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October 20, 2006, 01:31:35 PM
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226 General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: why should only we suffer...? on: August 04, 2006, 08:33:46 AM
well if i knew how to put up my own pic i would... or you could cast me with a different musician... say neil young or cat stevens (before the fall... before the fall)... in fact when i was much younger people thought i looked like the cat... nik. out...
227 General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Who is this guy from Revava? on: August 04, 2006, 08:22:35 AM
now that you explain it... i understand it... it was of course the scenario i described above... you were trying to get jews to see the error of their ways... it just sounded like someone in revava's name was (ala yigal amir's mentor avishai raviv ~ no friend of the right as he pretended to be) trying to harrass and bully jews (in order to trash revava's reputation) which on tisha b'av (or any other time for that matter) is not only counter-productive but axiomatically the antithesis of what we are supposed to be aiming for on this (or any other) day... warm regards yisroel and have much hatzlacha... hope to see you soon here or there... nik. out...
228 General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Map of rocket attack on Israel on: August 04, 2006, 08:14:16 AM
wow... great site... thanks... nik.
229 General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: why should only we suffer...? on: August 04, 2006, 03:41:58 AM
i don't know him or his music... but i like the way they have his face lit up... like moshe rebenu lehavdil... nik. out...
230 General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Let us not Forget the Jews of Iran on: August 04, 2006, 03:40:27 AM
i hate to sound so harsh... but they have had their chance to flee as they should have long ago... along with all the rest... except for those too old or ill to be moved... the rest have no right to be there now that we need to take iran out to save eretz yisroel... they have to realize that the welfare of our homeland has to take precedence over their situations... we should still try to get them out... but we should have bombed iran like yesterday already... and every hour that goes by only adds to our mortal danger... we can't let iran use jews as human shields either or half of all of israel may get nuked as the price we pay for our hesitation for their regard... leave now jews of iran or else we cannot and will not be able to save you... very sorry... but you have run out of time to come home... and you knew this day might arrive at some point... since '79 you have been playing with fire to remain there... well... that fire is now a raging inferno and we need to put it out before it puts all of us out... please understand and get the hell out of there!!!! nik. out...
231 General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Israeli Jewish Blogger The Muqata writes... on: August 04, 2006, 03:27:22 AM
time to take the microphone away from the reshayim... we have to finally make them eat their blasphemous words... and in this case make them pay for their cynical manipulation of the death of a truly courageous jewish hero... it just sickens me to hear how they twist the story to suit and to fit their satanic plans... nik. out...
232 General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Who is this guy from Revava? on: August 04, 2006, 03:22:39 AM
this doesn't sound like revava... unless he was simply trying to get jews to see the error of their thinking and that they should all demonstrate against their all being relegated to a sideshow lo' these many years instead of having access to the main event...
unless this is his true story here he is just another plant to make us look bad in the eyes of jews the world over... nik. out...
233 General Category / Revava movement Discussion / who is wise...? the one who can see the future... on: August 02, 2006, 09:25:29 PM
yeah just saw this too... finally they tipped their hand as to what all of this is really all about... now we can plainly see why bush is giving israel so much time to win decisively... so that olmert can tell jews all over the world... "see... we can fight and win and vanquish our foes as needs be from tiny, little israel... the pre-'67 one... whenever we have to... whenever we want... just trust me and us (america saves!!! not...)..." this is the message...
but it is a death trap to accept this proposal and policy... they don't mean this: "that see we are so strong we can make peace..." if this were truly their message that would be bad enough for their lack of critical judgement and their lack of understanding what a huge separation of 1000 miles all around eretz yisroel would mean for our security... missiles or not... even nukes or not... try telling america... "look... you are so very strong militarily... you don't need all this land mass to protect yourself anymore... give some back to mexico... give a little over to the indians whom you totally dispossessed when you flooded over this continent like the great deluge..." THEY OF COURSE WOULD NEVER DO THIS... AND NOT JUST BECAUSE OF THE LOST REVENUE AND PROPERTY... but because it is suicide to ever weaken yourself no matter what... because one never knows when the land could come in handy to protect oneself from attack or what some enemy may come up with later on in history that would make their possession of the american southwest vital as an in-road for the enemy if in their hands... or for the side of the present occupants (the u.s.) it could turn out to be an outright lifesaving and fortunate stroke of good luck or smiling-fate to just happen to be able to defeat the unexpected new threat by virtue of having never relinquished these lands in the first place...
so besides all the torah thought here... just plain military strategy and defence planning negates this utter lie as being solid good planning and shows it up for the satanic perfidy it really is... that they including the erev-rav unjewish jews in control of israel... they in league with america and the world cabal secretly want us to acquiesce and give away the precious and vital land so that just this nouveau thing they may have up their sleeves for us can work and wipe us off the map... but don't worry for our current is. leaders and gov. though... they will all be spared and protected and survive the coming cataclysm (G-d forfend)... the entire ruling clique of erev rav scum will be just fine thank you... well taken care of in their new european chateaus and villas or even in their plush pashaesque estates and palaces in israel when the nwo casinos come rolling into gaza and the west bank... and don't fret either for har habayit... it will be just fine with a grand temple and monument to nimrod's god of the sun built by the vatican who just pretend at christianity until it is safe for them all to come out of the closet and take off their monotheistic-masks that they (rome/egypt/babylon) have all been wearing lo' these past 2000 years or so... and don't you worry and stay up nights and be overly concerned for our fate as well... because there is no need for us to be wary of our own future... for our places, yours and mine, are truly secure in the coming nwo... and they will be just dandy ones to be sure.... for... WE WILL ALL BE DEAD OR CHAINED IN ETERNAL SLAVERY AND BONDAGE.... THUS RENDERING EACH OF US FAR TOO NUMB ONE WAY OR THE OTHER TO EVER CARE OR WORRY ABOUT OUR WELFARE EVER AGAIN!!!! welcome to paradise... "happy" tisha b'av 5766 my fellow jewish brothers and sisters... look what we all have to look forward to one day very soon... unless we awaken from our dangerous nap and confront this sick evil head-on... and wouldn't you know it... just look at the time... it's way past late... it is already so, so late that it is almost too, too late... please Hashem rescue us before it really IS too late... G-d forbid... nik. in real fear but with trust in Hashem and hope in you all to see the truth finally and act... n. out...
234 General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: why should only we suffer...?/beware the hides of our arch enemy... esav... on: August 02, 2006, 02:03:31 AM
how i know bush is lying...
two things show him off for the disgusting liar he truly is...
1) yesterday's speech in florida his favorite hiding place...
calls for war to proceed until hezbollah is reined-in...
reined-in??? why not OBLITERATED... as declared in your war address after 9/11...?
proof positive that they never intend to let israel finish off her bitter enemies...
and remember back to 9/11... the week afterward syria... SYRIA... got elevated to security council status... syria!!! and i heard the syrian un-sicko's speech too... where he said..."syria has been fighting terrorism in the world for thirty years now..." (i.e. the israelis)... and i said to myself... "my G-d... syria IS terrorism like toys R' us!!!! and if this is what america and the world do in the wake of 9/11 something truly sickening is going on that we are not being made aware of and off i went to search for the truth which i can say 6 years later almost... that i have surprisingly found things i did not know then which i do now which are truly shocking and which make my hair stand on end... and cause me to genuinely fear for the future of the human race and especially for the jew...
2) the joint press conference with blair at the white house last friday... missed most of it... but caught this priceless gem...
reporter asked him if he was giving israel so much time because he wanted israel to win the war...?
now... besides the fact that these political bastards always avoid answering directly to any question asked of them... here you can see the real rishut come to the fore... because this is the "war on terrorism" supposedly... so his answer should have been an unequivocal... "YES OF COURSE, I DO... HEZBOLLAH AND HAMAS ARE TERRORISTS WHO WONT STOP ATTACKING AND ISRAEL IS OUR ALLY IN THIS WAR... AND OF COURSE I WANT THEM TO WIN... WHAT KIND OF STUPID QUESTION IS THIS?"
that is what he should have said without hesitation... but he did not... he evaded a yes or no and went on to say how we want a new middle east and all the lines they have him and rice parroting all the time these past few weeks... and then he also said how he wants a long-term armistice and not just another short-term cease-fire as usual...
now why is this proof he's lying and deceiving us jews...? because as i said before in the first part of this thread... everything was coordinated with the saudi-gov. in attendance in the oval office with condi before her little juncket over... why wouldn't bush be seen on the news in conference with his cabinet... why are the saudis all of a sudden our defacto foreign policy staff...? why are they in washington holding press conferences even without bush a saudi spokesmen went out after the meeting to dispatch rice and spoke of "deep concern for the fate of the lebonese people..." what are we? has america become a colony of the kingdom of saudi arabia...? that's the way it looked last sunday... and besides... we all know that the terrorists have but one goal on this earth and that is to wipe out israel and as many jews as they possibly can get their dirty, grubby hands on to kill... they all held by hitler and the nazis in ww2 and they are no different now in their rhetoric and in their poisoning of their youth today...
so for their to be brought forth now and put into place a new treaty introducing peacekeepers and taking yet more land from israel as the result of this war... this can not possibly be seen as bush supporting israel and taking the war to the terrorists... and so... i reiterate my oft' asked query... if this is a real war on terrorism... why are all the terrorists still standing... still walking around above ground and still terrorizing the world almost 6 years into this "war"...? and now add onto that question the following update and addendum... if israel has been finally given a green light after all these years of agony since oslo ('93) of being restrained and held back from self-defense... why won't bush come out and say we have his support and blessing to finish them all off...? answer is... "survey says"... this is not a real war on terrorism... this is a facade... a sham... and therefore the real purpose of the fake-war is to make america and britain with the vatican and the saudis and maybe china as well... together... the sole powers on earth... and in order to accomplish this they have to foment a war at just the right time so that israel and the arab world wipe each other out... and this time it didn't work quite right... because while hez. and hamas have shown resilience to withstand the initial incurrsions of israel... they still do not possess the firepower to destroy israel... and so another holding period for their mutual destruction will have to be found... and unless my timing is off... that would be a year from now when iran finally has her american/saudi provided nuclear arsenal in place... for i firmly believe we are heading for disaster here... and bush's non-acknowledgment of wanting israel to win is key... because there is no reason for him to deny this regardless of arab-oil concerns... for afterall... this is supposed to be the brave new world after 9/11... remember? the one in which blackmail and extortion will not scare off the free world from acting decisively for the safety and security of all mankind... utter hogwash and [censored]!!!! they don't mean a single word of this declaration of war on terror... AND NEVER EVER HAVE!!!! this is what you guys just refuse to understand... you refuse to get the point here... though the evidence is staring you in the face everyday in the media when you do not see american or british soldiers fighting terrorists anywhere in the world... not in indonesia... not in the philippines... not in bosnia or chechnya... no where!!! six years in and we are not fighting anywhere at all!!!!
and so my friends... israel is in mortal danger right now... no doubt about it... they are not being allowed to take the fight to iran or syria... nor have they invaded with their groundforces which pm begin did the first day of the '82 campaign the one that should have once and for all taken care of this problem and there should therefore have never been a plo/oslo accord or a hamas or hezbollah operating on our borders... but sharon was sent in by you know who to screw everything up and he sure did do that... yemach shemo v'zichro l'olam va'ed!!!! anyway that's all for now... nik. in utter disgust... out...
