Asian century began in May 2020
Region has emerged as an economic zone as closely integrated as the European Union don't need anything from the West, but the West needs to buy from them with borrowed and printed money. Because products in the West are not able to compete because of insane regulations and high taxes. Even the human resources are missing. The most western politicians live in a bubble. While the Asians and Russians study MINT the western students study social sciences. Genderstudies is a big trend.
And I have to pay for this nonsense.
Good example is Germany. Who do you think is the biggest employer? Siemens? VW? Mercedes? Bayer? SAP? WRONG WRONG WRONG WRONG WRONG
It is the Caritas! With more than 600000 employees! Social Industry! And the main stream media and most politicians think this will really work?
Spain was once the richest country in the world. Then God punished them for their wickedness with lazyness and burocratism and all their wealth ended up in the hand of the busy British and Dutch people. Without stealing or robbing. They had to give it to them because of their merchandise was of better quality and in addition cheaper. And this is what we will see now!
My oppinion of Ferkels opening of the border for Migrants in 2015/16 is showing clearly how powerfull the social industry is already. They needed new objects to work with and earn money. In economy you have to set priorities.