The TV premiere was a few days ago. I have seen the film.
The film is good, no question about it.
The thing is, what was shown in the film is pratcitally a censored version of what actually was happening. The film shows the killings. But only shows quick killings. Those people where the lucky ones. What film does not show is the horrible ways of slow killings and torture technics that where only used by the Ustaše.
According to Israeli Holocaust historian Gideon Greif, Ustaše had 57 different methods of humiliation, torture and killings of Serbs, Jews and Gypsies. After 4 years of research, the chief resercher of the Shem Olam institute - Gideon Grien, found that at leat 800.000 Serbs and 40.000 Jews where killed in the most horrible ways by the Ustaše, just in Jasenovac death camp (6 times bigger than the Auschwitz).