If you want to limit the number of questions, how about we go through the question and see if there is anyone on the forum who knows the answer so that would ensure that all the questions being asked would be ones that nobody else on the forum was able to answer for others.
For the next "Ask JTF", someone asked the following:
"While you call Kadima a leftist party, many on the left say that it's a conservative party. These leftists say that the 5% (or whatever) that Kadima will keep in the West Bank will be used to expand settlements and hem in Arab villages and towns through a network of checkpoints and roads. The leftists say that this takes land from the Arabs and renders their independence into a sham. This argument was also used against South African apartheid and indeed Arafat once said that Barak had offered him "Bantustans". How should I respond when leftists make such arguments?"
This looks similar to stuff that was probably asked previously or that has been asked before on the forum. I'm sure there are some people who would be able to answer this quesition.
I say Kadima is leftist as they're advocating a disastrous policy and aren't thinking of the disasterous consequences.
It would need to be explained how any time Israel has made unnecessary concessions, the results have been an increase in the level of terrorism against Israel.
Israel doesn't owe any concessions.
Kadima nor other liberal parties shouldn't be part of the government as they aren't serious enough about Israel's security.
Also, the other Daniel copied your question.