It is a terrible development and a shame. But it is neiter Trumps fault, nor Majorie Greenes.
The problem is that the Buffet family has pumped hundreds of millions of $ over nearly a decade into BLM and that because of this their ideology became enormously influential.
This slogan "Lots of struggles - one fight" links all movements of so called "oppressed people" together and they get a free pass by Democrat controlled institutions to do whatever they want.
Supported is this group by their allies from "Antifa". ADL knows this for shure, but their leader is a Democrat. So of cause he will not do anything serious about it. If he want to blame somebody for this violence he should address his fellow Democrats and Buffet & co. Will never happen. If you read carefully no word about BLM, Fridays for Future, Warren, Sanders, Cortez, Pressley, Tlaib, Omar and the worst one Cori Bush.