Montaser Shalabi, an Arab terrorist who murdered the Jewish teen Yehuda Guetta, may G-d avenge his blood, near the town Evyatar. In his police investigation, he admits to the goal of the Muslim Nazi terrorists: they want all of Israel and to murder all of the Jews. This isnt about so called """occupation""". This is about a war of extermination against any Jewish state of any size and borders. They tried to wipe out Israel when they ruled Judea and Samaria before 1967 too, and if the evil government of Israel manages to create a Muslim terrorist "Fakestinian" state there, G-d forbid, they will be closer to the goal of wiping out Israel with its 6 million Jews.
The terrorist is also a rich man who has several villas in Judea and the United States, another slap in the face to self-hating Jews, like this abomination of a police officer, who think that if we raise the living standards of our murderers, they will stop trying to throw us to the sea, instead of acknowledging the obvious truth: in order to defeat the enemy we must 1. destroy their terrorist organizations 2. stop giving them money and let their living standards become unbearable so that they will leave already.
English translation of the conversation:
Police investigator: "how come a person like you gets into a situation where he commits a terrorist attack?"
Shalabi: "according to my religion I can hurt and even kill people who took my lands"Police investigator: "to the best of my knowledge, you live in a large villa in the village of Turmus Ayya" (a village near Ramallah in Judea and Samaria)
Shalabi: "I mean that you took Arab houses in Ashdod and Haifa"Police investigator: "that doesn't seem like a good enough reason to commit a terrorist attack".
Source of the pictures: Kan News (Israeli state television).