235 General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Great Pictures From The Battlefield on: August 02, 2006, 12:12:26 AM
there is absolutely no doubt that this is a "wag the dog" misadventure so far... why? because i'll bet you anything all the negative pr from the disengagement of the gush will now make them look like heroes saving jewish lives in the process... and they planned to use this as their saving grace from that debacle all along... because they were instructed to go to war at this time and they are not free to ever make their own decisions and take their own actions because the cabal leads the world like a master does his dog on a leash... so this is cynical manipulation and it is leading now to four or five distinct results... 1) the sedition of giving away the sheeba farms as if hez. and leb. deserve anything after putting israel thru this hell... this is just sick all by itself... that filthy [censored] rice and her sneaky tricks... 2) two-state solution they're still pushing after all we've been thru... absolute garbage... as if an oath has to still be kept when the other party breaks his a million and one times over... just disgusting... 3) and then nato or now even un stormtroops are coming to fulfill the biblical prophecy of gog's army coming to meet its doom upon the mountain tops ringing around eretz yisroel... 4) and of course we might still see a "prisoner exchange afterall this mess is done... but 5) the real wicked idea here is afterward there is going to be extreme pressure applied for us to foreclose on the entire yehudah and shomron and give away yerushalayim to the satanic pope in the vatican at rome... just sick!!! we get attacked... we have to go to war to defend ourselves and then we have to capitulate to every single point the enemy demands of us... (all which they could have had 100 years ago but went to war instead... and still could have had it as late as 2000 but went back to terrorism instead)... so why the hell do they get to have it all and still there is no guarantee... none... that they won't be back in a month or a year to yet again try and wipe us out... this much agmat nefesh is just too hard to take... and it is for this hypocrisy and this utter hatred of jews from the world at large from which stems my venom and my rage and spurs me on to death-daven for the world... i loathe this world with every ounce of strength i still retain... i'm spent already because of all the vileness of their treachery and prevarication... but i keep on digging deeper... to fight in my own way... 'till the death if necessary... "mayim ad nefesh... Hashem... how much longer...?" nik. out...
236 General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Great Pictures From The Battlefield on: July 31, 2006, 10:35:49 PM
great pics... thanks... real kiddush Hashem... may all of their orders and all of their battles be delivered by and fought from Hashem Yitboruch's command alone... amen...
237 General Category / Revava movement Discussion / why should only we suffer...? on: July 31, 2006, 12:50:46 AM
if there has to be death and destruction... one way or the other... if 50 kids must die from somewhere... then i choose it from them not us... we have suffered enough in history... this time let the holocaust rain down on someone other than the jewish nation... upon someone else... anyone else... just not on us... we've had enough of them for one history... thanks just the same world... but we'll pass this time...
and world please stop all of your hand-wringing and crocidile tears-crying... we know all about how upset you really are over the deaths of children in this world... we know when arafat yemach shemo v'zichro l'olam va'ed sent his goons into ma'alot in the early '70's and wiped out 40+ precious jewish kids... we saw how you all wailed then... we watched with utter horror when chechnyian wild-animals destroyed 300 russian children and we watched you world and took your pulse and not nary a beat did any of you miss on that black day... so spare us all of your acrimonious theatrics now over how terrible this act was even if begrudgingly you have to admit that this time it was justified because of the jewish children who fell under the sights of the rocket launchers hezbollah put inside their own people's baby carriages and cribs... thinking they could "have their cake and eat it too" as they have had it for so long... that they could kill our children with impunity as we felt the humanity you never exhibit to not want to take innocent babes from their mother's arms... and if we did strike back then you used their deaths callously to have a hammer over which to bludeon us with... well no more... thank G-d... no longer ever again... please G-d... if you strike at our children then yours will also pay the price from now on... and of course world, yes... yes we know how deeply you care only when jews kill innocent babies by accident or by design... when the jew is up against it and you have us pinned against the wall and our only other option is to kill your babies or do nothing and watch as our own soldiers or people die and bite the dust instead... thanks alot world for that one... one of your greatest gifts you've ever given us... you demented and diseased scum and refuse... thank you for this torture and agony which we have had to endure for decades now because of the evilness of your heart and due to the vileness of our own leaders who cared more for your babies than for our own... for so long... for too long... and so world... you can all go to hell with your sobbing and carrying on about human suffering... and "the children... the children..." for we also saw you all in glorious action back when israel wasn't even involved yet in lebanon... we saw how much you cared for lebanese children when a civil-war raged between arab-christian and arab-moslem and saw you just sit back and watch as they tore the place apart for 15 long years... yeah we heard you then world loud and clear as the silence was deafening over the lost little children of that war... and we watched you for years pretend not to see or hear when we lost our children to terrorism almost on a weekly basis since oslo in '93... tali hatuel and her 4 little baby girls and her 7-month old baby boy fetus were all murdered in cold-blood on sunday may 8th 2004 and we saw and we heard how you cried for them and for the agony and suffering of the father and husband who had his whole family genocided in one afternoon for no other reason than that they were jews trying to live upon the land that the G-d of the bible deeded to them almost 4000 years ago...
so stop the games and all the play-acting already... we know you don't give a damn about anyone's children save for your own elite, aristocratic, blue-blooded ones... we see how slow you are to respond to tsunamis and earthquakes and to hurricanes when the lost are from the third world or from the "dregs" at the so-called bottom of the barrel in the first world... we know about all of your genociding of africa on a regular basis and of the one in asia from the korean war thru the vietnam war... we know how much you really care for the sacredness of human life and of course for the preciousness and the blessing of innocent, pure children whom you starve and kill-off in wars too numerous to keep track of... or use them for political-footballs when it means giving jews and israel a hard go of it... yes... yes... we know... "the children... but the children... my G-d the poor children..." yeah... sell it somewhere else sister and brother... your words all ring hollow... your sincerity is suspect... your proven track record in history reads loud and clear... loud and clear... and it is to the opposite pole... you are heartless and callous and cold-blooded... except when a jew kills a goyish baby... then... oy vey... then do you show us how much you care!!!! oh Gottismere do you let it all out then and spew forth and harangue and wine and nag us and and carry on a hullabalu... until we cease our fire and agree to take more jewish deaths rather than produce more goyish ones instead... you love us when we participate in our own suicide for you... doing what you want us to... but when we decide enough is enough and say that we would rather go on living... then do we hear from you about all the human suffering we cause in our own defense... then we hear from you kofi, you anti-semitic piece of cowpie, scoundrel... (i won't let you in on what your name means in hebrew) but not a word from you or any of your cronies for the jewish babies thrown out from gush katif or out of amona with beatings to boot... or all those precious little jewish cargos now spending their summer vacation not in camp but in bomb shelters and soon if you all have your way... G-d forbid... and you won't!!! but if you only could you'd have them all back in concentration camps wouldn't you... you thoroughly filthy scum of an efing jew-hating world...!!!?
and you go on and on... about israel's breaking of international laws even though it was and is solely being done after decades of abuse simply to defend herself... and we hear about how disproportionate our defense of ourselves is... how unfair for the attacker to die and we remain of the living... how dare we!!!! right? you utter bastards.... and you go on t.v. and point to residential areas totally bombed out and say only in israel's defense that... "we don't know what was in-between these buildings..." bull you didn't... and bull you don't now in other villages... you know exactly what was there but you dare not utter it for the cameras lest israel get positive coverage of this war... your hypocrsiy and jew-hatred wreak to the high heavens... you make me sick you diseased of soul, sewer-rotted so-called leaders of the goyish world... you vile vermin and gutter-snipes... go to efing hell the lot of you... you good for nothing leeches upon this earth!!!!
and lastly we turn to "poor" yishmael... the same who shot arrows at tiny, innocent and purely holy yitzchak when he was a mere lad of two or three... pretending not to notice where they were flying and landing... hoping one would "accidently" pierce the miracle boy and kill him dead... you miserable piece of filth... you whose latter-progeny hid under the swasticas and black and brown shirt and skirts of the fascist nazi regimes of the world and pretended not to notice as the 6 million died in the holocaust and then smiled your sick grin and held up your hands to show their cleanliness from this shedding of jewish blood... not to mention for the hundred years of terrorism you launched against us at our return to our homeland... well hear this now... know this well... G-d knows the truth of what you did and whose side you supported during ww2 and before and afterward as well... and how they promised you the sun and the moon for your oil and guaranteed you that the vast majority of european torah jewry would never make it here and would not be emigrating ever to the shores of "palestine"... you knew and you agreed to the plan and so you shed that blood too and now the G-d of all souls comes for you to exact from you the price you must pay... the one you so richly deserve and have earned for your participation in the holocaust and for how "wonderfully" you treated G-d's holy, chosen people throughout history when we lived at your largese and mercy and at your very beck and call in all of your lands these last two thousand years almost... we know how innocent you all are... and how deeply you are concerned for your own arab rif-raf, rug-rats... yes we've seen how you love them all... each and everyone of them... my what fatherly and brotherly love you have had and have so faithfully shown and demonstrated toward your own... what great role models of virtue and compassion you have always been to them... stellar... yishmael... just stellar...
and so if there is to be another holocaust in this world then let it be yours... we have already had ours thank you all very much... we have paid long and hard for our historical sins and now that they are just about at the end now... the golut is over... the geulah is here... now at long last... and how delicious it is to witness... happy the eyes who are alive to see the nikmat dam avadecha hashafuch finally arrive... now at long last our time of suffering is over and yours o' esav and yishamel is only now just beginning... only just beginning... finally it is your turn to burn at last... burn long world... and burn true... you have earned everything you are about to receive... so enjoy!!! i know i will take great comfort, solace and pleasure in seeing you finally get what you have truly had coming to you for lo these many, many (too many) years now... long may you burn world... long may you burn... for all of what you have done to us from time immemorial... a pox on all your houses... and then let us live and not you to see the final peace of the coming of the L-rd back to yerushalayim ir hakodesh... amen selah!!! kain yehi ratzoncha... nik. out...
