I never understood this missionary issue.
1. They like to go to foreign countries. The more far the better and use there big ammounts of money. While the numbers of their own groups in Europe and North America are sharply declining.
2. The dogmatic is clear. Tovia Singer has pointed this once out. And Johannis Calvin has written before ca. 500 years about the fact in dogmatic, that people are choosen by God to be believers. It makes according to the dogmatic no sense at all to talk people into something. Everybody is able to check the sources online to make a decision on his own.
3. I think they are so annoying. And the most active in this business are the most wicked. What the most active groups actually believe is a mockery of a sane mind. Even it has very little to do what reformed Christians before only 100 years believed. It is not an exaggregation. I don't want to go into detail.
Their bible says "Go ye into all the world and preach [this particular religion] to every creature" and they have religious precedent of Paul saying he dresses up as a Jew even if he isn't among "them" so to sneak convert them better. They are religiously obligated to do it despite R. Singer's lovely argument. The average Catholic or Evangelical doesn't study the text enough to even know the verses R. Singer brings to make that argument, and none of them study it with gemarra testing like Jews study Torah.
Most believe that they have to give every single a person a chance to hear that jc wasn't dead long and decide if he thinks that's cool or not, and one as everyone has had a chance then the sides are drawn, JC can come down with an army of angels and fight those guys who will be with the army of devils and they'll win and have a beer.