzur if I remember correctly, it gives a law that you must do enough physical exercise to induce sweating due to a raise in body temperature, and they give their source as "by the sweat of their brow they shall eat - first sweat than eat". I have met one Chassid in my entire life that kept this critical obligation that shows Hashem you are thankful for a body and don't want to destroy it. Chas v' shalom you miss a minchag like not studying Torah on that idol festival though.
Everyone in my family got corona. We all never stop moving like sharks, and didn't even know we had it until we tested positive for antibodies. Hashem already gave the cure before the disease, and unlike a diddy minchag, it's an obligation you must apologize to Hashem for violating on Yom Kippur, right before you apologize for doing things for Hashem he never asked you to do.