238 General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Arab MK Attacked in Acco on: July 30, 2006, 11:16:17 PM
yep... it would appear that rav meir was right about this one as well... nik. out...
239 General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Arab MK Attacked in Acco/just a matter of time now... on: July 30, 2006, 01:22:38 AM
yeah but just the same finally something to cheer about on the home front... it is only a matter of time now before "israeli-arabs" get into this thing and open up on jews... just a matter of time... they've been waiting for this moment for 60 years and foolishly we let them just sit there and bide their time and plan and get ready for their day to arrive... well that day is finally here... and soon we may get a peek at what they have been laying aside for us... and now with the idf otherwise occupied (funny word in this context) they can literally pick their own target and almost without a hitch at least carry out one solid operation doing a ton of damage (G-d forbid) before israel wakes up to the 5th column threat which they represent... about which rav meir screamed his head off over and over again without success in our heeding his warning and taking action to thwart this ticking time bomb about to explode in our faces anyday now... yep... just a matter of time... stupid, stupid jews... nik. out
240 General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Igal Amir was right on: July 28, 2006, 01:35:48 AM
it should be obvious... nik.
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241 General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: a call for justice... on: July 25, 2006, 10:57:33 PM
everything is real here... it all fits into place... this is the true machinations of america and the others attempting to control the planet and do with israel as they please... you my friend are the one living in a "dream world"... nik. out...
242 General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Celebrations in Shfaram on: July 25, 2006, 09:02:26 PM
what about the un outpost? they're saying is. deliberately hit it... wonder what they were up to... probably up to their eyebrows in helping hezbollah escape or hide or shoot at is. from behind their cover... nik. out...
243 General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: "Hashem has given PM Olmert a brave new soul!" on: July 25, 2006, 04:16:17 AM
not if things can get out in public that the whole war is being fought to allow nato troops to be on israel's doorstep preventing israel from attacking syria which is necessary... or for that matter the bekka valley in leb. which has all the terrorist infrastructure still in place which this war is not addressing... and now israel can not bomb it bec. refugees have flocked there from all over... here is where syria encamped when they occupied leb. here is where terrorist training camps are facilitated... here is where saddam's wmd are stored i'll bet my bottom dollar on it... and here is where the west has pumped tons of money into to keep their surrogates hamas and hezbollah in business in order to exert pressure on israel to conceed territory and make "peace"... and out from where they may exact their punishing price if ever israel does not live up to its agreement to participate in her own liquidation... nik. out...
244 General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Time for the Cigarette and Blindfold... on: July 25, 2006, 03:52:20 AM
amen truth and until that day finally arrives we have no leaders and no gedolim... not until one of them stands up for Hashem... His people and His land!!!! rav meir was so right!!!! he said real torah leaders don't exisit anymore... because none of them can see and appear to know the true nature of what Hashem has been doing vis a vis eretz yisroel, am yisroel and the geulah process... nik. out...
245 General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: bull that this is now all of a sudden a policy shift... on: July 25, 2006, 03:47:12 AM
send me anything you like... [email protected] nik. out...
246 General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: video of pro Israel rally in LA with Gov. Schwarzenegger and counter-rally on: July 25, 2006, 03:46:27 AM
i refused to attend because that son of a nazi was coming to speak and pull the wool over another generation of jews... also because the jewish federation sponsered this rally which means it's true aim is to prompt israel to fall into line with the coming one world government and tyrranical nazi new world order... nik. out......
247 General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: "Hashem has given PM Olmert a brave new soul!" on: July 25, 2006, 03:44:36 AM
halevai monarchist... halevai!!! amen selah!!! nik.
248 General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: a call for justice... on: July 25, 2006, 12:31:23 AM
jump in a lake yby... until we rise up against our kapo-captors we will continue to get killed... be chased from our homes and see eretz yisroel go down the tubes... the agonizingly long, slow slide into oblivion for israel as a jewish state and the decent into a renewed and this time permanent serfdom for the hamoan am of the world has long ago begun already and been put into motion since even before ww1... (around 1887 when albert pike conceived of three world wars for total domination of the planet... check out the site (and for us in israel ever since camp david on that black, black day back on sept. 17, 1978)... all that is left remaining for their utter and total despotic control over us and the rest of mankind is a few minor details... one of which is the fomenting of a war which "proves" to jews everywhere the urgent need for america and nato to protect us... they are the ones who armed hezbollah in the first place via syria and iran which they are all in league with through their "eternal friends" the saudis... they are the ones who gave hamas and hezbollah their orders to start this "war" with israel... how soon we forget... don't you recall iran/contra? they were caught with their proverbial "hands in the cookie jar"... america dealing missiles to iran... and the saudis laundering cia drug-money for the purchase of arms for the contras... with israel herself implicated in the dealings with iran thus enabling the u.s. to use israel as the eventual scapegoat when they were caught red-handed in the act and their whole entire boondoggle got exposed... (givng further cover for america since then they could claim israel came to them with the deal in the summer of '85 which in truth was really the other way around actually having been begun by the u.s. a year earlier in the summer of '84... this fact known to us but apparently not a part of the final committee testimony and report... due to the fact that jonathan pollard's role and involvement in this whole gesheft was buried and suppressed... as he was responsible for helping to bust the first boatload of this seditious stuff to iran when one fine day in the summer of '84 while at his post just doing his job as a u.s. naval intelligence officier he blew the whistle on an undocumented plo ship leaving greece for the persian gulf... check all this info out for yourselves in "the secret war against the jews" by john loftus)... all of which they ended up lying under oath about before the congressional investigative committee by saying that it all was done to get those 7 or 8 american hostages in lebanon released... (hmm... lebanon yet again!!! even way back then they arranged for their own citizens to be taken captive in order to have an excuse to arm iran without getting arrested or tried for treason... ever think of that one?) anyway... in their efforts to get them back they sent weapons to iran... also stating it was in order to have mullah from which to arm the contras in nicaragua against the sandanistas when congress refused to pay for it... they also said they were trying to arm a faction within iran which they claimed might revolt against the hardliners and create a new opening to the west... but all of this is utter rubbish... total bs... nothing but a bunch of hooey!!! pure unadulterated hogwash!!! because as i have uncovered convincing and well-documented proof concerning the truth that every problem of this magnitude in world history is of the cabals' creation and own design in order for them to be able to eventually impose their already pre-determined and pre-planned solutions full of all thier nice pre-conceived and completely contrived notions as to how these steps are good for us when they are only really good for them and thus enabling them to accomplish the geo-political strategic maneuverings, goals and aims that they desire to implement to further their own cause to rule the earth forever... and thus it turns out that it is quite probable that all of that scandal way back then was simply nothing more than an elaborate ruse and deception to cover for their real motivations and actual intended purposes which was in reality all perpetrated to create and to put into place and then set into motion a long-term, back-burner scenario of a growing potentially catastrophic hazzard to israel to check our power and to eventually bring events around to the very point we now see unfolding right before our very eyes (which therefore also has to include as well america's surrepitious giving of nuclear technology to iran!!! and there is much proof to support this contention because when prime minister menachem begin bombed iraq's reactor way back in '81... american gov. types went ballistic and demanded that reagan severely sanction and punish israel... they were absolutely livid... which means that since they set-up saddam in power in the '70's in the first place it was intended to be iraq who got first crack at secretly representing the u.s. to destroy israel for them... and now that this had failed it immediately became iran's turn to get the job done... i.e. and this time around with protective measures in place to make sure now that israel couldn't give the world a repeat performance... this fact known by virtue of the reports in the news that state that iran has multiple "dummy" sites up and running to conceal the one real one... thus making it much harder if not virtually impossible for israel this time around to rid the world of this menace... and we also know how bush jr. made sharon swear awhile back in washington at a press conference that he or israel would not bomb iran's reactor... furthermore i know this to be true because i heard sharon make this statement myself on tv that day... and we also know all of this to be the absolute truth because we have known for years and years already that throughout the 7 year iraq/iran war in the 1980's america was arming both sides against each other to hedge their bets and benefit from whomever would ultimately prevail)... and all of this has been of america's own doing... all of this maddness and insanity and playing G-d and playing with a fire so awesome it could torch the entire planet... all of it... clearly in order to create facts on the ground so threatening to israel's very survival that we will back off and let them get their troops inside israel proper under the supposed pretence of their coming to our rescue and aid but in reality providing them with a staging point by which and from which to later launch an invasion of israel to destroy or occupy us if necessary... if ever we rise up against the nwo now marching seemingly inexorably to fruition... if we ever present a real threat to their little totalitarian one-world-order creedo... what if all of this is the real truth and all the other noise is just that... an elaborate and ingenius smokescreen... come on now people...give them some credit for being able to keep themselves in power for so long... afterall you know these guys have been at this game for two thousand years already ever since the rise of rome... (actually since the advent of nimrod and paro who initially set the standard for the purpose of human life to be soleley about the ever-increasing accruation of more and more power in their singular quest for world wide conquest and absolute dictatorial and tyrannical domination)... so give them their due for being able to create the gambits and the mechanisms necessary to keep and increase their hegemonic hold over the earth.... for in truth we only denigrate, discount and belittle their widely extensive abilities and the quite formidable level of control that they already have leveraged over us and their amazingly awesome kochot in these regards confronting us... in these crucial matters before us... surely we only do so... to our own dire detriment and ultimate peril and abject misery... nik. out...
