Author Topic: Pope Pius accused of silence during the Holocaust, knew Jews were being killed  (Read 2444 times)

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Offline Dan193

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Pope Pius XII, accused of silence during the Holocaust, knew Jews were being killed, researcher says
By Tom Heneghan
April 29, 2020

The long-awaited opening of Pope Pius XII’s wartime records lasted only a week before the coronavirus outbreak shut down the Vatican archives. But that was long enough for documents to emerge that reflect badly on the pontiff accused of silence during the Holocaust, according to published reports.

In that week alone, German researchers found that the pope, who never directly criticized the Nazi slaughter of Jews, knew from his own sources about Berlin’s death campaign early on. But he kept this from the U.S. government after an aide argued that Jews and Ukrainians — his main sources — could not be trusted because they lied and exaggerated, the researchers said.

They also discovered that the Vatican hid these and other sensitive documents presumably to protect Pius’s image, a finding that will embarrass the Roman Catholic Church, which is still struggling with its coverup of clerical sexual abuse.

Pope Pius XII was silent during the Holocaust. Now Vatican records may reveal whether he collaborated with the Nazis.

These reports emerged out of Germany, home to seven researchers from the University of Münster who went to Rome despite the coronavirus crisis there for the historic opening of Pius’s wartime papers on March 2. Other researchers from the United States and Israel had been expected to attend the opening but apparently stayed home because of the pandemic.

Leading the German team was Hubert Wolf, 60, a historian of the Catholic Church who has researched in the Vatican’s Secret Archive — now called the Apostolic Archive — since his student days. A Catholic priest and prolific author, he enjoys a reputation as an objective researcher and outspoken analyst.

“We have to first check these newly available sources,” he told Kirche + Leben, the Catholic weekly in Münster, last week. “If Pius XII comes out of this study of the sources looking better, that’s wonderful. If he comes out looking worse, we have to accept that, too.”

Pius XII, who headed the Catholic Church from 1939 to 1958 and is now a candidate for canonization, was the most controversial pontiff of the 20th century. His failure to denounce the Holocaust publicly earned him the title of “Hitler’s pope,” and critics have for decades asked for his wartime archives to be opened for scrutiny.

The pope’s defenders have long argued he could not speak out more clearly for fear of a Nazi backlash, and they cite his decision to hide Jews at the Vatican and in churches and monasteries as proof of his good deeds. They note the Vatican had already published an 11-volume series of documents selected from his archives to prove his innocence.

A Catholic-Jewish commission that was launched in 1999 to seek to resolve this case broke up two years later because the Vatican would not open its archive, which was supposed to stay sealed until 2028.

Now the archive has been opened, and the Münster team of researchers has begun to publish its first findings; they do not look good for Pius or the Catholic Church. The details are a bit complicated, but Wolf’s conclusions are quite clear.

The chain of events goes back to Sept. 27, 1942, when a U.S. diplomat gave the Vatican a secret report on the mass murder of Jews from the Warsaw Ghetto. It said about 100,000 had been massacred in and around Warsaw and added that an additional 50,000 were killed in Lviv in German-occupied Ukraine.

The report was based on information from the Geneva office of the Jewish Agency for Palestine. Washington wanted to know whether the Vatican, which received information from Catholics around the world, could confirm this from its own sources. If it could, would the Vatican have any ideas about how to rally public opinion against these crimes?

The archive included a note confirming that Pius read the American report. It also had two letters to the Vatican independently corroborating the reports of massacres in Warsaw and Lviv, according to the researchers.

A month before the American request, the Ukrainian Greek Catholic archbishop of Lviv, Andrey Sheptytsky, had sent Pius a letter that spoke of 200,000 Jews massacred in Ukraine under the “outright diabolical” German occupation.

In mid-September, an Italian businessman named Malvezzi told Monsignor Giovanni Battista Montini, the future Pope Paul VI, of the “incredible butchery” of Jews he had seen during a recent visit to Warsaw. Montini reported this to his superior, the Vatican’s secretary of state (akin to a prime minister), Cardinal Luigi Maglione.

But the Vatican told Washington it could not confirm the Jewish Agency report.

The basis for this, Wolf told the Hamburg weekly Die Zeit, was a memo by another staffer at the Secretariat of State, Angelo Dell’Acqua, who later became a cardinal. In that memo, he warned against believing the Jewish report because Jews “easily exaggerate” and “Orientals” — the reference is to Archbishop Sheptytsky — “are really not an example of honesty.”

That memo is in the archive but was not included in the 11-volume series of wartime documents the Vatican published to defend Pius’s reputation. “This is a key document that has been kept hidden from us because it is clearly anti-Semitic and shows why Pius XII did not speak out against the Holocaust,” Wolf told Kirche + Leben.

