As a Serbian, touching pig meat, blood
and whatsoever from any pig doesn't bother me at all.
In fact, I EAT PIGS.

And the idea of putting the bullets into, for instance, pig blood,
while ACKNOWLEDGING NAZIMUSLIMS what we're actually doing,
might very well frighten them to the bone.

I heard it, as well as many of you, if not all of you:
"if it is unintentional, unwillingly, without knowing,
a NAZIHEDIN may eat/be in contact with pork,
without being expelled from the beds with 70 whores, etc..."

I say they still would be FRIGHTENED by our PIG-BULLETS,
that these bullets are "pigged".
Just by KNOWING this, they are in great danger
of not being able to obtain their porn beds.

And since these beds are their ultiMATE goa(t)l,
they, I AM CONVINCED, would not take the risk
of losing their poor lives that "piggy" way.

Thus, yes, and thanks for the idea,
a single (special) bullet would frighten the hordes of muhammandrillas...