249 General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Rabbonei Pikuach Nefesh Protest on: July 25, 2006, 12:11:18 AM
o.k. but some of them paskened to let the closure and expulsion happen without protest and others worked with the yesha council to wear down the people with wasteful and exhaustive protest marches that only accomplished getting them fatigued and misdirected and distracted from what should have been their real goals and many or some of these rabbis actually convinced them that the "lo yiheyeh v'lo yikrah" slogan would work... (i must confess to have been caught up in that one myself as well until barry chamish set me straight on that) the video was that great and that moving... i though it was sweeping the country... i was wrong too... but i will never be fooled again... i've taken the measure of our opposition and i now see the true depths of their evil and the true nature of their depravity...
but what is even more sinister is that i met a rabbi in town here from there who wanted us to come over and protest with them... now this sounds all well and good until you take into account rav meir's warnings that getting your faces bashed in is not the right approach to stop an expulsion... barricading yourself in with warnings delivered that it will be to the last man... he said this is the only way to give them any cause for pause to maybe save a yishuv... so someone asking me to come over and join in a futile form of protest which only gets people hurt or maimed or possibly even killed... G-d forbid... is not doing me or anyone else any favors or any good... so this rabbi was "in on the kill" along with the erev rav reshayim running israel... he saw how strong my rhetoric was and he said he even used my rant from sanhedrin 15b about the isur of destroying even an ir hanidachas if it lies on the borders of eretz yisroel for fear of its ramifications of encouraging the goyim to invade and destroy the rest of the country... so i think he was trying to get me hurt on purpose... he wasn't offering me any long term teaching job or position of some future worth to help alleviate the suffering... he just wanted me to get my head handed to me on a silver platter... no thankyou very much...
so i know that some of the above said rabbis might be evil and just as erev rav as the best of them over there... all of their torah learning and mitzvah observance not withstanding... the need for us is grave and urgently dire to ready ourselves for the fight to come over the rest of yesh... and to be able to distinguish between real rabbinic leaders and authorities and those who have sold-out and have become horribly compromised... nik. out...
250 General Category / Revava movement Discussion / RabboneiPikuachNefeshProtest/&when they came for their students where were they? on: July 24, 2006, 11:07:15 PM
where were all these rabbonim when the humble but G-d-fearing torah jews of the hamoan am of gush katif and amona were being manhandled and disrespectfully treated...? i know it may be worse to do these same kinds of things to rabbis... but when the rabbis themselves do not protest forcefully enough out of fear of the reshut for their own safety and stand by and watch while their flocks are being oppressed and afflicted then when it next becomes their turn... they are simply receiving what they so richly and rightfully deserve... and so it is difficult for me to have any sympathy for them now... nik. out...
251 General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: bull that this is now all of a sudden a policy shift... on: July 24, 2006, 11:02:05 PM
as i will explain in a separate thread... the insertion of nato into the region is the start of the invasion of gog u'maygog... this is their long range plan now coming to fruition... this war will give them the opportunity to accomplish this strategic goal without jewish protest or revolt... (G-d forbid)... nik. out...
252 General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: a call for justice... on: July 24, 2006, 10:41:58 PM
to answer the 2 above queries... 1) yes they are all chayiv mita... not only are they currently a bunch of rodfim... but their redifut of the past has led to the callous, cold-blooded murder of thousands of jews since the inception of the state which they are just as guilty of committing no less than the arab scum who actually blew jews away or pulled the trigger to kill our people... their policies and acts of perfidy and sedition has led to all of these jewish deaths... (not to mention the jewish agency's complicity and participation in the holocaust) and so it is my studied opinion that we... try 'em and fry 'em... each and every last one of them... that's what i say ... and 2) no there is nothing more important for us to do right now than to eliminate these disgusting traitors... they are the cause of all of our past and present grief and as long as they are permitted to remain in power they will continue to be the architects of all of our future suffering and agony as well... lo alenu... nik. out...
253 General Category / Revava movement Discussion / bull that this is now all of a sudden a policy shift... on: July 24, 2006, 05:28:34 AM
yahoo news is reporting that israel has now agreed to a neutral force on its northern border... not the un but preferably nato...
and so i now see what all along this war has really been all about and why america (not our friend) has been so quiet and so staunch in our support of our right to defend ourselves... and so herein lies the rub people... this has all been scripted from the start in order to get the jewish people in israel and abroad to entertain and accept the insertion of foreign troops upon our soil... (considering that in truth lebanon until the litani river is ancient israel proper ~ kivush of david and shlomo)... so this is what olmert and all the jewish traitors of israel and the diaspora have been conspiring in secret to foment and accomplish...
now i see where all of this is going... i thought it was leading to iran nuking the west bank... but this may be put on hold for awhile because nato will hem in israel... hedge her away from opening up against syria and the bekka valley and ultimately may be utilized (these nato forces) as enforcers of a broad-based israeli (jewish) withdrawal from all the rest of the west bank... "now that our nato-saviours and heroes will be protecting us and guarding our backs..." or in case we settlers rebel... they will ride in and push us off...
read the cards we have just been dealt and weep jews... read 'em and weep... checkmate!!!! "olmert... Hashem gave him a brave new soul..." ha!!!! what knaves we are... and we walked right into it... walked right into it with our eyes wide open but unseeing and our minds dazed and unknowing... what utter saps we be... death knell for israel if this "shift in policy" is carried out at the end of this "war"... nik. out in tears...
254 General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: a call for justice... on: July 24, 2006, 04:41:04 AM
i'm calling for a universal recognition of this truth first... leading then to an uprising... a revolt by all jews everywhere calling for the immediate resignation of all current gov. officials and trials for all past gov. policymakers leading to their execution under Divine law when the torah becomes the law of the land... this will all occur anyway when moshiach finally arrives... i'm just saying since we know all of this to be true already about their sins and crimes against jewry we can save moshiach the trouble if we will all rise up now... in fact this act of rebellion against absolute evil is guaranteed to bring moshiach immediately... nik. out...
255 General Category / Revava movement Discussion / calling all jewish leaders... on: July 24, 2006, 03:49:17 AM
problem is he is not prosecuting this war correctly and america is not really backing israel's play here but cynically manipulating israel into a no-win type of war... i.e. not allowing them to attack the right people and places... iran, syria and the bekka valley... and hence this is not olmert doing tshuvah or anything close to this...
i saw today on the news... condi in the oval office with dubya holding hands with a saudi prince as they spoke for an hour or so before she departed for israel and the story goes she will meet with israeli leaders tom. and then immediately fly to rome to meet with reps. for hezb.
what does all this tell you...? this is what was reported and shown on the tv screen to millions of americans tonite...
we clearly see that the meeting to go talk with israel was not... WAS NOT and can never be construed as a pro-israel session... a concern for and a real defense of israel's postion if the crucial instructions and shlichot was being mandated in conjuction with 5 saudi gov. officials in attendance... some other agenda is going on... and for her not to meet with hezb. somewhere in the mid-east... egypt or jordan should also inform and instruct you all that the sinister plans call for vatican interference and influence here also from the eu...
this is all very sick stuff... this is not in our best interest... none of this should be taken as support and care for israel... rather it should be viewed as upcoming severe hardship and pressure for israel soon to be weilded against her... the knife is already in her back since camp david and later even deeper with oslo/wye and now we see condi coming in to begin twisting it in order to finish her off once and for all...
people... jews and christian supporters of israel are blind to the real-politic going on behind closed doors... they see and hear only the outward lies and propaganda spewed in public like cess... and they lap it up as if it were spring water... but we are all being poisoned and lulled to sleep while the powers-that-be prepare for the final execution, slaughter and demise of the jewish state ("the zionist entity")...
it is so... so sad that even our leaders are asleep at the wheel and do not see any of this coming... they think bush is "the greatest friend israel has ever had in the white house"... they could not be further from the truth... they could not be any more mistaken, more deceived or more wrong...
i saw one such jewish leader interviewed on tv this morning... and he is really a great, great jew... but his argumentation was flat and fell far short of pursuasively accomplishing any movement of minds and hearts toward sympathy and empathy for israel... as such he came off weak and ineffectual... on the other hand his lebanese counterpart and opposition fared much better in my estimation... he said and said so quite correctly... "if iran and syria are behind hezbollah... then why bomb us... bomb them!!!" how true... oh how true... how right he was... and this is the crux of the problem... there is no real war going on against terror or terroism or even against terrorists... just the facade of a war... a ruse is all... to enable other agendas to operate without exposure to the light of day... without worry over accountability of their true policy aims and deeds to achieve them and in order to do so without suffering any consequences from public scrutiny and debate... which there has been alot of but none which brings them crashing down for their crimes against humanity...
the above mentioned rabbi could only defend israel's actions by quoting un resolution #1559 passed in 2000 when barak took israel unilaterally out of lebanon (out of israel proper really)... which stated that now that israel has retreated the lebanese army and gov. are to be held responsible for and now become obligated to disarm hezbollah and monitor the border... he kept referring to this as if it were some irrefuttablely sacred passage in the bible... one which would sweep the world and get every nation on board with israel's invasion and right to defend herself... but alas... how can the words of an institution dedicated and consecrated to the very destruction of israel ever be used to convince an anyways already thoroughly jew-hating world which brought into being and actively maintains in existence this vile inst. in the first place... and which openly without reservation supports completely its goals and policies and full-heartedly oversaw the passage of the 1974 resolution that "zionism is racism"... how can he expect that its further rhetoric will all of a sudden cause all its member states and peoples to switch course in mid-stream and come to israel's side...? absolutely ludicrous... no? without a doubt... an utterly feeble and untenable argument...
what is also manifestly clear is the point he should have made instead... and one he should have made repeatedly... (and this is further proof that there is no real war on terrorism going on just the outward show and external trappings of one)...
he should have quoted the battle cry of the u.s. in the wake of 9/11... he should have said what dubya himself said to us all... the central concept and rallying cry...the sine-qua-non, fundamental rationale and elemental idea of the war on terror from here on out... the one we were convinced bush really meant... he should have decried terrorism and pronounced the creed of this war that... this is a war to the death... and that premptive strikes were now to be considered the rules of engagement and that the basic definition and true nature of an all-out war to be waged against all terrorist groups around the globe HAD TO INCLUDE THE CLAUSE THAT THIS WAR WAS NOW JUSTIFIABLY TO BE CARRIED AGAINST THOSE WHO HARBOR THEM AS WELL... THAT THE TERRORISTS AND THEIR HARBORERS WERE INSEPARABLE... ONE AND THE SAME ENEMY!!!! remember the now famous words? "you are either with us or against us... and if you aid and abett terrorists you will be treated like terrorists and suffer the consequences and share the same fate with all of them..." these are real fighting words!!! this is a winning debate!!!! and lebanon had 5 or 6 years to act knowing of this war-cry... and they did nothing... and they never called for help from america, the eu or the un... and so they are chayiv and now with israel being given a green light (one it shouldn't have to be required to get in order to defend itself but for argument sake since this is real-politic and israel is not her own master... but a green light it has received) and so... it should be clear to the world that lebanon had its chance and failed to act and so now it is "time to pay the piper..." and the whole world should be made (should get it already on its own but also in dealing with reality) at least should be made now to understand and accept that lebanon is not a weak, innocent bystander who could not have called for help... but a vicious co-conspirator... an accomplice... a vile and dirty one... pretending to be neutral or a friend of the war on terrorism crying in her soup... "oh woe is me..." saying: "but what can we do we are so weak and poor in forceful options...?" bull!!!! she is a harborer of terrorism no different than the taliban of afghanistan in regards to al-qaeda or the sunnis of iraq with saddam!!!!
and this is the argument he should have made... one with teeth in it... one which calls the goyish world's bluff... and exposes them for the vicious jew-haters they all actually are... would that i had been on that program... or better yet... would that rav meir kahane had been there instead... this is our great loss... this is our great sorrow... this our true tragedy... nik. out...