Wolf said the 11-volume series, known to historians as the Actes et Documents after its French title, took some documents out of their chronological order and thereby made it hard if not impossible to understand them in context.

“That’s why we have to be skeptical about the whole 11-volume series and check it against the archive document by document,” he said. “These 11 volumes break up the context in which the documents are found in the archive. The result is that one can no longer understand how they relate to each other.”

The research team also found three small photographs showing emaciated concentration camp inmates and corpses thrown into a mass grave. A Jewish informer had given them to the Vatican ambassador, or nuncio, in neutral Switzerland to send to the Vatican, and the Holy See confirmed reception of them in a letter two weeks later.

Wolf told the German Catholic news agency KNA that another potentially embarrassing issue was the “Rat Line,” an informal network that helped former top Nazis escape from central Europe to Italy and from there to South America.

It has long been known that the Catholic Church — possibly with covert U.S. assistance — helped ex-Nazis, like the Holocaust bureaucrat Adolf Eichmann, concentration camp doctor Josef Mengele or Gestapo officer Klaus Barbie, flee to South America. These men were anti-communists, and Rome and Washington considered communism their enemy.

What ‘Operation Finale’ gets wrong about the hunt for Nazi monster Adolf Eichmann

Reports from the papal nuncio in Buenos Aires could indicate a Vatican role in the Rat Line, Wolf told KNA. “What did he know about this activity?” he asked. “The Vatican might have been able to get them passports. … Was the nuncio the middle man? Did the Argentine embassy in Rome do all the work?

“We’re just asking open questions, and have to be ready for any kind of answer,” he said.

Other questions Wolf wants to research are Pius’s relations with U.S. political and intelligence networks during and after the war, his role in promoting European unity, and his thoughts about allying with Muslims in a campaign against communism.

Answers to these and other questions could also influence a drive by conservative Catholics to have Pius declared a saint. Wolf serves as a historian for this cause and says it will take years to assess his career.

The archive will remain closed at least until this summer, which Wolf considers a catastrophe for his research project. “We could figure on seven researchers before. Can this continue in the autumn?” he asked.

“There are enough questions to keep the whole team busy for 10 years!”

Offline Dan193

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Jewish representatives begged the US to bomb Auschwitz, and the government declined. It would have  been in the allies' interest to bomb slave labor camps  where war  materiel was being manufactured. There was strong anti-Semitic sentiment inside the government, especially in the State Department.

Offline Dan193

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Also, in 1944 Hitler forced Mussolini to round up all Italian Jews. The Pope had to be aware what was going to happen to those put on the trains.

Pius XII should have protested loudly and publicly about German genocide, not only of Jews but of Polish Catholics. He did neither.
« Last Edit: April 30, 2020, 09:18:23 PM by Dan193 »

Offline Ulli

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One thing you could explain with selfishness. The vatican as well as the organisations like Caritas and the Dioceses in Europe were in Hitlers reach during the war.

But this was not the reason, why they acted wickedly like this.

Because why they helped then the Nazis to escape with the rat line even after they were beaten? The Nazis were powerless at this point.

There must have been more wicked motives.
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Offline Dan193

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 Ulli you're right, the Vatican helped a lot of the worst Nazi war criminals escape to South America after WW2.

Offline Nachus

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 :usa+israel:                                                                               :fist:

If he was in fact silent during the Shoah knowing Jews were
being killed and helped nazis escape to other countries, this
immoral, wicked swine is burning in hell eternally. There were
definitely ulterior motives for doing this, the main one was surely to keep this evil and immoral idelogy strong and the
hope for an eventual and powerful resurgence of it and for
expansion to other parts of the world.

Offline Israel Chai

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You're like, "The Pope should have said something". The Catholic church burned whole villages alive and tons of popes ordered the killing of tons of Jews. If someone in the world is killing Jews, he's kind of near Saddam's ghost and Max Blumenthal YS"V on the list of people I expect to do something, much less care.
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Offline Nachus

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 :usa+israel:                                                                            :fist:

Of course, you're right and these atrocities should have
been prevented effectively. "Never Again"!

Offline Ulli

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Ulli you're right, the Vatican helped a lot of the worst Nazi war criminals escape to South America after WW2.

It is sick and wicked. This people are dangerous.  >:(

P.S. Perhaps thid kind of people should move in the same building as this catholic manicas. Let them get a taste. I am shocked.
"Cities run by progressives don't know how to police. ... Thirty cities went up last night, I went and looked at every one of them. Every one of them has a progressive Democratic mayor." Rudolph Giuliani

Offline Joe Gutfeld

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The whole world knew the Nazis were killing Jews and they did nothing.