Author Topic: Bahrain deal: Gulf Arabs can buy up Israel; Bibi worse than Gantz (new video)  (Read 2336 times)

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Online Chaim Ben Pesach

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Please promote this important video everywhere possible.

The program is 46 minutes this week.

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Offline Nachus

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 :usa+israel:                                                                                                                        :fist:

Yet another fantastic and powerful video. The deniers and doubters of these gems 
of wisdom that would foolishly consider this alarmism and such don’t have the
zechut to even exist in a better world much less listen to this chokhmah. A lobotomy would be an utter waste and not do justice to the insane. Until Israel has real leaders that aren’t corrupt that have a morally sound and sane perspective of these issues and act according to Biblical principles and values,  these stupid, suicidal moves and concessions will sadly continue. The righteous prevailing over the
wicked should happen even quicker when the Jews do what HaShem commands.

Offline Dan193

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Chaim you were right on the money what you said in the video.

Offline Israel Chai

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OK then like the Jewish people are demented? We're not demented bro and then you're calling yourself that. Leftists brainwashed alot, but you see with the kiruv movement you say one two things and at least half all of a sudden want to be tzadikim. Now the Nazis can comment "Jews are demented" and we're like "well we here at JTF can't debate with that"... Rav Kahane never went on a tirade like that. So like I post a Jewish page now, someone just comments that over and over and what now? Either I'm a pro-demented activist or we both ignore the rest of the content and just insult you in the three minutes a person will talk.
The fear of the L-rd is the beginning of knowledge

Offline Israel Chai

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It's sad because the message is so important to hear on Israel.

On Trump, he was saying block China when the left was saying hug them, so it's a fake thing to attack them on. Also the piece in the Atlantic isn't backed up by anything, another fake attack. The left promotes Trump with fake attacks. I don't even bother trying to talk about Trump anymore because I don't know people that recognize marketing well enough to not fall for it three times a day.
The fear of the L-rd is the beginning of knowledge

Offline Israel Chai

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Also, show me the dates corona hit and what point in his obsession with Israel he was at during the same time. He said he wants to make deals with Israel and terrorists when he was running in the primaries, we knew this was going to happen.
The fear of the L-rd is the beginning of knowledge