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256 General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: IDEA! - Posters available. on: July 24, 2006, 02:46:13 AM
a guy i met here in l.a. is in the poster bus. he's a friend of david and yisroel... he's eccentric but does great work getting homeless guys in santa monica to help israel... nik. out...
257 General Category / Revava movement Discussion / a call for justice... on: July 21, 2006, 12:09:52 AM
all members of israel's past and current gov. should be rounded up and shot for their policies which led to this war... these policies have led to the death of many jews in and out of the idf since their implementation and now that a new war is being fought all civilian and military casualties are on their heads as well because without their retreats over the past few years these deaths would not be occurring today...
didn't we all know that if we left lebanon we would only have to go back in at some point in time later...? didn't everyone say this? there was no doubt in our minds and now we see we were of course right... same with gaza... and it will be the same with anything further... golan, yesh... (the a in yesha can now be summarily dropped... how many more letters will be chopped off in the future?) and what about yerushalayim...? these guys have to be stopped now... pronto... or there will be nothing left of us or of the land...
we know we are correct... we know they are dead-wrong... and now you should all know from me that they are doing this not out of a mistaken notion or misplaced yearning for true peace or out of some bad policy-making decisions but out of a malicious and evil intent and design to go along with the world plan to eliminate israel... despite all the lies in the media and the diseased and poisonous rhetoric of the gov. propaganda machines to the contrary... and by now... you should all know this truth to be so... nik. out...
258 General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Israel is fighting a loosing war on: July 20, 2006, 11:46:19 PM
and we need to occupy damascus and bomb to oblivion iran... and of course... "nuke mecca now!!!" nik.
259 General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: "Hashem has given PM Olmert a brave new soul!"/ha!!!! on: July 20, 2006, 04:11:07 AM
i am only railing against the erev-rav and reshayim jews who are in league with esav and yishmael to destroy eretz yisroel, medinat yisroel and torat yisroel...
and no... wishing someone to do tshuvah will not get the job done... and only speaking good of reshayim will not get them to repent... and olmert himself showed his own depths of degradation and evil intent when he spoke to the joint session of congress (i saw the speech on c-span)... when he quoted from sifrot devarim and yehoshuah... quoting moshe's and G-d's appeal at yehoshua's induction as the new leader of am yisroel... repeated by the malach to yehoshua after the victory at yericho...
"rak chazak v'amatz..." ("only be strong and of great courage...") to do the will of G-d and conquer all of eretz yisroel from all of the canaanim... and never stop learning, davening or doing the mitzvot of the torah... etc...
this the bastard quotes in front of the whole world but in order to twist it neged the will of Hashem... to abandon and continue to pursue a course of throwing away eretz yisroel and relinquishing sovereignty over har habayit and yerushalayim...
"rak chazak v'amatz" let us continue to go forward with the "peace" process he said... be strong and of good courage to continue to rebel against the explicit will of G-d and His desire to bring the geulah shelaymah... but no... jews and gentiles of the world let us be like nimrod and continue to fight against the vicious G-d of shemayim... of the mabul... etc. let us continue to defy His wishes and His will... let us be strong, brave and courageous to keep the meridut going... and seek "peace" (the nwo of no israel and no countires only a one world order under the rule of the vatican and the throne of england)...
so no thank you everybody... this slimeball will only have my prayers to immediately die!!!! i will never go along with any of you supporting him, praising him... wishing him well... praying for his tshuvah... nu uh... can't fool me... i see thru it all... don't fall for his vicious sinful rebellion against Hashem... defy... defy... defy... rebel... rebel.... rebel... otherwise you are aiding him and amer. and brit, etc. in killing israel... in the murder of jews... WAKE UP DAMN IT!!!! WAKE UP!!!! nik. out...
260 General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Israel is fighting a loosing war/sad but true... on: July 20, 2006, 03:36:26 AM
he is absolutely correct... unfortunately and bitterly at least i am grateful to be in concurrence with him for the first time since his and shmuel sackett's great and truly heroic days in and of zu artzenu... go moshe!!! but still give up that likud rot stuff... if anything at all drop the name and pick up the fallen mantle of menachem begin and herut... leave sharon's likud treason in the dust please!!!! i will never join it unless G-d and moshiach tell me to... otherwise no one can ever convince me to go their rout!!!! nobody!!!!
oh yeah... message to israel... bomb the friggin' bekka valley... that's where all the terrorists train and live and that's where all the terrorist stuff is located... stop making american construction companies rich when they get to come in and reap fortunes re-buiding lebanon... stop feeding their avaracious mouths and stop lining their pockets with gold... you see i am totally onto them and their sick manuvers... that is only one aspect as to why they are letting israel have such a freehand to bomb and destroy... when usually amer. etc. reign in israel and bully her into inaction when that suits their purposes at the time better... but here something even more sinister is adrift... is. is told by the u.s to bomb so. beirut because that is only the secondary strength and fortification of hezbollah and their western-supplied resources via syria and iran... by bombing the less valuable site they leave undestroyed the bekka valley where the real rich terrorist deposits and assets lie and are buried or otherwise hidden and then they get the added bonus of forcing the populace... "innocent bystanders" from their homes fleeing to the bekka valley primarily to now become human shields for the real power structure and real vile filth which hangs out there and runs the show and operation from this safe zone almost a dmz of sorts... especially now cause the arabs made their citizens flee there to help protect it from obliteration should israel wish to rebel and not obey its master's commands to only limit themselves to secondary sites and help the amer. and brit. construction and dwp and other energy industries by creating a crisis and a upheaval for them to enrich and engourge themselves by and feed of of and capitalize on and from the misery of so many unwashed masses of those usual suspects once again put into motion to assume their role as munipulative political footballs... that is how i see what is unfolding... the real targets... syria, iran and the bekka valley of lebanon are being bypassed and ignored... and protected from israeli "treachery" and betrayal if she should ever wish to really fight for her survival and no longer continue to follow their suicidal orders from their masters (rome and the west)... and so by orchestrating the flight of thousands of refugees into that region it gives thereby hezbollah and whatever else the hell crawls in and around and out from underneath those valley rocks... to give them respite and protection from israeli reprisals and revenge... when they are the real ring-leaders inflicting pain, suffering and mourning upon jews and israel... can't fool me... all of this is as clear as day to me now... i got it all figured out... the whole sordid mess!!!! thank the good L-rd... nik. out...
261 General Category / Revava movement Discussion / "Hashem has given PM Olmert a brave new soul!"/ buy a bridge anyone...? on: July 19, 2006, 01:43:12 AM
he is not a jew... he is the erev rav that the gra said would rule here before moshiach... they will never do tshuvah... they will only fight with esav and yishmael to keep the two mashichim apart... they all have the collective din of amalek according to the gra in the 6th perek of kol tor... yismael, esav and the erav rav jews all together comprise the zerah of amalek in the end of days... the gra says this openly... the ramban supports this as well... stating that just like yaakov went back to eretz yisroel a guf bli neshamah... maesah avot siman l'banim... so too will am yisroel at first return to sovereignty over eretz yisroel in a secular, unG-dly gov. fashion... as a body of jews without souls... as we still see today... there is no hope for these slime to repent and do the right thing...
there is only what yby alluded to... lev melachim b'yad Hashem... that Hashem if He chooses (and i hope and pray that He does)... if He chooses He can take over their bechirah and make them fight the fight that He wants us to wage against our enemies... despite their wishes and will to fight this half-assed way accomplishing nothing but more misery and agony for k'lal yisroel... they do not intend to kill out the terrorists... they only intend to pretend to be fighting them to gain credit for strength and courage among jews to make up for olmert's and his cabinet's lack of military credentials... and meanwhile instead of waging a war which vanquishes the enemy we see a war that allows them to inflict pain, suffering and death upon jews everywhere in our land... and unless Hashem steps in (or we do thru rebellion) all we will get out of this little charade is more and more pressure exerted on us to capitulate in total... it's a sick, twisted and demented game they are playing with our hearts and minds (and bodies)... but they don't care... they (the is. gov.) and the world are all in it to see medinat yisroel obliterated... there is no other objective... this is their plan... this is their goal... their only goal... why am i the only one who can see thru the lies and sheker...? why am i the only one who hasn't drunk (and will never drink) the kool-aide...?
if this were a real war... hamas and hezbollah would either have surrendered by now or ALL be dead by now!!! that they are still standing... still defiantly fighting on day 8... is proof positive alone to me that this war is sheker and/or a politically correct war... one which tries not to win... tries not to inflict real death and terror to get the other guy to quit... can't anyoine else see this...? and if as olmert claims... syria and iran are responsible... why haven't we bombed them yet? what are we waiting for...? for them to nuke us or send over saddam's chemicals...? we have to be the most insane people and nation on the face of the earth!!!! bar none!!!!
anyone else on the planet facing extinction would not play these cat and mouse type of games... they would slaughter the enemy; not his highways and byways... they would kill their gov. and their armed forces; not their power plants... this is all just a ploy... a ruse... a cynical, manipulation of our fears and our trust... they are our murderers not our saviors... they are our persecutors and tormentors not our protectors and leaders... this is perfidy par excellance... all of this happened right after olmert's trip to america and england... they scripted every move... told the terrorists to kidnap and told olmert to attack back but only in this demented way... all is coreographed... every single move... even the sick show of bush's mic being "accidentally" left on so that we could hear him blame syria for all of this... is just a play for american jews to swoon all over him as our great hope and hero come to our rescue... just a fake and a dodge to pretned to be on our side while working behind closed doors to get his surrogates to destroy israel... this is the only objective... our demise... sorry you all don't have eyes to see... nor ears to hear... only Hashem can save us now because we are too stupid, too naive and much too foolish to rise up and fight for our own survival ourselves... we are such a tragic people... nik. out...
262 General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: make that 8 jews dead in haifa/big whoop that it wasn't as bad as first reported on: July 18, 2006, 11:18:43 PM
i will never back down until k'lal yisroel awakens... and i could care less what time of year it is... or who i am or am not!!!! nik. out... i will continue to chide... to be dismissive of our false-hopes and false-gods... and to be utterly derissive of any and all of our bad midot and muddled thinking... to the bitter end... n.
263 General Category / Revava movement Discussion / "HashemhasgivenPMOlmertabravenewsoul!"/and has given all of you a ruach shtut.. on: July 18, 2006, 11:01:15 PM
and you believe all that rot...? shame on you... he is still going to judenrein the west bank and give away har habayit... don't fall for this deception... he's not killing terrorists only their buidings... stop this childishness... you guys are so gullible... my G-d what utter knaves!!!! i must be out of my mind to even try and convince you of your repeated folly!!!! you fell for sharon's lies and now you are falling all over yourselves yet again... this time for olmert's sheker muchlat!!!! when will you ever learn??? rav binyomin would be very disappointed in you all... how much do you want to bet that right after this war is over with... he's going to tell us all... "see... missiles can reach anywhere... land did not protect us... the golan is not necessary anymore... we must have peace..." any takers...? i'll match anybody's wager.... you utter idiots... this is a set-up to completely dismantle all of eretz yisroel and convert it into a nwo economic zone... removing all vistages of a jewish state of any size, shape or form... what a bunch of fools!!!! fool you once shame on them... fool you twice...SHAME ON ALL OF YOU!!! you guys will never learn... what a bunch a pantywaists... you disgust me!!! all of you that believe the above article!!!! a soul of courage my ass!!!! ugh... this burns me up!!! i can't take much more of this maddness and insanity!!!! wake up and eat the katushas already... THINK!!!! why is the solution to give it all away... and not to destroy all of our enemies forever... to take all of their capitals and kill all of their leadership and armed forces...? but there is no sense talking to you... you don't have any sense at all... no brains in your head... only wishful thinking and wistful dreams... i pity k'lal yisroel... we are pathetic... nik. out...
264 General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: make that 8 jews dead in haifa/big whoop that it wasn't as bad as first reported on: July 16, 2006, 12:58:24 PM
o.k. but i'm not condeming... i am giving musar... and rav meir used to speak and write this way and no one could cinvince him that he was doing an averah thereby... so i would appreciate it if you would give me the benefit of the doubt here before you consign me to the ash-heap of the sinners of israel... i am trying to awaken anger and courage... i am trying to wake up a sleeping giant before it is too late... you cannot improve a terrible matzav unless you first identify and acknowledge what is wrong... we are a people practising ostrich-judaism... we hide our head in the sand and hope that our troubles will just simply go away and vanish on their own accord... we also at the same time refuse to view and examine our collective shortcomings to see if we can find a way to avoid unnecessary tragedy and suffering... but we instead deny our failings and adamantly refuse to admit our errors and cowardice... prefering to wish away our flaws and pray for Hashem's miracle to arrive to bail our butts out of a sling yet again... a sling which has been of our own doing and making virtually each and every time... but Hashem is merciful and He has done this for us time and time again... but He is also waiting for us to get our act together and show real faith and true bitochon in Him and in ourselves as the am hanivchar and overcome our fears and stand up for ourselves... rav meir attempted to deliver this message his entire career... this was his main thrust of involvement... and he never spared us from hearing the bitter truth about ourselves... about our mistakes and character flaws... he used harsh words to castigate us like a whip... not to beat us into submission but to lash us into awareness of the danger confronting us and to shock us into the proper responsive actions... and he did all of this with great mesirat nefesh and at great personal cost of his comfort and earning-potential (eventually paying the ultimate price) but he laid down his life for us willingly and did so out of love not hatred for our people... and due to the fact that he considered us to be in a 5-alarm state of emergency he never minced his words when he spoke to us or penned his sefarim... and so following in his footsteps... my rhetoric may be as harsh but it is inflicting the much needed pain of the surgeon's scalple... we need rectification from these terrible midot we display if we are to survive... and i for one will never stop trying to instill them within any jews that i can reach... and if shaming them is the only way to deliver this life-saving medicine to them then so be it... that is exactly what i shall do... rav meir always felt this approach was necessary and i agree with him... kol tuv... nik. out...
265 General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: make that 8 jews dead in haifa/big whoop that it wasn't as bad as first reported on: July 16, 2006, 10:22:40 AM
right you are... pathetic is indeed the most apt word to use to describe israel and the jewish people in general... so appropriate and so well-deserved... we are both absolutely and consumately just that... pathetic... nik. out...
266 General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Haaretz's Nadav Shragai comes out against disengagement on: July 16, 2006, 10:01:50 AM
too little... too late for these bastards to line up now and concede their mistake... too many jews have died or have been injured physically and/or emotionally and have thus been scarred for life... for even a heart-felt mea culpa to have any meaning... especially since the lackey, kapo-gov't of israel is still planning to throw it all away and finish the job of suicidal retreat in the very near future... nothing has changed just because of this little half-assed war of theirs that they have cooked up to pretend at strength to gain the support of the populace of israel and jews around the world... or worse... to frighten us all into going along with their insane concessions and with their evil, ruling maddness...
for no matter what they say in public about how good this will be for israel... they are all lying... and not just about the "peace and security" which will never transpire because of their ill-advised schemes... but because they are all doing this in collusion with america, britain and the vatican to go along with the general plan to let israel die as a jewish state and indep. entity so that a nwo economic zone can arise in its place... and no matter what you hear or read... this has been the seditious goal of their so-called "peace-making" all along the way since oslo... collusion, deception and betrayal... and for this they will surely all burn in hell forever... but so the hell what... if we all burn along with them and not just in the beyond but right away in the immediate here and now... nik. out...
267 General Category / Revava movement Discussion / make that 8 jews dead in haifa/big whoop that it wasn't as bad as first reported on: July 16, 2006, 04:43:07 AM
only a sick and demented and horribly disfigured and diseased of soul people would respond to the murder of its own people by little or no reaction for years on end and finally way past the time that warfare is called for and justified... go to war but then only allow itself and limit itself to the timid and tepid response to the death of its own people by "killing" only the bridges, roads and other infrastructure of its enemies... we are indeed a deeply disturbed and abnormal people... when will we start to target the enemy...? the people and not their buildings...? WHEN...?
and not just inside israel either... but here in america... in shul this past shabat i read a flyer screaming for jews to call their senators and congressmen and women to implore them to vote next week in congress for a bill supporting israel's right to self-defense...
what a chillul Hashem... what a pathetic worm of a people... a spineless, gutless, self-hating and utterly frightened creature... guilt-ridden thru and thru with a golut-mentality of such fawning fear of the gentile... of pagan animals who do not deserve nor merit the kavod or respect we smother them in...
what other people or nation would look to another to agree with them publically that they had an elemental, inalienable right to defend themselves against terror and murder...? which other people or country would even feel the need to ask...?
ugh... i am so throughly disgusted with our am... so i ask you all... when will we ever awaken to become the jew... the real jew... the true jew of yesteryear...? WHEN...? nik. out and off on a rage!!!
268 General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: What is the world coming to.... on: July 14, 2006, 02:20:55 AM
the world is coming to an end now... olam hazeh is just about over and done with... thank G-d... soon the party for eternity will begin... right after the long awaited nekamat dam avadecha hashafuch takes place... nik. out...
269 General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Not yet a year since the geirush, and war is already breaking out! on: July 13, 2006, 01:42:36 AM
on the one hand i'm not allowing myself to get my hopes up that this will be a war to finish off all of our arab enemies... because in the past everytime i got excited i was let down and disappointed when each and everytime israel withdrew just as they were reaching for the jugular... it has gotten so agonizingly frustrating i could and do scream out in rage and pain...... on the otherhand... i still have trust in Hashem and therefore i am yearning for this to be the ultimate time when Hashem decides to do His work by neutralizing the reshayim ruling over the idf... with Hashem taking a firm hold upon the reigns of power and using the idf as His great instrument to deliver us from our enemies and finally herald in the messianic era... afterall... "yad melachim b'yad Hashem... let's hope and daven... nik. out...
270 General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: User Names - Why Do We Need Them? on: July 12, 2006, 09:56:44 PM
where can i go to get my measurement taken so i can be fitted with my very own straight-jacket ...? boy oh boy this is so exciting... my very first straight-jacket... my parents would be so proud... until someone can prove to me that what cbp is saying is untrue i will accept what he wrote by virtue of the fact that i have reglaiim l'davar... i have coroborating evidence to the things he said about the rubins... you know yby you can really be a horse's pitut sometimes... why let anyone say anything here without first clearing their message with you first...? but i like that! i think that's an excellent idea... let's make everyone here have to run everything they write by you... all hail king yby!!!! now... go do you know what to yourself... nik. out...
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271 General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: User Names - Why Do We Need Them? on: July 12, 2006, 12:05:20 AM
matt... cat got your tongue? why won't you respond...? shtikah k'hodah dami... if you won't answer i'll take that as an agreement that they are and were corrupt just as cbp stated... and therefore the next question becomes... so if he is correct about what he wrote about concerning the jdl and its ruination under irv and shelly... then why should i not accept what he writes about you and the rest of you b'nai eilimers...? nik. out...
272 General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: mekorot for kol isha... on: July 12, 2006, 12:01:59 AM
i love elton john's stuff... too bad he's a faggot but according to my rav... rav nacman bulman zt"l... the immorality of the artist does not hamper or m'tameah the music they produce... mozart was a huge menuval but his music is absolutely exquisite... some of madonna's stuff is likewise beautiful... not britney though... not only is she a slut but her music is pure gutter-trash... just my opinion of course... anyway my rav says you could take a melody of almost any of them and use it for a niggun or a zemer... or in davening for that matter... and ergo it cannot be trief in the original either... nik. out...
273 General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Fliers in J'lem offer NIS 20,000 for Killing Gay-Paraders on: July 11, 2006, 11:54:58 PM
wow if only they would have this much passion against those who pervert torah on many, many levels and thru the desecration of so many other mitzvot besides zenut... and against those of the ruling-elite class of jews who trash the land of israel with their insane policies... we would really be somewhere!!! see what it takes... it takes sodomy to wake these people up... why can't they see that the preservation of the land in our hands and the protection of or the nekamah for the sanctity of jewish souls endangered or destroyed by the sickos who run israel is just as dire... is just as crucial to fight against for our survival...? i will forever be confused by these people with their one-track mind... is sexuality the only thing that gets their motors running...? don't answer that... we already know it is... save for the few stone-throwers over driving on shabat... what a shame... what a crime... nik. out...
274 General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: No Jews Allowed - sign north of Jerusalem on: July 11, 2006, 01:01:15 AM
sign of the times... sign of the times... sigh...
here's a thought though... someone should put up a sign... "no arabs allowed..." and see how long it stays up... hypocrites!!! nik. out...
275 General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: mekorot for kol isha... on: July 10, 2006, 10:28:58 PM
you said it was 150 years old and developed in (eretz ashkenaz) germany, russia and poland... don't you remember saying this...? nik.
276 General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: mekorot for kol isha... on: July 10, 2006, 10:26:46 PM
nope i do not... although i have heard them sing before but i do not go out of my way to do so... i know the halacha regarding them... nik.
277 General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: mekorot for kol isha... on: July 09, 2006, 05:31:32 PM
we are discussing history here... and he hasn't brought any proof for his contention either... nik.
278 General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: mekorot for kol isha... on: July 09, 2006, 05:28:12 PM
first of all... let's review... we are not trying to establish torah law here just tradition or minhag as it relates to how we layn the torah and where these niggunim emenated from... i say from har sinai and yiss. from only 200 years ago and only in eretz ashkenaz... that is all we are doing here...
i was... with this point trying to prove a point which i believe i have made from other sources in shulchan orech as well... that kol isha as it applies to layning or davening or z'mirot, etc. is not asur... that is of course an halacha... and one place i attempted to bring support for this contention of mine is from the rules of shul decorum vis a vis women having aliyot, etc. and i said it is only for visual zniut that those halachot are on the books not because of kol isha which does not apply there... as it is permitted for them to layn the megillah if no men can do it properly... and that they could therefore sing at a shabat table too as all that is m'ikar hadin asur is a woman singing seductive songs live, unamplified and especially if she is improperly clad while she does so... and this would apply to one's own wife in private if she were in nida... nik. out...
279 General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: mekorot for kol isha... on: July 09, 2006, 05:18:24 PM
no that is not true... i for one would never lie and do that... i would never say someone said something if it were not true... we should be given the benefit of the doubt around here... especially on torah matters that we are not blatantly and brazenly being m'shaker!!!! for crying out loud!!! and besides... all along i have said that "i only think i heard this once..." not even that i for sure did... of course this isn't proof of any kind... but it isn't a lie or falsehood either... it is just something unsubstantiated and not yet confirmed... but it might be true!!! is all i'm saying... especially since the tagim from the gemora in shabat with r.akiva already has established that the tagim contain hints and drashot on halachot... so my contention that they also might contain the first cantilation is not so far-fetched if they already do much more than that... nik.
280 General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: mekorot for kol isha... on: July 09, 2006, 03:58:14 PM
again just because i don't know where the actual source is... does not axiomatically make my claim false... my rebeiim are as good a source as they come... are you questioning their integrity or mine...? no of course you're not... you are just questioning the mekor... so here goes... in lieu of finding the actual written source... chapter and verse... here's my source until then... emunat chachamim!!! put that in your mouth and swallow hard... so stop hiding behind... "what's your source...? what's your source...? how about you bring me your siource that trop is only 200 years old... i defy you to bring one... nik. out...
281 General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: mekorot for kol isha... on: July 09, 2006, 02:05:26 PM
282 General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: mekorot for kol isha... on: July 09, 2006, 05:39:51 AM
huh? and who pray-tell mentioned wikipedia...? nik.
283 General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: mekorot for kol isha... on: July 09, 2006, 01:50:39 AM
again i did not say and never said that the tagim were the nekudot as to how to pronounce the letters in the torah... they are possibly the first set of trop marks according to what i believe i heard once and i support that with the gemora which shows r.akiva using them to darshan out halachot... and i said that if that is true my pshat about trop is not so far-fetched afterall... and i never said... "i think i heard... etc." is conclusive proof... but it is possible proof... if memory serves... because none of my rebeiim would ever lie... they could be mistaken but i doubt they would make a mistake by something this far off-base... so it just has to be the truth if one of them did actually say this as i think that i can recall... nik. out...
284 General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: 4th of July Feature - American Jew or Jewish American? on: July 09, 2006, 01:36:08 AM
i am neither a jewish-american nor an american-jew ... both imply serfdom to the malchut (the reshut) here... i am a jew of america... meaning i am a jew first and last who just happens to be residing in america at this time and only for the time being (G-d willing)... that is all any of us should be if we are not able to be in eretz yisroel yet... especially in our age which is b'toch the geulah shelaymah... for to identify with the satanic goyim who run this country is a sure recipe for disaster even if most or some of the people themselves are good or decent... it has always been a churban for us to live in golut even when like now it appears to be the "best of times" for us here... and the american dream will turn out no differently for us here if we do not learn from our bitter history and for once get the hell out while the getting is still good... it can't possibly get any better for us here but it sure as hell can get alot worse... (chas v'shalom)... why won't we ever learn...? nik. out...
285 General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: An awsome idea for this Wednesday on: July 09, 2006, 01:32:02 AM
great idea... go for it!!! nik.
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286 General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: A new IDF secret weapon against Arabs - thicker walls/and even thicker heads on: July 07, 2006, 10:31:33 PM
of course missles can be shot over walls... or thru them... what an utter waste of time, money and energy... all in order for them to remain in power and continue to defy and rebel against Hashem... oh i can't wait to see these mamzerim finally get what they have coming to them... how i hate them... how i loathe them and abhor them... actually hate is too nice and calm a word for how i feel about them... i only wish i had the kochot of rav shimon bar yochai and i could zap them and turn them all into piles of bones and ashes... nik. on a bloodlust... out...
287 General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Olmert is screwed/i only wish he were... on: July 07, 2006, 10:26:47 PM
yeah well all fine and dandy... when moshiach comes and Hashem gives that heart of flesh to us... but until then pure, irredeemable evil exists and has to be eradicated... and there is nothing more to be said about it or them... they must perish before they destroy the whole entire earth and all that is upon it... nik. out...
288 General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: User Names - Why Do We Need Them?/ if we want them then we need them... on: July 07, 2006, 10:21:35 PM
matt... is what he writes about irv and shelly true? about how they were all along against pollard and greater israel and the hill-top youth... and for the disengagement...? is that part of his diatribe true...? is that why you guys pulled out of the jdl...? inquiring minds wish to know... nik. out...
289 General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: User Names - Why Do We Need Them? on: July 06, 2006, 01:27:27 PM
now that i am back from several bannings in a row over the last couple of weeks... i had a chance to re-work and clarify my statement earlier on in this thread... i have been warned about matt whom i met and liked and communicated well with e-mailings since last summer's gush debacle... but now i see that if true... he or they were angry over misappropriated tzedaka funds... where have i heard that one before...? anyway matt please clear the claims of cbp on his web-site against your supposedly sold-out stance which he lumps you with irv rubin and his wife shelly of being virulently against freeing jonathan pollard and as not being supporters of the hill-top youth and of a position of wishing to go along with israel and america on disengagement... is any of this really true about you...? are you like 90% of today's american orthodox jewish leaders and rabbis...? nik. out...
290 General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: User Names - Why Do We Need Them?/because i say so... on: July 04, 2006, 08:08:03 PM
matt... is that ending meant as a piece of good sound advice or as a warning or even maybe as a threat? as for me my answer to all three of them is i choose to hang if the price is union with evil and that which evil stands for... i choose to be hung... 'cause i'll never hang myself and give up willingly the fight against pure "adulterated" (they're far down the road from the simple first evil of "unadulterated" they ared deeply, deeply adulterated to the max from evil) (pun intended)... and so i ask you... but i tell to all the rest of you out there... happy birthday america if you really mean to continue to give us the freedom to still fight against the evil in your midst... and if not... go to efing hell... (which is where you all will of a certain go if you continue to try and destroy israel like you are now pursuing...
but you are asking of us all to choose sides... that we american-jews or jewish americans should be loyal to you first simply because we happen to domicile here and not over there due to our long exile... but this is patently unfair... because you are evil if you decide to attack israel... and as for us living here... it almost matters not today which of the above two types of americanized jews you are because you are both by different methods becoming or already have become enslaved to their authority and only this third group are truly still free for the moment... hopefully, please Hashem for good always... and some of us... the lucky ones of those not already in israel... at least we are not enslaved to being america's jews or even jewish americans... as those terms clearly imply from the meaning or simple pshat of their immediate translation... we are proudly... jews of america... livng here but jews first and last... jews foremost and always... and americans second when, where and only if what they want from us is not in direct conflict to, violation of or confrontation against the torah of our G-d... for what is truly good for jews around the world wherever they currently may reside for the time being still until moshiach arrives finally... and for all the jews of the world in relation to the land of israel and to the jews there... our brothers and sisters together with us always as a family and as a religo-nation ... whatever is truly good for this entire set of people... is what is exquisitely and also truly and objectively good for the entire planet and every human being upon it this moment and for all-time to come... and this is so whether you aknowledge it or not... so of course we would be on israel's side if you attacked us there...that's like asking the foot if it would fight to save the face so far away from it... of course it would 'cause it's all part of the same whole... the same unified body...
but also it is true from your goyish vantage point as well... because attacking israel is not to your advantage or for your own welfare... for what is ultimately going to bring G-d's blessing thru us into the world for you to have it to and enjoy your lives here is clearly only going to come to you if you treat us decently... as G-d says to abraham in genesis 12:3... "whoever blesses you... I will bless... and whoever curses you... I will curse... (read: destroy)... and you will be the one source for blessing for all the nations of the world..." and thus as avraham's direct descendents we are the only channel to bring to you good and bracha, blessing from above... and you attack us anywhere at your own peril of dying or being severely walloped and indeed punished by your deeds... the natural outcome of your actions... for no blessing even what seems to be the best thing you consider true bracha... none of that comes to you from your current rulers, sages, scientists, wizards, or patriarchs... it only flows to you from G-d and if He makes it flow to you thru them then that would be fine but that's not how it really is... but if that's the only way you can perceive it then fine don't acknowledge us... go enjoy... but if your leaders use their skills and minds to try and destroy us... what flows to you from them is not torah and therefore is not truth and is sick, vile and pure evil and even in its most elegant and exquisite form is a sin and is a curse and thus is nothing but pure poison for you all in a beautifuly seductive looking wrappper... and you will surely perish from ingesting that false-blessing...
so america if you want G-d to destroy you go right ahead and allow your rulers to attack us whether themselves or thru their many, many surrogates and vile pools of resources amassed to kill us and the G-d of Heaven and earth... so by all means go right ahead and rise up and slaughter all of us here in israel and around the world and live then to rue the day you did so forever... from that moment on until G-d comes and decimates the entire earth and everyone left in it... go right ahead and follow nimrod (kush-ham)/esav (amalek) and yishmael (canaan) joined with the elite of yefet/yavan, etc.... but know that you will die trying or very soon after your "triumph"...
or rather and this is still your choice to make at some level yet... it is a path still open to us all... thank G-d... and is going to be the measuring rod for who lives and who dies when G-d comes back down to earth and annoints the melech hamashiach to rule forever... one day soon hopefully... if you wish this you can still have it with all the good it entails... a good which is and will always then be eternal... but to gain this good you can't earn it selling-out to the evil side or even out of fear refusing to fight in whatever capacity in your life you are able to fight against it and remove it from our collective midst... stand up with us and fight them off... fight the vile filth and the pure evil ones of the world... your silence cannot and will not defeat them... only your prayers and actions have the power to do so... not your thoughts alone are enough or evil would have been already eradicated from the earth long, long ago... good intentions or wishes are never enough... have never been enough and will never be sufficient to get the job done... this is what torah-true-judaism teaches us all... the real torah of machshavah, dibbur and...AND... maesah... for this is the olam of ASEAH (action)... and only decisive action can get the job done... because we are physical entities too hence though our real fight may be a spiritual one but to make it stick we must exhibit strength and victory on the physical plane of existence as well......
so happy birthday america if you understand this message i convey to you and if not... go to hell america for then we are forever done with you... nik. out...
291 General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: mekorot for kol isha... on: July 02, 2006, 08:09:16 AM
true about the leviim part because i didn't read the article far enough to see that... hey this guy's writing it... if it's true it's true... he wouldn't lie... and it is not true that i am making things up out of whole cloth as you so eloquently state... my rebbeim in ohr somayach taught me that ezra composed a sefer torah with nekudot in them and all the other variations of a letter here or there in dispute (the few places where we now have a ktav v'kree differential)... this has to be real or my rebeiim would not have taught it to us... just because i don't recall or don't know the mekor given for something i say here... (in this case i think a gemora in sofrim of the meschtot katanim...) that fact alone doe not make it an untruth... and better yet... more to the point... just because there is something in torah you haven't learned or heard of doesn't make it a lie or falsehood that i or anyone else here has so stated it... i've already commented upon what i think of your torah knowledge and learning ability...
furthermore you scholar... you must know the famous gemora where moshe rebenu wonders to Hashem that if someone like rebbi akiva is destined to be how come the torah was given to me it should have been given to him... why does moshe say this...? because he is shown a vision of rebbi akiva darshening out the tagim atop the letters in the sefer torah which taught him chiddushim in halacha... and moshe didn't understand what rebbi akiva was talking about and so thought him greater than himself... Hashem explained to moshe that he understood everything being discussed but from a different way of extracting the knowledge...
so now... if the tagim at least for rebbi akiva bore kama, kama halachot for him to draw from them... you don't think they just might also contain somehow the repository for the original trop of the torah... that is not too far of a leap to make when you allow for this gemara... and i do believe i heard one of my teachers once say just this about trop... it doesn't matter where it's source is... if it is a correct saying... i believe i heard this and i will continue to look for its source but your rebuffs do not make it axiomatically and automatically fake and fraudulent... because you do not as we all do not know the entire torah and all ancillary perush and extrapolation... sorry but you don't... nik. out...
292 General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: The IDF can't do ANYTHING right..../ they can't even fake an invasion right! on: July 02, 2006, 07:01:46 AM
good thinking this article... (not)... let them kill masses of us and then we can go right ahead and do what we should have done 60 years ago... great idea... why don't we just save them the effort... let's all pack up our bags and fold up our tents now and head back out into golut... we always had a much easier time out there anyway... i personally love the inquisition parts we went thru... i'd just dig to take part in the hamburger role in a nice new juicy auto-da-fe... i'm looking forward to those again let me tell you... got myself a spanking brand new camera for it too and some sunscreen... don't forget the sunscreen... it promises to be very very hot inside one of those infernos... wouldn't like to get a sunburn now would we... ta... nik.
293 General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Would you join a U.S. attack on Israel? on: July 02, 2006, 06:54:53 AM
right after you do yby... right after you... i will do what i see needs to be done... regardless of whether anyone else can see or not... you are all blind, stupid pathetic little creatures too afraid to stand up and fight... i'm not... so i will... see ya... nik.
294 General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Would you join a U.S. attack on Israel? on: June 30, 2006, 02:31:54 AM
why? no one knows who i am... nik.
295 General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: mekorot for kol isha... on: June 30, 2006, 02:30:44 AM
i didn't say the leviim taught them to layn... i told you that the yeminite and probably other groups as well taught their children torah with the trop... by the trop... their trop... have you never heard the sing-song way they teach in yeshiva...? i know it's different now from trop by ashkenazi... but it's with a niggun... it was always like that and probably back then it wasn't a made up nusach... it was the real trop...
and what does nikud mean... the dots? they are not a recent invention... they are halacha l'moshe misinai... how else would we ever know how to pronounce anything... we were taught nikudot along with the rest of the torah... in fact one of the contributions of the anshe knesset hagedolah was that ezra wrote out an entire sefer torah with the nekudot in it so it would be preserved in written form and no longer be left oral and be in danger of being forgotten or messed up with errors... nik. out...
296 General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: An American plot?/you better believe it... or we are all doomed.... on: June 30, 2006, 02:09:30 AM
i've been telling you guys for years already...
if there is a real war against terrorism going on why are all of the terrorists still standing? why are they all walking around above ground... outdoors killing people...?
answer is... there is no real war going on... just a sham to pretend to fight them while all along they are in the employ of the very SAME people around the world who are supposedly sworn to uproot and exterminate them... i.e. the u.s and u.k... but france is running and funding some also and so is russia even though they are up to their eyeballs with the chechnians... which is another great example... they killed not too long ago... 200 plus children.... AS IN SCHOOL KIDS... IN A SCHOOL!!! WHILE ATTENDING SCHOOL!!! and they have not been bombed out of existence and off the face of the earth yet because why? because what... maybe they'll still make peace and can be invited over for milk and cookies sometime soon...? if 200 u.s. children were murdered in cold-blood like that would we not go to war with whoever did it...? chechnya's right down the block from russia... they know where the hell the killers and terrorists live... 'cause it's the whole friggin' place... just like hamasniks... it's the whole damn lot of them... so what gives?
another agenda... one where the terrorists all live... long enough to destroy israel and perhaps russia too and then they get axed unless they have a plan to defend themselves from being knifed in the back by the powers-that-be who are all paying their paychecks and footing the bills for their food, uniforms, training and arms... etc.
so while we all sleep at night wondering whether another terror attack will come... the people elected to secure us and prevent it are the very ones out there giving the slime their marching orders and game plans...
this is all going on under our noses... but someone like me who gets up there and warns people about it... is called a lunatic... but i don't care about me... tell me... someone... anyone... tell me an alternative pshat that makes sense of all this madness and insanity and i'll shut-up and go away...
they want to terrorize us long and hard until we give-in to their one-world slavery government... nwo... etc. then we'll have peace and they'll say... "see we told you we could deliver for you..." meanwhile all along it was them causing the fear of disaster and doing all the wars and violence by proxy thru their surrogates... and all the time they themselves have been the problem with the world... they are the ones using terrorism for their own purposes... ordering it... controlling it... and claiming they're really the good guys... that in fact they are actually the only ones who know how to fight against it and defeat it... that they are protecting us from it...
and so i come to you tonite and i offer you peace in 50 seconds... one nuke over mecca... one over the vatican... one over buckingham palace ... and one over the white house and i'll guarantee you world wide peace forever.... open your eyes people... these our your enemies o'world... nik. out...
297 General Category / Revava movement Discussion / "get you're peanuts, popcorn, cracker jacks... right here... enjoy the show"... on: June 29, 2006, 10:43:01 PM
yep ol' bullwinkle olmert is a good ol' boy...
"hey rock... watch me pull a rabbit out of my hat..." and out comes a roaring lion head everytime... nik. out...
298 General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: A new IDF secret weapon against Arabs - thicker walls/and thicker brains... on: June 29, 2006, 10:11:28 PM
makes my heart skip a beat... i feel so much safer already... now i can come to israel and feel there's a chance i won't get fire-bombed... wow!!! what a bunch of courageous genius'... and they care so much for our welfare that they went out of their way and spared no expense and gave up days on the riveria just to help us little jews feel safer (and more whimpish) behind closed doors... now if they can only come up with an armored suit so people can go to school and work in the morning we'll have the whole damn thing solved!!!! and to think i've been so negative toward my jewish leadership b'aretz... shame on me... nik. out...
299 General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Would you join a U.S. attack on Israel?/ef america... on: June 29, 2006, 10:00:29 PM
because esav can only be defeated here in the u.s. where he is strongest and most arrogant and therefore off his guard... just like moshe rebenu took down paro after coming from within his very palace... besides in israel i'd get arrested in 32 seconds... what chance do i have of doing anything more than david, yisroel or lenny and the rest are already doing...? and every few minutes they are hauled in for questioning or worse...
the answer is here to work quietly and unnoticed until something arises that can start a movement... just a tiny spark that can be fanned into a flame which can then be built up into a conflagration... i'm not saying i'm not coming to israel soon... i might... i'm looking into all my options... but the fight is here before gog goes over there and wreaks havoc until Hashem takes him out... the fight is here to stop him before he becomes a monster unleashed and let loose on a rampage... if possible that is... hopefully there is still time... hopefully there is still a chance to expose him and topple him... hopefully there is something that can yet be found to bring him down... i'm working night and day to find the key to unravel his whole ball of string... nik. out...
300 General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Jewish Intifada/please G-d soon.... on: June 29, 2006, 04:22:28 PM
good points bk and even if some of them would still grow up in that climate to not hate jews... (certainly a near impossibility today)... they have to still leave the land... because as rav meir states in sefer harayon... when an enemy attacks you in eretz yisroel they are no longer allowed halachically to sue for peace or to become avadim to you... they must leave or be killed... period... and any of their numbers... in this case arabs are arabs and they are all arabs of one group so even the peaceful ones must go or be killed because they are a part of a group that has become our mortal enemy because some of them (not even most of them is the criteria) some have attacked us and made war upon us... so all are excluded...
the only exception to this rule of canaanim... which they have according to rav meir... is that a member of separate sons of canaan for example horites and emorites... if one made war on us but not the other... the one gets driven out or exterminated and the other can leave peacefully or remain our abject slaves forever... their choice... as long as the whole of them has not made war on us... now arabs are arabs period... not separate entities... so they all go or they all die... this is the din by them all... nik. out...
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